Divine Path System

Chapter 1164 Responsibilities

Chapter 1164 Responsibilities


The Havocs disappeared without a trace. It was ironic, the dreadful pirates that shook an entire duchy ended without even a whimper.

With their end, the last traces of their races had almost vanished and the race called Havocs was now extinct.

An entire race had gone extinct. It had the misfortunate of being one of the fifty races that disappear every day.

While there was little damage to humans because the 'invasion' ended before it even began, it caused some serious waves in the upper echelon of the Empire.

All the big shots gathered in the capital city to discuss countermeasures and preparations to face the future.

This includes the celestial rankers of the eight races that Varian didn't previously allow to wander.

While the human race grew stronger every day thanks to the generous Hortus resources and the time dilation, it was only barely able to produce a dozen celestials.

It'd take a while before humanity could equal the number of celestials from these races.

But unlike anywhere else, humanity had a disproportionate amount of rank 2s compared to their rank 1s.

Despite that, their combined power was still not enough to deal with all the rank 2s of the eight races.

But here came the variable.

"Q-Queen of Shadows," The new patriarch of the blood race, no, it should be the new 'governor', bowed his head in reverence.

Alongside him, the leaders of mermaid, blinker, nymph, elf, solarian, crystal, and berseker races all bowed deeply.

Until now, they had submitted to Varian's overwhelming strength and his position as the ruler of the Deva civilization.

But now, they also surrendered to the woman looking down at them quietly.

They didn't know how strong she was, but the last time they saw Varian, his presence was not so pressuring.

Now, just her mere presence caused all these rank 2 celestial rankers to shudder in fear.

Some of them were veteran rank 2s, like the Elf governor while the others were new rank 2s, just promoted thanks to the generous support.

But all of them felt a sense of dread because of the Queen's presence and forgot to even initiate the meeting.

Alison, the Imperial Secretary, sighed inwardly. 'These cowards, you get so much fame as rank 2s and brag about your powers. Why don't you at least open your mouth?'

She quietly sneaked a peek at the throne platform.

Up the softly glowing stairs was the magnificent throne of the emperor. It was as dazzling and powerful as ever.

Alison only knew that some of these materials were provided by Heaven's Will itself but couldn't figure out why a simple throne itself exuded such a heavy pressure in the throne hall.

ραΠdαsΝοvεl ƈοm Everyone who entered the hall would feel an invisible pressure dropping onto their shoulders and a sensation of fear and respect would naturally rise in their hearts.

Now, besides this throne were two contrasting thrones.

One white, softly glowing throne made of a rare snow material that wouldn't melt even at the core of the sun.

The other one was a pitch-black throne with spikes protruding out of its edges. The black stone used to carve the throne was said to be the heart of a dragon-like species.

In a long black silk dress and a red belt, Enigma quietly settled in the throne. Her smooth chin rested on her palm and her gaze was unfocused.

It's just that the dark fumes and the chilling aura from her body enveloped her entire throne, creating a black fog that prevented anyone from seeing her.

Sia tried to control the rioting darkness power and fainted after too much exertion. So, Enigma took up the mantle and decided to fulfill the duties as the Queen of Shadows.

No one spoke up first. So, she too didn't bother to initiate and just looked at the large entrance absentmindedly.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

It was as if she was expecting someone to enter…with his usual confident steps and the almost cocky smile that had a contagious charm to sit beside her, to take his rightful throne.

If he came, if only he came, then Enigma was certain this problem wouldn't be a problem anymore.

She felt a bit stupid for thinking so. That woman was so strong that even a duchy was damaged by the aftermath of her attack, what could Varian do?

But she hopelessly found herself believing him. It was madness.

'They say irrationality is part of love. But I am treading into the realm of stupidity here.' Enigma mocked herself.

"They belong to the same race that the Emperor imprisoned a while ago," Irene said with an apparent frown. "If not for the unexpected help from the Queen, it'd have been impossible to win. That said, what if a stronger foe comes? We can't be passive and ignorant about the wider world anymore."

"We were hiding so far. But since we're exposed anyway, I suggest we send diplomats first to understand the situation. In the worst case, they can buy some time." The Nymph Lady said calmly, her fist on her heart. "My race will show its skill and bring back good results. We are masters of diplomacy."

The men and women in the court nodded almost imperceptibly. Whatever race they were from, the Nymphs had some dealings with them. In a sense, they were the most socially active and also the most friendly group.

With their natural charm skills and finesse, they'd be best the diplomats.

"Diplomacy is for equals," Bali shook his head. "There are no policies for weak states, only orders."

"That'd be a bit too pessimistic, Sir Bali." The beautiful Nymph shook her head. "There are hierarchies everywhere, sure. But how you maneuver these structures to bring yourselves the best benefit is up to you.

If you think you can't talk to another party unless you have equal strength, then what about the existing powers out there? They're managing things somehow, so should we."

"You may be right," Bali sighed. "But we're not an ordinary power, we have secrets that would bring destruction. The Emperor said it himself, the ruins are no joke even for beings powerful celestials. Once we initiate a relationship with the outside, we'll be exposed."

"The ruins can be hidden," It was the Governor of the Blood Race that spoke, his gaze sweeping his fellow non-human races. "But the extent of stealth varies. A strong enough person can still find them."

"The extent, you speak of, Representative of Blood Race," The lazy crystal race woman didn't even open her eyes and said as if she was talking in her sleep. "Is pathetic. A rank 2 can easily find the ruins with some probing. Unless the Emperor who has direct power over the ruins does it, I don't think anyone else doing anything can make a difference."

After saying those words, a thin crystal armor enveloped the woman, and the light snore coming from her was muted.

Alison rubbed her forehead.

Varian did mention this. But he also said that if he did 'hide' the ruins, he had to stay there to keep them hidden. It's a self-inflicted prison sentence. Even then, he wasn't even sure of hiding the ruins from a rank 4 or 5.

Unlike them, he had to take the entire situation into consideration.

When Solar System does get discovered, there would be only two problems.

One, How did they remain unnoticed for so long?

Two, What are the ruins?

Unless Varian grew strong enough to throw all the ruins into Hortus, any strong celestial rankers would easily find the ruins.

This created the current situation where they were left mostly helpless.

Enigma pursed her lips and was about to speak when a ball of light entered the throne hall and hovered over the other Queen's throne before turning into a graceful woman in white.

"I'll hide the ruins. As the scion, I have more control over them than you lot. So, hiding it from rank 3s and perhaps 4s shouldn't be a problem." Sarah's words eased a lot of tension, but she herself turned to Enigma with a tense gaze.

"We'll be fine." Enigma's voice rang in her mind. "Her power is trying to riot and it's honestly hard to hold her back, but I think me and Sia can manage."

Sarah clenched her fist and didn't change her calm expression. But Enigma could clearly see the turbulence in her sky-blue eyes. "It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself every time."

"…I'll accept the legacy in advance. I don't know if it can solve the problem, but it'll increase the odds." Sarah's voice was low but determined. "Enigma, don't sacrifice yourself under any circumstances. You still have a promise to keep."

Enigma's breath halted for a moment and when she opened her mouth to refute, Sarah's body turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

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