Divine Path System

Chapter 570 Lake Of Illusion [9]

Chapter 570 Lake Of Illusion [9]: The Fight At The Center

Sometimes, a partially explored region would give out great treasures. But every time it would, it'd only be after a fierce competition.

Such competition was a perfect opportunity to fight geniuses across the solar system.

The winner's fame would spread to every corner of the federation.

Many great geniuses in the past built their fame here.

One such genius was Julius Xander. In the not-so-distant past, he entered the ruins as a level 9.

He found one of the many 'passes' to the special location in the partially explored region and fought everyone for the treasure.

He took home the 'Guardian Palace', a treasure only weaker than artifacts.

But it wasn't always a level 9. Sometimes, it was a level 7, the other times, it was a level 8.

These special regions typically had 'restrictions' that limited one's level and leveled the playing field.

Of course, sometimes, it was a test of plain strength.

But this time, there was news that the 'location' they could access through the 'key' would have restrictions.

That meant, even if they weren't a level 9, they could still fight and have a shot at winning the treasures.

That's why the princes and princesses were so desperate to get the key.

"I'll say this once again, Artin. This isn't for you. Back off." A prince in a white dress with a golden design said with a chilling gaze. The air around him burnt as lightning snakes coiled around the prince.

"Heh. Make me." Princess Artin in front of him smirked and clenched her fist. The wind burst and a shockwave exploded with her as the center.

"You two can fuck off." A third voice sounded as a thin man spoke from the distance.

He looked like a normal human without any peculiarity, but his eyes had vertical pupils similar to a snake.

"What are we waiting for?" A woman in a grey dress stepped forward, and with each step she took, the space around her shook like jelly.

The four looked at the center and saw a silvery light. A key floated in that light.

The reason they all were here.

The ticket to fame and power.

The one thing they were willing to point swords at their friends for.

The first prince raised his hand and everyone tensed. They channeled their aura and were ready to fight when—

"Did we take care of our surroundings?" The prince talked, instead of attacking.

"Huh? What surroundings?" Princess Artin titled her head.

"You mean them?" She pointed to the area behind them.

Since their vision was still restricted to only a hundred meters, they couldn't see beyond that range.

But they were sure that there were other peak level 7s lurking. They were waiting for them to fight it out and steal their spoil.

The thin prince and princess in grey looked at each other.

"How do we talk to them though? We are restricted to this measly hundred meters." The Princess in grey asked, a bit embarrassed.

She just returned from a dangerous mission when she heard this news. She hopped in without much preparation. The thin man also looked at Prince Mar with an embarrassed expression.

The prince sighed and held up a blueish box. "This is a treasure from the ruins. My father got it a few years ago."

The three looked at him in confusion, but the prince simply tapped the box and spoke in a different voice filled with anxiety.

"One of those four has a teleportation talisman! Once that person can touch the key, they'll teleport away! Everyone, let's hurry and stop it! We can't afford to wait!"

When he finished those words, the box shone brightly before fading into dust.

"…" josei

The prince coughed lightly and spoke in his original voice. "Now we wait."

"Will that even work?" The princess in grey asked with a skeptical expression. "It's too suspicious. It might as well be a trap. Anyone can think of it."

"Of course." Princess Artin nodded, but raised her index finger and said. "But as long as there's a possibility that it is true, they can't afford to gamble. They must com—"


"Who has the teleportation talisman?" A loud shout cut her off.

A prince with long black hair and a shiny red spear entered their 100-meter range.

His level, like them, was at the peak of level 7.

"Kane, Teleportation Talisman! You are playing dirty!" A redhead appeared and growled at the black-haired prince.

"Huh? But I just—" Kane, the black-haired prince was about to refute when another voice came.

"Rina! So, you are the one with the talisman, huh?" A man with a large build appeared and glared at the woman with red hair.

The redhead was dumbfounded and spoke. "Listen Haris, I—"

"So, it's you! Haris, you son of a bitch! Can't expect better from you Venus guys." A woman with short silver hair rolled her sleeves and snorted in contempt.

The original four looked at the situation and their eyes shone with delight.

Kane, Rina, and Haris looked at their eyes and then looked at each other.

A single thought appeared in their mind.

'Fuck! We fell into their trap!'

"Let's first eliminate the teleportation guy!"

"Who among you has the teleportation talisman?"

"Do you think this is a joke?"

"Don't cheat!"

One by one, more princes and princesses entered the region.

As more entered, the ones present realized the trap. But having realized it, they couldn't do anything.

If they back off now, they'd be treated as the one with the talisman and hunted down.

If they inform people that this was a trap, then they'd risk being sneak attacked by those in hiding.

So, everyone stayed silent and played dumb while more and more princes and princesses gathered.

The ones outside this range also noticed that their fellow peak level 7s were missing.

So, they were also convinced of the truth.

Thus, they too entered the center.

Finally, twelve peak level 7s were gathered.

The twelfth one didn't realize that he was tricked.

"Who among you has the teleportation talisman?" He asked loudly. 'Motherfuckers, because of you, I had to drop my grand plan to sneak attack!'

"You shameless person! Using a talisman in this sacred fight? Show some honor!" He said with a righteous expression. 'If only I could follow my plan and attack them after they were all injured! Fate is a bitch!'

"Come out! Who is it!" The prince crossed his arms and said.

Everyone was silent.

The prince assumed that they all feared him for some reason and continued his speech.

Five minutes passed by and Prince Mar finally spoke. "That's all."

"Are you sure?" Princess Artin asked.

"Yeah. It's already been thirty minutes since the announcement." He nodded strongly.

"Well, then…" Princess Artin raised her slender arms.

Boom! Boom!

As she clenched her fists, the sheer force blasted the air and sent shockwaves throughout.

The twelve princes and princesses on the field were alert and activated their powers.

They looked at each other and held their breath.

"Pick your opponent and fight!" Prince Mar said and lightning burst out of his body.

"Wait, wait! We need to find who has the teleportation tali—Mffff!" The twelfth prince was punched in the face.

The battle began!

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