Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

Chapter 398 398

Chapter 398 398

'Hah, of course! They don't know that she is my daughter, a CEO of a showbiz company!' Vernon said in his heart, not realizing that he claimed Mackie as his daughter, not niece.

He kept his eyes on Mackie on the screen, not wanting to miss a second of his (supposedly) daughter's performance.

The performance took thirty minutes to finish. Once it was done, everyone applauded the performance and most praised Mackie for playing her role nicely.

'So cute! She is so good!'

'That little wolf makes the show ten times more entertaining.'

'Who's the name of that little wolf?'

'The howl is so cute, I bet her parents are proud of her.'

Chloe smiled when she listened to the other parents praising Mackie for a good performance. She was also proud of Mackie because there was no nervousness in her. She played her role well, even howling a few times to make it more believable, even though Mr. Peterson didn't give her any instruction for that.

'Ah, Vernon will be happy once the school uploaded the video on youtube,' Chloe thought. 'We can watch it in the living room too.'

Chloe was so engrossed with the show that she forgot that Vernon was also watching with a video call.

She checked her phone screen and was surprised when she saw the supposedly cold, intimidating CEO look so excited.

He didn't even remember that he was still half naked, only wearing a short boxer, and he jumped on the bed many times until it started creaking. As if he was in a euphoric state where he was ten times more excited than the rest of the audience here.

He clapped the hardest and yelled, "THAT'S MY GIRL, MY DAUGHTER! SHE'S SO GOOD! GODDAMN, I LOVE HER SO MUCH!"

Chloe gasped when she heard his loud yelling on the phone. Because Vernon claimed Mackie as his 'daughter' instead of 'niece.'

Although, he didn't seem to realize it as he was still celebrating. But it still came as a shock for Chloe when Vernon claimed Mackie as his daughter.

​ 'How could he easily say that he is Mackie's father? While her own father is...' Chloe remembered when Mackie was born, he looked dissatisfied when he got the news that he had a daughter, not a son.

He didn't even want to carry his daughter until baby Mackie showed signs of intelligence because she learned how to read and count so quickly when she was a toddler.

Chloe's body trembled, and she quickly wiped the tears that suddenly glazed in her eyes.josei

After hearing Vernon's claim, she didn't know what to say or think.

But one thing was for sure, she was... happy when Vernon claimed Mackie as his daughter.

'Even though it's just a moment of euphoria. I'm still happy that someone can love Mackie more than her biological father....'

It took Vernon a while until his euphoria diminished. He returned to the phone and stared at Chloe, "Damn, Mackie is so good! I really can't wait to celebrate with her later!"

Vernon had a wide, proud smile pasted on his mouth, like a father who was proud of his daughter.

But then, he realized that Chloe's eyes were glazed with tears and he got concerned instantly, "What's wrong? Why are you crying? Did something happen?"

"Ah, it's fine, I--" Chloe wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and smiled back at Vernon. "I'm just happy that Mackie could have fun on the stage."

"Oh! Hahah! I know, right?" Vernon said. "If she wants to be an actress, I could always orbit her. But I won't recommend her to be a child actress, it'll be too tiring and might even traumatize her."

"Ahaha... It's fine. She said that she wants to be a policewoman," Chloe chuckled in response. She stared at Vernon at the screen with a soft gaze, "Thank you, Vernon."

"W--What? What for?" Vernon asked.

When Chloe stared at him with her gentle gaze. It would make him feel hot and nervous, which was not good for his heart.

"For watching Mackie's performance and cheering on her, and also for preparing for the celebration," Chloe replied.

It might be a bare minimum for the regular family to have the father watching his daughter's performance and cheering.

But Mackie didn't have a normal family, and Vernon was not her real father.

So it was still a commendable act.

"Uh... uhm, it's fine. I did it because I promised her," Vernon said. "A--Anyway, how's the area around you? All clear?"

"What do you mean with all clear?" Chloe asked back.

"I mean, do you find anything weird while you're there?" Vernon inquired seriously this time, wanting to ensure Chloe and Mackie were safe.

"Um, yeah, we were so busy backstage before I joined the other parents to watch the performance. I don't see anything wrong so far," Chloe reported.

"That's good," Vernon nodded with certainty. He was relieved that it wasn't too late for him to guard them. "I've dispatched two bodyguards. They will be patrolling around the school to ensure there was no trace of my Big brother around."

"But when there is, you need to leave with Mackie as soon as possible, understand?" Vernon warned.

"Yes, I understand, Vernon," Chloe smiled helplessly. Vernon was nervous about this, even though she was convinced that Vincent wouldn't come.

First, she didn't inform Vincent about the school's autumn festival.

Second, Vincent was always busy with either work or women.

Third, he never attended parent gatherings in the school, let alone watched his daughter play.

So there was nothing to worry about.

Besides, there hadn't been any movement from Vincent after her meeting with that old secretary, Maria.

So Chloe thought that Vincent was just too busy fucking a new secretary to care about his soon-to-be ex-wife and daughter.

'But I understand his concerns. He's just trying to keep us safe, and I... I have to appreciate him for that.'

"Don't worry, I'll call you once I spot something off," Chloe said. "Also, shouldn't you be in the office today? Diamond told me before that you have a meeting in... an hour."

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