Doctor Clairvoyant

Chapter 19 - Medical Skills Competition

Chapter 19 - Medical Skills Competition

Chapter 19: Medical Skills Competition
Translator: Wu Xinyu
Proofread by May Zou

When the applause died down, Luo Tianwen spontaneously stood up. He cleared his throat and said to the four WM doctors aside, “Gentlemen, listen to me. What this young man said is what I always want to say. Please do not be prejudiced when making banners next time!”

“Hmm, this…it might be the banner makers, er…, they cut corners.”

“Yeah, I remember that I have ordered them to add ‘Chinese medicine’ to it. Maybe they forgot it.”

“Next time, Senior Luo, you can depend on it, next time we’ll definitely add it.”

The four WM doctors said so, feeling awkward. How they wish they could find a crack in the ground to hide themselves.

Luo Tianwen nodded and said, “In fact, we all know clearly that there is an obvious imbalance in the number of practitioners and resources between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. To find the cause of the situation, it is not that WM is much better than TCM, but that the current Chinese medical skills in use today are only some little drops in the ocean of ancient Chinese medical skills, lingering on in a worsening condition without development. Previously, I felt very disappointed each time when I attended the conference, but I’m gratified by the attendance of this young man. At least, TCM will have successors.”

“Mr. Luo, you praised me too much. I’m afraid I don’t deserve it.” Lin Qi shook his head.

“You deserve it. Now that you are eligible to attend the conference, you must have a certain medical background. I wonder if you have obtained a certificate of TCM?”

Again, Lin Qi shook his head, “I am still a university student. I haven’t got a certificate yet.”

“Well, the second round of the conference is about to start. There are more than a dozen patients from all over the country who came here for consultation. You may take my test by joining in the consultation as a doctor. If you can make correct diagnoses and cure them, I will issue a certificate of TCM for you myself; what do you think of my suggestion?”

Once Luo Tianwen said this, everyone looked amazed.

You must know that Luo Tianwen was highly accomplished in medical skills and it was the art of court medicine that he had inherited. It was clear that he thought highly of this young man and had a great deal of confidence in him, therefore, he was willing to make such a promise.

What’s more, traditional Chinese medicine laid particular stress on the inheritance from master to apprentice. What he said showed a great willingness to accept Lin Qi as his apprentice.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Luo. So I’ll show myself by having a try.” Lin Qi bowed slightly with the left fist clenching in the right palm.

Luo Tianwen smiled and turned to the four well-known WM doctors aside, saying, “Next, let’s directly move to the second round of the conference, on-site diagnosis; How do you think about it?”

Although the four had different opinions, they were embarrassed to speak out, so they could only nod in agreement right now.

The medical conference was divided into two parts. The first round was the speech, and the second was the on-site diagnosis.

You must show what you were really made of. This on-site diagnosis was a more direct test of the medical skill of the participants.

At one side of the conference venue, there were many patients from all over the country, most of whom suffered from strange diseases, even incurable diseases, or couldn’t afford to see a doctor, or couldn’t find a doctor for medical treatment in other places. That was why they came to the medical conference to have a try.

The staff arranged them to wait in a queue, and a tables and chair for Lin Qi to sit on.

Just at this moment, the door of the hall was opened heavily, and a disgruntled voice came in, “Lin Qi, dare you accept my challenge?!”

Lin Qi turned around and saw Jiang Feng arriving and rushing towards him in burning anger.

“Jiang Feng, what are you kicking up a fuss for? Come down quickly.” Jiang Ruoqing saw her brother and scolded him hastily.

But Jiang Feng turned a deaf ear to her. He strode up to Lin Qi, and said with his red eyes, “Be a man and accept my challenge. If you lose, I want you to admit that you are not good at medicine before the people in the hall and kneel down to apologize to me!”

“Jiang Feng!” Jiang Ruoqing screamed, hoping he would do something better than make a scene here.

Seeing his sister’s face fall, Jiang Feng softened his voice and said, “Sis, I just don’t want you to be fooled by someone. He is just a student, how can he be capable of standing here? I’ll unmask him in a minute.”

Jiang Ruoqing really wanted to kick her younger brother off the platform. At this critical moment for Lin Qi to show his talent, he was deliberately getting in on this stuff. Angrily she said, “If you still admit that I’m your elder sister, then just behave…”

But before Jiang Ruoqing finished her words, a chief WM doctor on the platform interrupted her with a smile, “Directress Jiang, let young people handle their own affairs in their own ways. Besides, Jiang Feng majors in western medicine and has outstanding ability. I also heard that he was the first great talent of Jinhai University. If this young man accept his challenge, and this could be considered as comparing notes between the Chinese and western medicine. If Jiang Feng loses, the four of us will apologize to Lin Qi on his behalf.”

As soon as he said this, people around started a hubbub with expectation, shouting one after another, asking for a challenge competition between Chinese and western medicine.

One was Lin Qi who had just cut a fine figure, and the other was the great talent of Jinhai University. It would be much more interesting to watch the rivalry between the two than to see a doctor treating a patient.

And things were going in unexpected directions far beyond Jiang Ruoqing’s control. In the end, she could only cover her forehead with a sigh and cast an apologetic look to Lin Qi.

“How would you like to compete?” Lin Qi was a bit exasperated because Jiang Feng had challenged him again and again. Did Jiang Feng really treat him as a persimmon that was too soft for him to pinch at will?

Jiang Feng was a little astounded; he hadn’t expected that Lin Qi could actually agree. He brightened up immediately and said, “Very well, since it is a competition of medical skills, then let’s treat these patients and diagnose their diseases, respectively telling their conditions and therapeutic schedules. The one who has made a more accurate diagnosis will be the winner.”

“Okay.” Lin Qi nodded calmly.

“Well, let’s have the first patient.” Jiang Feng said, taking out his medicine cabinet and putting it on the table. Inside was a dazzling array of diagnostic instruments, many of which were imported from abroad, looking rather luxurious.

Seeing this unexpected challenger, the four WM doctors on the stage were most pleased. They would naturally support Jiang Feng now that he was the one who would vent their spite upon Lin Qi.

Soon, the staff brought the first patient up.josei

The patient was pale, walking with limp steps, putting his hand over the side of his waist, and struggling to reach them.

“Me first, or after you?” Jiang Feng said defiantly.

“You’ve got everything out. You go first. It doesn’t matter to me.” Lin Qi stood aside, clutching his chest.

“I suppose you’ve cringed.”

Jiang Feng snorted, came to the patient, and said softly, “Please look up and open your mouth, I’m starting the examination.”

The patient did as he had been told. Jiang Feng in turn examined his mouth, nose, eyes, ears, throat, hands and feet. He took about a quarter of an hour in total and almost gave a general check on the patient and pressed his waist side a few times in the end.

After a busy time, Jiang Feng’s eyes roved around the present audience, then he gave a confident smile and spoke loudly, “There’s a lump in your left kidney, which often causes the pain and you have urinary stoppage. According to my diagnosis, you suffer from kidney stones, and it is rather serious!”

The patient nodded repeatedly at once, “Yes, you’re right. I have kidney stones. But unfortunately I never took it seriously until the pain is killing me now.”

“This is nothing serious. You will be fine as long as you go to the hospital to have a minimal invasive nephrolithotomy.” Jiang Feng smiled.

At this time, Luo Tianwen and the other four WM doctors all nodded, then their eyes fell on Lin Qi. But few people saw the patient’s face fell slightly when he heard that he had to have an operation and finally he let out a deep sigh.

Jiang Feng turned his eyes towards Lin Qi, sneering coldly, “What about you, Lin Qi? I’ve finished my examination and diagnosis. Why don’t you come up?”

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