Doggone Academy

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: Gathering (5)

Weekly Chapter (4/6)

This fight became the most important event of this gathering.

The older nobles exchanged gold coins with each other.

They bet on who would win. Felix was used to these fights with wooden swords, so many predicted his victory.

Some young women looked intently at the skin that was revealed when Damien unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt.

Joyce, who stood in the crowd, watched with his arms folded. He also wondered what Damien would do when the fight started.

In fact, only rumors had spread, but not a single person in the crowd had seen Damien swing the sword with his own eyes.

Joyce had high hopes for Damien.

Although he thought Damien was at a disadvantage.

Felix was unaware of the differences in a fight with wooden swords.

An attack to a vital point with a wooden sword would not be fatal.

The nobles knew nothing about it, they only cared about who would win.

Therefore, he had to show an overwhelming performance.

Damien gripped the wooden sword with one hand.

It seemed that he did not intend to counterattack with force.

The presenter, who was standing between the two with open arms, said,


The spectators looked on nervously.

Felix stared at Damien’s face for a few seconds.

He stood quietly waiting for Felix to attack.

Finally, Felix rushed at Damien like a raging bull.

Damien leaned to one side.

Felix’s sword cut through the air.

The spectators exclaimed in amazement. Posted only on

Felix turned and attacked again.

Damien narrowly dodged the sword, then kicked Felix.

He lost his balance and his strong body leaned forward. Felix struggled to run with his upper body at a right angle and then fell.


The spectators laughed.

Felix’s face reddened.

The moment he half rose to counterattack, he felt the cold sensation of the wooden sword on his neck. He looked back.

Felix froze.

Damien pointed his sword at him.

Attacks to the body could be ignored, but an attack to the neck was deadly.

Felix’s defeat was irrefutable.

He gritted his teeth.

“Damien wins!”


The spectators cheered.

Damien turned away with an indifferent expression.

Joyce admired him in his mind. Damien understood Felix’s moves, and he implemented a victorious plan.josei

Felix walked toward the starting point of the fight.

He was so angry that he slyly provoked Damien.

“Are you afraid to exchange attacks? You’re a coward who uses tricks.”

Damien seemed unperturbed.

The presenter, who had confirmed that they were ready, raised his arm to signal the start of the second round.

Felix was a little more cautious this time. He didn’t want the same thing to happen to him.

He moved his sword like he was about to stab.

But Damien didn’t move at his trick.

Felix, who couldn’t stand his anxiety, lunged at him again.

Damien ducked.

Felix’s wooden sword grazed Damien’s shoulder narrowly.

Damien did not retreat, but moved forward.

The men’s bodies came together.

The fighting stopped.


Felix felt something cold on his neck.

He blinked for a moment because he didn’t understand what had happened.

Damien’s sword touched his neck.

It was as if the fight was over before anything happened.

The spectators didn’t cheer because the victory was so sudden.

Joyce doubted his own eyes.

Felix was not rough to be subdued so easily.

It was as if an adult had beaten a child.

“Felix has lost!”

Only then did the spectators applaud. They looked astonished.

Felix had not yet realized the difference between their abilities.

He just thought he was caught up in Damien’s plan.

He provoked Damien again.

“Don’t you have the guts to fight me face to face? Do you still drink mage’s milk?”

Felix was so angry that he didn’t think the spectators would hear his words.

People’s expressions turned grim when they heard his provocation.

It was a clear offense against Sylverine and Damien.

This was clearly contrary to honor-based chivalry.

When Joyce tried to intervene, a high rank knight stopped him. The knight indicated that he could scold him after the fight.

Damien did not respond.


But the provocation worked.

Damien’s eyes showed his desire to kill as he moved to his starting point for the next combat.

Felix smirks at him.

Now he would surely react to the provocation.

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