Doggone Academy

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: Visitors (4)

Weekly Chapter (5/6)

A shadow fell over everything, as if the sunlight had been blocked out.

The world became completely dark as night.

“What is this…?”

He wondered if Sylverine did this.

The flames, which surged around the carriages, spread into the sky. They became curtains of fire that protected the carriages.


The fire was so fierce that it could turn anything that came near it into charcoal.

In addition, huge fireballs descended from the sky to the ground.

Boom! Boom!

These strongly impacted the ground.

The screams began to resound.

“This fire can’t be put out!”


“My, my body!”

“Retreat, retreat!”

The quiet forest quickly turned into an inferno.


The town was filled with smoke.

The mages who had surrounded her were now dead.

Some were turned to charcoal as they knelt.

Sylverine dragged the person who looked like the leader by her hair.

She leaned her against a brick wall and removed her mask.

It was a woman in her 30s with silver hair.

She had some expression lines on her face.

She was presumably the person from Damien’s dream.

Sylverine coldly said,

“How does it feel to face a real King?”

The woman bit her lower lip.

She was horrified.


“It looks like you don’t plan to talk.” Posted only on

“Are you going to torture me?”


“You won’t be able to find any evidence.”

It was meticulously prepared. Sylverine herself had confirmed that the mages led by the woman were hired mercenaries.

The only person who was directly involved was this woman, who most likely underwent a tough training not to disclose information.

Sylverine had sensed from the beginning that an interrogation would not be easy.

“I didn’t use such old methods.”

Sylverine pulled from her pocket a ring with a green gem.

Eye of Nielgra. It was an artifact of the highest rank that could unearth the truth from deep within if it overpowered the subject’s mind.

She had considered using this artifact on Damien the previous day.

It was like a consumable that could not be used indefinitely, but she was willing to use it to uncover the truth about Damien.


When the woman realized the identity of the artifact and tried to bite her tongue, Sylverine activated it immediately.

The ring emitted a green glow.

The woman’s eyes rolled back in her head.

But the woman’s reaction was strange.

Her body trembled as if rejecting the artifact.

Sylverine assumed that she belonged to a family of mages.

Only mages’ families would plant a device in their blood relatives so that they would reject this type of mind manipulation magic.

Under these circumstances, it would be difficult for her to get the information she wanted. If she didn’t end the interrogation quickly, the rejection reaction would kill the woman.

Sylverine immediately got to the point.

“Were you hired for this job?”


“What’s your name?”

“Eldris. P#%#.”

She did not clearly state her last name. Sylverine immediately changed the question.

“Who do you serve?”

“The…the Mage King.”

“I knew it.”

As she had expected, she could not answer direct questions about her family.

“Why did you want to kill Damien?”

“Danger, proximity, contact, lie.”

“What’s a lie?”

“…Master, control, drama.”

She couldn’t understand. Did she refer to the Master Class? Was it hard to control Damien?

“What is your relationship to Damien?”

“Scene, danger, element.”

Damien was a danger to them?josei

Would they not be able to control him if he entered the Master Class?

Or was there another meaning?

Sylverine was thoughtful.

“Do you have any relatives in Eternia?”

“Ugh, ugh, ugh.”

The rejection reaction intensified. Even her mouth began to foam.

A question popped into Sylverine’s mind.

She belonged to a family of mages, who could make mana transfers.

This was related to Damien’s abnormal mana regeneration.

A family of mages was looking for Damien.

And probably someone in Eternia.

The puzzle slowly completed itself in her head.

Finally, she was able to intuit the background.

Her heart sank.

She asked one last question.

“What is Damien’s relationship with that person at the Academy?”

There was an intense reaction of rejection that caused the woman’s head to explode.

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