Doggone Academy

Chapter 88 The Shadow (11)

Chapter 88 The Shadow (11)

Deputy club president Jenia frowned at the sight of the smoke.

“Using elemental fire magic in such a place… it could’ve spread to everything…”

Lilith quietly stood up again, brushing the dust and dirt off her clothes, ready to fight once more.

In contrast to the timid and passive impression she had left in my memory, she was now calm and resolute.

She must have been focusing on her training while out of sight.

“Hey, freshman, do you know her?”

“No, I don’t.”

Jenia spoke as if to say there was no cause for alarm.

“A training exercise? Then… we don’t need to interfere. Once she’s tired and lies down, they’ll stop attacking on their own.”

It’s the nature of Plantaras not to bother someone who is incapacitated. Although she looked a bit worn out, there really was no need for us to get involved in someone else’s training.

Yet, something felt off…

There had definitely been a scream, but it did not come from Lilith’s direction.

As I thought this, a rending scream came from the side.

“Hey! Not there!”

We all turned our heads simultaneously.

In the direction where the scream came from, there was another group of Plantaras clustered together. They were carrying someone on their shoulders, heading into the forest. It was reminiscent of how incapacitated students were transported back to Eternia during the entrance exam.

The distance made it difficult to see faces, but judging from the golden hair and voice, it seemed certain that it was Haley, the art club president.

A desperate cry echoed again.

“Eek! Freshman! Over here, over here!”

Jenia covered her mouth with her hand, chuckling, and said,

“It seems the president’s final test is left. Go play with her. I’ll take care of this magic department girl.”

Imagining the art club president, who entrusted me with the sword and was now desperately caught up in her role, almost made me laugh.

“I’ll be back soon.”

Suppressing a chuckle with a cough, I quickly drew the sword and sprinted toward where Haley was.


I chased after them fervently, but I couldn’t catch up right away.

The Plantaras had carried Haley into the forest before I could reach them.

The initiation hadn’t ended yet; I couldn’t afford to handle this haphazardly.

Luckily, the Plantaras had left distinct footprints on the dirt ground because of their weight.

Following the footprints into the forest, I soon heard Haley’s voice.

“Freshman! Over here!”

Chasing the sound led me to the group of Plantaras carrying Haley.

Somehow, their number had increased to fifteen since I first saw them, and close up, they were slightly bigger than those we’d encountered on the way to the flower hill.

I charged into the midst of them, and Haley urgently cried out.

“Freshman! Stop! These are for intermediates!”

As I drew near, a Plantara at the rear instinctively swung its arm, generating a whirring sound, and a nearby tree shattered with the impact.

The other creatures in the group, sensing my presence, turned around and assumed a hostile stance.

The final test from the president seemed to have increased in difficulty.

Five Plantaras from the rear closed in on me at once. I immediately backed away and moved erratically beside the trees, intending to draw them one by one for dispatching.

“Eek! Freshman! Don’t come. You’ll get hurt!”

I swung my sword at the shin of the first Plantara that charged at me. It took two slices to cleanly sever it. As it lost balance and toppled, I took the opportunity to cut off an arm. Like this, I dispatched the five Plantaras that I had lured.

Approaching the group again, all but the one carrying Haley rushed at me.

“Freshman! You’ll get hurt if you’re surrounded! Hand me the sword!”

After evading a couple of Plantara attacks, I found myself completely encircled.

Going on the offensive was difficult. The sword itself was excellent, but it felt awkward in my hand.

I had no issues with the arms. However, the legs were thick, and when I tried to slice them off in one go, the blade would often get stuck halfway through.

I dodged attacks coming from every direction. Fragments of broken tree roots and gravel flew around noisily.

As I moved swiftly, any opening would be exploited to shave off ankles across two or three attempts. One creature lost an ankle and tilted, tangling with another beside it.

I had let habit take over without realizing it in the urgent situation. Some of them I handled as usual, wedging the sword into the joints and snapping off just the connection points.

Six remained. As their numbers dwindled, the pace at which I dealt with the Plantaras accelerated.

Haley cried out again.

“Hey! Throw me the sword!”

After completing the clear-out, I tossed the sword towards the last Plantara holding her.

The sword surged through, cutting off the ankles of the final one, and embedded itself into a tree trunk.

I rushed over and caught Haley as the Plantara tumbled.

It was done.

Only then could I be certain. I had passed.

Haley had been shouting so much that she was coughing while still in my arms.

I set Haley down on the ground and asked,

“Are you alright?”

“…What are you?”

“Have I passed the test?”

She replied with an uncertain voice,

“Did you know?”

“Deputy club president Jenia told me.”

She looked at me wide-eyed and gazed quietly at the remains of the Plantaras. Her expression showed disbelief at what had happened. Then, as if suddenly realizing something, she grasped my arms.

“But are you hurt? Who can catch all of them at once? I wouldn’t do it so recklessly.”

A surge of doubt flooded me. Had I interpreted the test correctly?

“Did I misinterpret the test?”

She nodded affirmatively.

“Yeah. You would’ve passed just by showing the courage to hand over the sword. Catching the Plantaras is my role.”


“It’s amazing. You look like you would have been raised like a young master. Are you really a first-year?”


On the way out of the forest, I had a long conversation with Haley.

“I haven’t done something like this in a while. Instead of fighting, everyone’s been too scared and busy running away.”

Suddenly she brightened up, smacking my forearm several times enthusiastically as she continued,

“Thanks to you, I really had fun for the first time in ages. You were kind of cool. Passed! Passed!”

My overzealous participation in the test had gotten Haley excited. Now the mood was one of full acceptance as a club member.

“I feel like I’ve gained a mighty army. I’ll worry less about the school competition now. You, don’t go anywhere else, got it?”

“I have no other aspirations besides drawing.”

“Charming, so charming. You’re from Weisel, right? I’ll give you a tour of the Empire during the break.”

“I’ll consider it if the opportunity arises.”

I tentatively asked about Pavela, who had helped me find Liria before, and Haley burst into laughter.

“Oh, her? Pavela had a hard time because some guy who joined the art club on her recommendation suddenly confessed his love. There were even two of them. Once, can you believe it? While we were all painting, this guy suddenly stands up beside her, unrolls a scroll, and starts reciting a love ballad he’d written. Can you imagine?”


“It’s no wonder the girls are traumatized. I would have been wary too. You have to understand, given how sensitive she is.”


Emerging back into the flower garden, we came across Lilith, who was sitting atop the remnants of Plantaras, taking a break.

“Oh dear, she must have had a bit of trouble with the Plantaras I lured.”

So the numerous Plantaras had been personally lured by Haley. I had thought there was some sort of senior-only pheromone at play.

Lilith, whom I assumed was training, must have been caught up in that without any clue.

She appeared drained and slumped, as if something had happened.

Fortunately, she didn’t seem interested in me, not sparing a second glance.

Haley approached Lilith and gently patted her shoulder.

“Are you okay? Sorry about that. Come to the art club later. I’ll fix you up and give you some potions.”

Lilith bowed slightly in acknowledgment and said,

“No, it’s fine…”

Seeming uncomfortable with the situation, she weakly left.


The tumultuous first lesson at the art club was over.

I stood waiting in front of the entrance of the small theater where Trisha had told me she’d meet me at 6 p.m. Now that I’d finished my tasks, it was time for us to walk home together.

The entrance to the small theater had a large sign that read “No Entry for Members of Other Clubs,” so I couldn’t just walk in.

There were quite a few people entering and leaving the theater. Perhaps the drama club hasn’t finished yet. Each of them gave me an attentive look as they passed. The gazes were subtly piercing.

After about ten minutes of waiting, the theater’s door suddenly burst open with a noisy clatter of footsteps.

It was Trisha, looking somewhat disheveled as if she was in a hurry.

She came outside, slammed the door shut, and leaned against it for a moment to catch her breath.

Still panting, she clung to me and grabbed my shoulders tightly, saying,

“Damian, you can’t be here! Absolutely not, under any circumstances!”

What now? She sounded desperate, as if I’d committed some serious crime.

“But you told me to come here.”

After calling out so loudly for me to meet her at the drama club…

“Let’s talk about that later!”

She pushed on my back, urging me away from the theater.

She continued pushing me towards a densely planted garden, away from the paths, and into the middle of a secluded area.

“Trisha, calm down first…”

I tried to resist and stop, but Trisha kept pushing against my chest, causing me to stumble over a tree root and fall into a seated position.

Trisha looked around quickly, as if she was searching for a pursuer, then crouched down between my legs.

“Do you realize you’re in huge danger right now?”


“Yes! I overheard the drama club seniors plotting to harass you. It was such a barbaric and unpleasant scheme. Don’t even think about showing up near the drama club from now on.”

“… …”

“I struggled so hard to defend you! I tried so hard to persuade them to stop, but they wouldn’t listen. If you weren’t my friend, I would have given up a long time ago.”

“Why would the drama club want to do that to me?”

“I’ll explain that later. For now, you should lay low.”

It must be some kind of mean prank. Not too concerned over it, but since I heard a similar story from an art club senior, I tentatively agreed.


Accepting it without much resistance, Trisha sighed with relief. A sweet scent came with her breath.

“But what’s that smell? Are you doing something besides drama?”

“Smell? What? Ah! It’s because of this.”

Trisha pulled out a fist-sized leather pouch.

From it, she took out a neatly cut piece of carrot.

“Suddenly carrots?”

“We’re practicing with fables because the first-years can’t handle the complex roles. I’m the rabbit.”

“Are you eating that to get into your rabbit role?”

“Yeah, something like that. It’s Furikio Mountain’s Sweet Carrot. It’s really sweet?”

She took a bite and chewed it before offering it to me.

“Try some.”

“No, I’m good…”

Trisha forcefully stuffed the piece she had bitten into my mouth and covered my lips with her palm.

“Friends should share even a single bean.”

Caught off-guard by the intrusion, Trisha soothed me.

“Chew well, there you go.”

I chewed, albeit reluctantly… and the taste was good. Unusually for a carrot, it was sweet and rich.

Trisha grinned bashfully, dimples forming, and then patted my hip soothingly as if comforting a baby.

“There, good job.”


“I wasn’t going to talk to you at all after this morning, but you listened well, so I’ll let it slide.”

She must be referring to this morning’s incident. I still don’t grasp the reason for her anger, but it seems best to just accept it without complaint.

Soon after, a female student urgently called out for her not far away.

“Trisha! Where the hell have you been?”

Trisha cringed as if startled and whispered into my ear.

“Where’s the mask? The mask!”

“…It’s in my pocket.”

She rummaged through my coat and placed the mask over my face.

“Wear this and wait at the main gate. I’ll be right there!”

Trisha bolted through the bushes. A short while later, I could hear their voices.

“Sis! She’s over here.”

“Trisha, you said your friend was around here, where did they go?”

Their voices gradually faded into the distance. I listened quietly to them.

“I don’t know. Maybe they left because they were tired of waiting.”

“Really? What a shame. I wanted to… with them…”

Their words became too distant to make out completely. Trisha raised her voice.

“No way! That person doesn’t like that sort of thing, sis!”

“What sort of thing? Maybe… eh?”josei

“No! They like someone pure as snow with long hair… right.”

“…What? They like that kid? Are they into…?”

“No… not really…”

“It’s simpler with guys… once they get a taste… they become addicted…”

“Eww, no…”

I wish Trisha wouldn’t spread strange rumors about me.

I leaned against a tree for a moment, feeling odd.

What is this feeling? Today’s events seem like some bizarre play.

It’s as if everyone but me has the script, and I’m the sole audience in this performance.

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