Don't Come to Wendy's Flower House

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 Don’t come to Wendy’s flower shop (4)

According to her plan, Wendy should have felt relieved because she put the Bahazman fruit on her collection list finally, but she did not feel at ease at all, which really bothered her.

Returning home, she headed straight for the parlor without changing her clothes. Wendy stood before the brown sliding door in the small parlor.

Opening the door without hesitation, she glanced over the small space inside. She nodded as if to assure herself that everything was okay.

It was a small garden in the center of her house. All sides were blocked by walls and sliding doors so only the ceiling was open, where starlight was pouring down.

It was because of this garden that she bought this house.

The old couple, former residents of this house, lived here long before the house was built.

When they were young, the couple got married and planted a small birch in front of the house, vowing that they would continue their pure love like the white bark of the birch.

Over the years, when they planned to build a new house, they realized that they would have to cut down the tree due to the problems of land use. At that time, the old couple create an atrium in the house for the tree instead of cutting it down. As a result they had a fun-looking house with an open space in the middle, and they liked it very much.

However, after their death the house was hard to sell because of its unusual structure. Potential buyers were impressed after hearing about the old couple, but they were bothered by the garden in the house.

However, Wendy was attracted to the garden and initially frowned to hear about the old couple’s romantic story. She even thought of cancelling the contract after hearing from the real estate agent that the house kept marks of their love.

Various plants boasted their beauty in the garden. The birch planted by the old couple was also growing well in the garden, and there was also additional space for new plants. josei

Of course, there was a large indoor garden behind Wendy’s flower shop, but it was nice to know that there was such a hidden space in the house because there was no better space to care for the rare plants she cared about. It was perfect for her more secret activities.

Wendy approached one wall and pulled the string installed on it. As she pulled it, the sunshade hanging from one side of the ceiling began to unfold gradually. After blocking anybody from seeing from above, she squatted on the floor and placed her index finger on the soft soil. Surprisingly, a little later a pale green bud shot its head out as if it was tapping the ground.

It grew quickly as high as her thigh exactly as she wanted.

She took out her notebook and turned its pages quickly. It contained drawings of various kinds of plants on each page and various explanations written in block letters.

After finding a blank page, she picked up a pen and began to draw the plant in front of her eyes. It was a way to boost her memory and the accuracy of her power since she had to imagine the shape of the plant in order to use the power of her index finger.

Finishing the drawing skillfully, she soon took out a small silk pouch and approached the plant.

Tok, Tok, Tok.

A red fruit fell between her white and thin fingers. It was a small fruit with the size of a fingernail, but the meaning of its color was immense. It was the red fruit of the Bahazman tree, called the “fruit of heaven” and “fruit of life.”

When she picked all the hanging fruit, the small silk bag bulged with the fruit. Though she didn’t pick up many, they were more than enough for her purpose. After putting the silk pouch in her pocket, she put her hand over the stalk of the Bahazman tree.

“I’m sorry. You are also a living creature…”

After reciting something as if to apologize, she quickly pulled the stem of Bahazman tree strongly as if she were determined. The soil tangled up in the roots bounced everywhere, but she didn’t hesitate at all.

She then took the Bahazman plant straight to the fireplace. Of course, she would feel uncomfortable as she had to throw the precious plant into a blazing flame, but it was too dangerous for her to have such a rare plant at hand. In fact, it was a plant she could create anytime as long as she had the plant list, or the notebook in which she drew the Bahazman tree meticulously. So, she didn’t take the risk.

The next day, Wendy got up early in the morning and quickly headed for the kitchen. After grinding black sesame seeds, which had been soaked in water, on a flat stone, she stirred it with a mixture of powder and milk. After wrestling with the pot in the kitchen for a while, she finished making black sesame cream soup.

It was this soup that came to her mind when she was sick. Her mother’s touch, which she felt only once, was associated with this soup. When she was 17, she had been about to die because of an unexplained fever. At that time, she dimly saw her mother’s face for the first time.

In fact, her mother left Earl Hazlet’s house unwillingly as soon as she gave birth to Wendy.

Her mother rushed to her daughter after hearing she was gravely ill. Although the countess was so ruthless and cruel, she couldn’t stop Wendy’s mother from coming to see her dying child. And that day, it was this black sesame cream soup that her mother made for Wendy when she was having a hard time even drinking water.

That night, when she came to her senses and the fever passed, her mother had left her already. Holding the lukewarm wet towel on her head with her hand, Wendy wondered if she had fever because of her longing for her mother. The reason why she emptied the soup placed on her bedside was because an inexplicable emptiness in her seventeen-year-old mind.

Wendy put three red berries on a bowl of soup. As the mix of black and red was great, she could smile in satisfaction.

“I guess she is around here.”

Wendy arrived at the Linus National Medical Center and found it swarming with people. Murmuring for a moment, she tried looking for someone. As it was a state medical facility, the cost of treatment was low, so lots of poor commoners flocked there. It was crowded with people who came to receive treatment early in the morning.

Wendy walked upstairs where she could hopefully find the patient’s room. It was fortunate that the names of the patients were written at the entrance to the room, otherwise it would have taken a while for her to find the child. She finally found the name “Sophie.” It was the name that the man she met at the museum mentioned while crying.

Pressing the brown robe, she took a deep breath and entered the room. As she came as far as here, she had to carry out her mission.

There were three beds in the three-room ward, but all were empty, contrary to her expectation of it being crowded, except for only one bed at the edge. She glanced at the name tag on her bed and opened her mouth.

“Hey, kid!”

At Wendy’s call, the girl lying with a vacant look slowly looked at her. At a glance she looked pale and haggard. She was very sick.

“Where are all the patients here?”

“…to the restaurant. ”

“It looks like everyone’s out for breakfast. Why aren’t you going out for breakfast? ”

Since the hospital was run at a low cost, they didn’t served meals to patients.

The girl looked down again as if she didn’t want to talk. So, Wendy had to wait for her to talk for some time.

“… … I don’t have a mom now. ”

“Where is she now?”

“Bajium Prison.”

It was probably the prison where the girl’s father was incarcerated. Wendy decided not to ask anymore.

“Won’t you get up? I have brought some food to give my friend, but she’s already been discharged. Can you eat this instead? ”

At Wendy’s words, the girl closed her eyes, looked silent, then got up after a good while.

Wendy took out the soup she made gladly.

“What is this?”

“Black sesame cream soup. It’s good for you, so I hope you enjoy it. ”

Even when Wendy prodded, the girl couldn’t easily pick up the spoon. Obviously she hesitated.

“Why don’t you try it? Does it look unsavory?”

“Too black…”

She didn’t seem familiar with the black color of the soup. Wendy appeased her with soft voice as if she were her gentle sister. The child reluctantly took the spoon.


But the child barely put a spoon in her mouth then dropped it. Her condition didn’t look good as she frowned severely. .


“… it tastes so bad. “

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