Don't Come to Wendy's Flower House

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Chapter 32 Please don’t come to the evening concert (7)

She turned around in a hurry.

‘Oh my god! Why am I so easily getting stuck into a situation that I don’t want?”

Wendy began to walk, carried away with the realization that her thin peace had been smashed.

“Ah, Lady. The concert has just started. You are still outside. You didn’t look well. Are you okay, Lady?”

She heard Dylan’s unique voice from behind her. As if he remembered seeing her a little while ago, he approached her, speaking to her tenderly. It was a crisis that she could not handle.

Despite his repeated calling, she grasped the hem of her dress and went back the way she came. She felt like she was wandering in the maze because she kept walking down the same corridor back and forth several times.

As the sound of her heels clacking faded out of the hallway, Dylan moaned as if he was embarrassed because she ran away whenever she saw him.

“Ma’am! Please wait a moment. I don’t have any bad intentions toward you! ”

Dylan urgently followed her. Then, the rest of the knights standing behind him turned their eyes to Dylan.

‘Obviously Dylan is trying to chat her up.’

Suspicious of Dylan’s actions, his senior knights decided to teach him discipline as soon as he came back. They couldn’t forgive him because they thought he was trying to apparently romance a woman in the sacred workplace. Given her reaction, it was certain that he would likely be rejected.

As if they were competing to beat each other, the sound of their footsteps resonated through the corridor. She almost ran to widen the distance between the two as much as possible. She was so upset that Dylan, the terrible jerk, was chasing her with all his might. Her long dress and high heels were so cumbersome that she couldn’t run freely. Her ankles began to ache like a warning.

Sure enough, the golden chain around her right ankle, broke after she walked a little farther. Feeling frustrated with the loose shoe sliding off her foot, she began to drag her right foot. josei

‘Damn it, how much did the shoe shop guy boast to her!’

Cursing him fiercely deep inside, she clenched her teeth, recalling the shoe store guy’s mustache.

The moment she turned the corner, she had to make a decision. Realizing that she couldn’t run any more, she hurriedly hid inside the the first door around the corner.


Even though she closed the door carefully, the noise of the door closing disturbed her. Although she carefully examined the door knob to lock the door, she couldn’t find it. She quickly looked around the room and couldn’t see any place to hide. She almost fell into despair. The simple room seemed like a reception room with only one table and one sofa.

She stomped her feet on the ground, not knowing what to do. She wished she had taken off her shoes and run instead of escaping into the room.

Tip-tap, tip-tap!

The sound of his footsteps hearing from outside the room raised the hair on the back of her neck.

‘What if he catches me now?’

She moistened her dry lips with her tongue and gulped loudly, ringing through the room.

She started running like the wind. Her right shoe dragged across the floor. She jumped into the corner of the room beside the sofa, which she thought was the most plausible space, and squat behind the sofa. She pressed her index finger on the rugged carpet and thought of a green plant.

‘Come on, grow up fast!’

Her face was white and tired as if she would pass out at any moment. Calming down her trembling heart, she stared at the carpet floor intensely.

As if her desperate wishes paid off, a light green bud began to shoot up from the carpet.

The little bud quicklygrew into a stem and leaves with three petals began to radiate from the trunk. She stood up, watching the movement of the plant with a desperate expression.

The plant sprouting from the carpet was ivy that could be easily found anywhere in the Benyahan Empire. Its vines began to creep around the trunk ferociously. The trunk, which crept up her toes, spread onto her dress and wrapped around her body. Her golden dress was quickly covered with vines, and the green leaves quickly covered her. In the blink of an eye, there emerged a tree of vines well planted for ornamental use in the corner of the room.

Just exposing her lips, she nervously heard the door opening with a clicking noise.

Because of the drooping ivy leaves in front of her right eye, she had to check his presence in the room without full use of her sight. Since she had to stop the leaves from shaking because of her breathing, she broke out into a cold sweat on her forehead. Eventually, she decided to hold her breath and pressed her lips together, which was really a torture to her.

Tip-tat, tip-tat!

Every time she heard him taking a step, she was on edge so much that she could even see the fine dust from the carpet wafting around in the air.

Now stepping into the room, Dylan came near the sofa and shook his head because he couldn’t see a woman with brown hair anywhere in the room.

She stared at his indigo knight uniform with trembling eyes, extremely nervous.

When she kept reciting in her heart, ‘I’m an ivy, I’m an ivy,’ she found it not that hard to remain still.

Dylan was staring at the beige wall for quite some time, as if he was trying to ponder something. Although he stayed there briefly, she felt like he was there forever.

‘Get lost! Right now!’

She cursed him hard in heart.

When he showed the slightest sign of turning his head toward her, she recited to herself, ‘Don’t look at me! Don’t turn your head!’, hoping he would not find her. She was glaring at his light blue hair with her left eye.

Unfortunately she came to examine his appearance in detail against her will as she was facing him helplessly: his long hair was ear-length like before, his shoulders had gained some muscle, and he still had the habit of stroking the neck unconsciously when he felt frustrated.

When she confirmed the facts about him she didn’t want to know, she closed and opened her eyes.

She got upset when she discovered that he was in good shape and looked great. Even now, she wanted to rip off the ivy wrapped around her body and slap him on the back. ‘Oh, you have led such a luxurious life in my absence! You son of a bitch!’

Realizing that he lived a satisfying life for the last two years, she got furious. Although she never longed for his misfortune, he never wished him happiness. However, when he achieved his dream of becoming an imperial knight and appeared before her, dressed in a neat uniform, her anger surged..

Dylan, who had no way of sensing her anger, suddenly turned his head with a sigh of “Whoo!” As his gaze turned to the ivy at the edge of the wall, she suppressed her burning anger for a moment and began to brainwash herself into thinking of herself as a plant.

Dylan once again shook his head and sniffed. He rubbed the lower part of his nose as if he was bothered by something. Did he smell the sevendron flower? Her heart sank at the thought of it because he would smell the sweet scent of her hair if he paid more attention.

Luckily, however, he left the room as if he had given up on finding her. Who could ever imagine that a woman who suddenly disappeared was covered with the ivy vine? After hearing the door was closed with a clicking noise, she could barely feel relaxed.


After letting out a sigh with a worried expression, she leaned against the wall feebly. Even if she wanted to sit down on the floor, she couldn’t because she couldn’t move at all due to the ivy wrapped around her body.

“What a state I am in…”

She strained her arms and shoulders as much as she could. Soon the ivy broke. She could not move freely, barely managing to move both arms. She wriggled her body as she tore apart the vine. Every time she moved, the sound of ivy leaves rustling rang out. How could she put on this ivy vine when she should have put on beautiful gold accessories? She just shook her head as she felt she was so funny.

She heard the sound of ivy leaves rustling even at her small movement. She was dressed up as best she could to go to the concert hall, but she found her body wrapped in ivy vines! If people saw her, they would laugh their heads off.

However, she had to get away from her negative feelings and focus on separating the ivy vine from her body. As the vine got stuck to the hem of her dress, she had to take extreme caution not to break its fine texture.

“So annoying…”

Her moaning rang through the room.

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