Don't Come to Wendy's Flower House

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Chapter 73: Chapter 73 I want to live next door to her house (11)

On the way back home, dragging her fatigued body, she heard some unusual noise in front of her house. The noise was coming from her neighbor Benfork’s house.

Under the brightly lit lanterns, several people were seen carrying moving packages out of the house. It looked like Benfork’s father had finally made the decision. Wendy felt sorry for Benfork, who would have to part with his first or sixth love.

“Oh, sis Wendy! ”

Wendy, walking across the front yard of her house, looked at the building on the side, turning her head toward Benfork’s voice. The boy, looking out of the window, waved at Wendy, smiling brightly.

“Hey, are you packing your stuff right now? I guess you finally decided to move.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“Don’t you think your father is in a hurry? I have no idea why you’re moving at night like this…”

“Ah…it looks like my dad wants to fulfill his dream as soon as possible. As soon as the house was sold, he said he should hurry up to move out. ” Benfork shrugged.

“… Are you okay? ”

“Well, I can’t help it. What power does a kid like me have? I can’t go against my father’s decision, you know.” Benfork spoke in a conceited tone, as if he had forgotten he cried loudly because of his moving.

“That’s too bad. Even if you move to Jopiern, make a lot of friends and stay healthy, ” Wendy said goodbye to him.

“Hyup, sister. I’m not moving to that rustic town. ”

“… Do you mean you are going to stay alone here? ”

“Well, you got it now. I’ll tell you more later, sis! I need to pack now. See you later!”

Benfork waved with excitement and disappeared into the house.

She cast a suspicious gaze at the place where the boy disappeared then went into her house.

Benfork’s house was noisy all night. josei

Wendy woke up at the noise several times then went back to sleep. She heard the moving workers shouting “Move quietly!” while she slept.

Vowing to complain to Benfork’s father about the noise the next morning, she fell asleep deeply.

The next morning Wendy, who slept fitfully, got up and yawned.

After stretching, feeling unwell, she rubbed her sleepy eyes several times.

When she approached the window slowly and opened the window wide, the cool morning air came in. She felt like she was refreshed and invigorated a bit. As if all the disturbances last night never happened, there was no more noise from Benfork’s house.

She mumbled to herself, scratching her neck, “Did he embezzle from somebody? Why was Benfork’s father in such a hurry to move out at night?”


Right at the moment, she heard the unlatching of the window of the room of her neighbor’s house, which faced her room. It was the room where Benfork lived.

Wendy stiffened like a stone statue on the spot. Her eyes were fixed on the human shadow that appeared through the open window.


A guy dressed up was calling her name, basking in the morning sun with a bright face.

His hair was slightly disheveled by the wind. His gray eyes were slightly bent round because of the dazzling sun. She thought he might be just smiling.

“Good morning!” Lard Schroder said. His voice was cheerful like a morning glory shooting out buds first in the morning.

At the moment she felt blood rushing on her face. She couldn’t afford to think. She felt like it took a billion years to blink her eyes. Her crown was heating up as she was in shock.

“Wendy…? ” Lard called her name again.


As if his voice was a signal, she closed the window with a bang and hid behind a wall.

‘Why is that guy standing over there in Benfork’s house?”

She covered her mouth with both hands and exhaled roughly. A ridiculous assumption flashed through her mind.

‘No way, he can’t move into Benfork’s place unless he is crazy!’

She extended her arms silently and drew the curtains quickly, hiding her body.

Standing in a dark room, she glanced over the window with a confused look.

She rolled her eyes, knitting her brows for some time, and headed for the bathroom because she thought she had to take a shower first.

Walking in shock, she gazed at the wall mirror in the hallway. At that moment, her languid shoulders became stiff and her eyes were opened widened suddenly.

“Damn it…”

She quickly stood in front of the mirror with an incredible expression. Her miserable features, which wanted to deny the reality unfolding before her, were clearly reflected in the mirror.

Her disheveled hair and fatigued face were ugly in the early morning.

She raised her chin arrogantly, as if she couldn’t accept her current features, standing at a different angle in front of the mirror and looked at herself again in the mirror. But she had the same ugly look from any angle. She stepped back with a broken heart.

She took a quick shower, got dressed, put on makeup, and pulled out the dress sent by Lard, while trying to calm down as best she could.

Standing in front of the mirror again, she looked at her face calmly. She was looking at herself carefully, trying to erase her ugly appearance just a moment ago from her head. The dress from Lard fit her perfectly. The white dress, with white laces around the shoulder and sleeve, was designed to make a lady look good in a decent place. It was a style and color that only noblewomen could wear.

She let out a little sigh and touched up her hair.

With her yellow hair twisted up and a small flower-shaped decoration in it, she headed for the house next door with a firm determination.

Knock knock knock!

She knocked on Benfork’s green door wildly. As if he was waiting for her, Lard opened the door quickly. He smiled gently at her dress.

“…I thought that dress would suit you well,” he said readily.

He fixed his gaze on her round shoulders as if he was captivated. Her small shoulders wrapped in classical lace seemed even more slender.

When he praised her dress, she wanted to shout at him right away. But she just stared at him without saying anything.

“Will you come in?” Lard asked as if it were his own house.

Ignoring him, she asked sharply, “Why are you here, Sir Schorder?”

“Let’s have a talk after you come in.'”

He again pressed her to come in. After staring into his gray eyes for a moment, she walked along with him into the house.

“The house is still messy.”

He led her to the sofa in the parlor. Wendy looked around with a wary expression. The interior wasn’t yet completely renovated, but obviously he tried every effort to get it into neat condition in a short time. She sat on the silky surface of the buffalo leather sofa, which was clearly in new condition. It was luxury furniture, but it was no match for the kind of furniture used by nobles.

“Did you come here to experience the lives of common people? It looks like you have renovated the interior wonderfully just like that of common people.”

“Oh, you don’t have to get upset like that. I know you will feel uncomfortable if this house draws the attention of others, so, I had it renovated at an appropriate level. Lard spoke nonchalantly, sitting across from her.

She could refute him, but she restrained herself and said calmly, “Did you really purchase Benfork’s house?”



So excited, she screamed loudly at him before lowering her voice to protest, “Why? Why did you buy it?”

As if he already expected her reaction, he looked at her silently without any agitation.

“Well, as you have prohibited me from visiting your house and flower shop, I have no other way than buying this house…”

She spoke as if she was suppressing her raging anger, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I really can’t understand what you’re wasting your breath on like this.”

He sighed a little and said, “Well, I think it is sometimes necessary for me to spend time and energy on wasteful things like this. I think it’s hard to explain this to you in a way that I can persuade you. If I say I purchased this house to be by your side, you will be mad at me. And you wouldn’t believe me if I say it was a mischievous trick,” he said calmly.

She stopped getting excited and stared at his face in embarrassment.

“If I confess to you sincerely how I feel toward you, can you accept it? ”

She couldn’t understand what he was trying to say when he said he wanted to stand beside her or show his sincere feelings toward her.

‘Is this the technique he uses in interrogating people?’

She racked her brain to figure out his motivation behind his words, but she just heard her heart pounding louder and louder.

“… what do you mean by your sincere feelings toward me? I don’t have any reason to hear that…” She fumbled.

She took a short breath, hiding her green eyes under her eyelids. She thought she should stay alert, but she felt a little woozy. It was hard for her to hide her spontaneous feelings because his gray eyes, which seemed to melt away even the darkness, were clearly facing her.

“I didn’t kiss you casually last night,” he said, looking straight at her eyes.

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