Don't Come to Wendy's Flower House

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Chapter 93: Chapter 93 Don’t come to the imperial ball (4)

Without even praising its wonderful work, Wendy picked a fruit from the Bahazman tree, grabbed it between her index finger and thumb and crushed it. Then she forced it into the man’s mouth.

“Swallow it if you want to live,” she said.

As if he heard her voice, he barely swallowed it. She saw the bleeding from his chest stopped slowly.

She got up and checked the breathing of others nearby, but none of them were breathing anymore. She shuddered whenever she confirmed their death. josei

She held her trembling wrists and picked a handful of Bahazman fruits. Inside the door there was still a sharp clanging of iron.

When she approached the door and carefully looked inside, she saw men engaged in fighting with swords at a distance. They were imperial knights.

She narrowed her eyes after confirming their uniforms in beige. The enemies were all dressed like imperial attendants, but the way they wielded swords showed they were trained in swordsmanship for a long time.

She belatedly noticed injured men falling to the ground around them here and there.

At that moment, she felt her heart shaking wildly because she recalled Lard leaving for the prince’s palace. She vaguely thought he might be safe as the Lottea, the best imperial knight.

She carefully went inside the door. She knew it was crazy to go there, but she couldn’t stop. She felt she had to go there to shake off her anxiety. Fortunately, she could almost muffle her footsteps because she took off her shoes. She bent her upper body and hid behind a sofa.

“Sir Owen!”

She raised her head when she heard someone’s calling in the midst of a fierce fight.

It was Lard’s voice. She trembled as if she was struck by lightning. Turning her head towards that, she saw Lard wielding a sword in the intense fight. He was here. With the prince behind him, Lard was wielding the sword to protect him. It seemed that he was injured, given the way he was moving his left arm.

“Defend on my left!”

The enemies were charging toward Lard. When he stabbed the two enemies in front of him, another man with brown hair was trying to stab him in the side. She was stunned, holding her breath.


Lard instantly twisted his body, smashed the man’s sword and cut him in the side. Blood gushed from his side and sprayed across the floor. At that moment, a chunky tall man, who bounced like a wildcat from behind that man, stretched his sword to stab Lard’s lower body.

While Lard blocked his sword, another guy was trying to attack the prince. The prince quickly lifted his sword up to his chest. Groaning, the prince barely blocked the enemy’s sword, but his attack left a wound on the prince’s shoulder.

In no time, blood stained his white shirt. Lard stabbed the guy who attacked the prince in the stomach.

“Are you okay?” Lard asked, glancing at him.

“No, I don’t feel okay.”

The prince grabbed his sword, grimacing in pain. His sword was trembling as if he couldn’t tighten his grip.

“You won’t die with that wound. So, don’t worry so much,” Lard said coldly, cutting the enemy right before him.

“You don’t seem to be as loyal, as I expected,” said Prince Isaac, grinning with a pale expression.

Although he said that, Lard was trying his best to stop the enemy from attacking the prince.

But the number of enemies was overwhelming, compared to the imperial knights led by Lard. It seemed that allies and enemies were already engaged in a long battle even before Wendy arrived there. They all looked exhausted from the fighting. Just as many knights as enemies were on the floor.

The imperial reinforcement army would soon arrive here because they heard the spire collapsing, but most of the knights were gathered at the explosion site of the banquet hall due to the enemy’s trick. If they crossed the lake by boat, they could arrive here quickly, but she was not sure if there were large boats to carry several knights at a time. If they get around the lake to come here, it would take lots of time.

Considering the distance between the banquet hall and the prince’s palace, she assumed that no matter how late, the reinforcement army would arrive here soon. That was a hopeful sign, but the problem was that the number of imperial knights was far less than the enemies.

‘Could they hold out to the end?’

She counted the number of the enemies, staring with trembling eyes at the knights fighting in the hall. At first glance, the fighting knights were too few. While nervously scanning them one by one, she opened her eyes wide.

“Dylan…” She muttered before she knew.

Although blood was scattered over his face and uniform, she could recognize him right away. He was Dylan Lennox. Fighting with the enemies not far from her place, he lost balance momentarily because of the blood on the floor. An enemy tried to stab him at the moment, but Dylan was a little faster. With his back on the floor, he lifted the sword and stabbed the enemy’s neck. Dylan’s azure hair was stained with blood and turned dark red.

Wendy held her breath. As she had a premonition of his death, she uttered “Huck” unconsciously the moment he stabbed the enemy and survived. She felt like her heart was bursting out.

At that moment, Dylan’s eyes turned towards Wendy. His eyes popped up as if he was surprised. Again attacked by the enemies, he quickly got up. She could feel that while cutting the enemies, Dylan was conscious of her.


Right at the moment one imperial knight was stabbed by the enemy’s sword and fell over the couch where she was hiding. He fell, making a big thump. The couch fell over because of his weight, which revealed Wendy hiding there.

The dark-haired man who killed the knight found her. She instinctively stepped back hesitantly with her butt on the floor. The moment his eyes flashed, he pointed the tip of his sword ruthlessly toward her. She froze, helplessly watching him pointing his sword at her.


The dark-haired man rolled his eyes, moaning momentarily. Blood gushed from his mouth.

He fell to the floor right away. She looked ahead with bloodshot eyes, breathing roughly.

Dylan Lennox was seen standing over the fallen enemy. Dylan pulled up his sword from his chest and raised her up.


Sir Owen whistled long after receiving Lard’s order. It signalled the change of military strategy. As the number of allies drastically decreased, he needed to collect all the knights who had been dispersed inside the hall. The remaining knights heard the whistle and gathered around the prince.

“Put your head down.” Dylan told Wendy.

Hiding her behind his back, Dylan moved towards the prince. Since many of the enemies who blocked the entrance of the hall attacked, Dylan had no other choice. The two enemies near the entrance headed in the opposite direction of the hall where the knights gathered.

Although Dylan was attacked from all directions, he bravely blocked their attacks. There was blood everywhere, and many died. She endured a terrible time behind his back with her head down. Dylan was injured all over his body as he was moving forward, counter attacking the enemies without stepping back as if he wanted to protect her.

Shortly afterwards, Lard discovered the two. Lard was embarrassed to find her standing behind Dylan’s back. He focused on her, full of anxiety.

‘Why are you here?’

Lard called out the name of the knight closest to both of them.

“Sir Morie! Help Sir Dylan! ”

At his order, Morie approached the two, cutting the enemies and stood by Wendy.

The two knights who protected her on both sides joined the rest of the knights after an intense fight with the charging enemies.

“Wendy!” Lard called her name as if he was rebuking her. Sitting next to the prince, she was surrounded by the knights in the middle of the battle. Her face grew pale.

“Did you come here to share the last moment of your life with your lover?” The prince said, as if he was a little impressed. As her face grew paler, he added, “Don’t worry. You won’t die here. The reinforcement army will be arriving soon. ”

Isaac pressed on his wound with one hand, looking at the entrance.

The reinforcements, however, did not arrive as soon as he expected.

“Hold out! You have to protect the prince until the reinforcement unit arrives!”

Lard shouted to encourage the fighting knights. But he also looked intently at the entrance as if he was worried. It was obvious that the longer it was before they arrived, the more unfavorable the fight would be for them.

At that time, there was a harsh sound of the wind blowing. It sounded like a flute or a beast’s cry. When they heard the sound, the enemies refreshed their determined will. They pulled back one by one and rearranged their ranks. There was a brief standoff between the enemies and the knights.

“We won’t allow you to hold out until your reinforcement forces arrive here.”

One of the enemies shouted at Lard with a threatening voice.

“… Are you the leader? “Lard asked, narrowed his eyes.

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