Doom Lord

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

Early the next morning, when Cheng Yang left his Meditation Hall, he found Liu Hau waiting in the pavilion .

“You’re fast, Koko . ” Cheng Yang greeted his friend . The night before, he’d sent someone to fetch Liu Hau to transfer to his unique class . “You must have started walking before dawn . ”

“A little after actually . I was lucky not to run into any monsters . ”

“Let’s go see how awesome a Battle Master is . ”

The two walked over to the Warrior Class Change Statue . Then, Cheng Yang sacrificed the Battle Master’s Blade to the statue . After a brief flash, the statue’s original weapon was replaced by a shining steel sword .

Once Liu Hau switched to the unique subclass, Cheng Yang checked his system pane .

Liu Hau

Phoenix Empire Official

Joyous River Village Governor

Class: Warrior

Subclass: Battle Master

Profession: Blacksmith

Level: High-Grade Apprentice (52 . 1%)

Innate Abilities

Movement speed is increased by 200% Warrior Spirit: Movement Speed and Attack Speed increased by 30% Two-Weapon Fighter: Replaces the Shield equipment slot with another Sword equipment slot



Cheng Yang was filled with admiration when he saw Liu Hau’s attributes .

After becoming a Battle Master, Liu Hau’s Movement Speed was increased to the extreme . Even Enlai wouldn’t be able to catch up with him . It was so high that it began to affect not just his speed when running but also his body and even his mind . With a little training, he would be able to dodge every leaf in a windy forest .

When you considered his absurd Attack Speed as well, he became a monster in close combat . His control of both his body and weapon pushed beyond human limits, allowing him to unerringly strike his opponent while they hit nothing but air .

It was, without a doubt, a powerful subclass . The only major downside was the relatively low damage . If he and Cheng Yang were to fight, Cheng Yang would only win thanks to his superior equipment .

The subclass also removed the Warrior’s flaw as a damage dealer by replacing the shield with another weapon . The change was similar to the assassin subclass but with two swords instead of dual-wielded daggers .

Once Liu Hau adapted to the Battle Master fighting style, he would become, and remain, one of the world’s powerhouses .

“Yoko, thank you so much!” Liu Hau smiled sincerely .

“Why are you acting like that? We’re friends! Brothers even!”

“Even so, I’ll repay this favor by defending the empire you’ve built . Even if a dragon attacks our territory, I’ll stand firm in my defense!” Liu Hau declared .

“Careful what you say, I’ve seen a dragon, and you’d better pray it doesn’t come anywhere near us . ” cheng Yang chuckled at the thought of Liu Hau valiantly facing the dragon only to be defeated by a single sneeze . “Since you can use two words now, get yourself another when you return to Joyous River Village . If you can’t find a light enough one, wait until you can smith one yourself . ”

“As long as its not a heavy weapon, I can still reluctantly use a longsword . ” Liu Hau mused, “I’ll also need to find someone to give my old shield to . I’ve gotten attached to it, so don’t like giving it up, but there’s no helping it . ”

“You’ve only had it for ten days, and in a month, you’ll need to switch out your swords for better ones . Are you planning to horde every piece of equipment you’ve ever used?”

“It’s just a habit from when I played MMOs . ” Liu Hau dismissed Cheng Yang’s concerns .

Before Liu Hau left, they had a chat over tea . When they were done, Cheng Yang prepared to visit Copper Tomb Village .

Before he could leave Phoenix Village, he found Pang Sun blocking his path . It was only then that Cheng Yang remembered his promise to bring her with him .

Pang Sun was worried about her boyfriend ever since he left, so when she heard Cheng Yang was in the village, she immediately confronted him .

After a short explanation, Cheng Yang had Enlai carry her to Copper Tomb Village with him .

After three days, Copper Tomb Village developed into a suitable base of operations . With Cheng Yang’s there for guidance and protection, everything proceeded smoothly . josei

Every night, he would return to Phoenix Village using a Stone of Return to train using the Nirvana Feather .

Phoenix Village was also developing smoothly . A large number of soldiers leveled up recently, allowing the territory’s income to exceed ten thousand Experience Fragments .

After leveling up, they had more Experience Fragments to spend, which filtered back to the territory through taxes . The Bank also made significant taxed gains as ordinary soldiers took out loans for equipment .

Fortunately, the taxes paid by the Bank were calculated based on its profits . If it weren’t, Cheng Yang might find his investment drained away .

Thanks to his sale of the Stones of Return, his account had a balance of nearly two million . As a result, of the Bank’s profit of twenty-thousand Experience Fragments a day, Cheng Yang received almost a tenth as interest .

Of course, the money wasn’t all of Cheng Yang’s assets . He had a million Experience Fragments on his person and six hundred thousand distributed among his generals and officers .

He had no plans of retrieving those funds, which allowed his officers experience bars to fill rapidly .

More than three hundred people leveled up in just a few days, and that number increased hourly . In addition, on the twenty-sixth day of the apocalypse, May 9th, the Class Change Statues underwent a qualitative change as they leveled up .

With that, the total number of soldiers in Phoenix Village exceeded seven thousand . If you counted the soldiers in the satellite villages, Cheng Yang had a total of thirteen thousand soldiers under his control . Although this was an order of magnitude less than those under the control of Yuan Jianzhe, each one was far more powerful thanks to the Class Change Statue research bonuses .

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