Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 13 - More Artifacts

Chapter 13 - More Artifacts

Bali really is the best holiday destination. The beaches, the food, the resort style hotels...

In one part of a 5 star hotel, in the swimming area, Alex just finished playing with both his daughters and wife. It's hard to achieve both "savior of the world" title and "the world's greatest dad" title. Anyways, the end of days are coming, later on, he will only have less and less time for his family.

His wife Devita noticed something looking at her husband and said:

"When did you start working out? Since when you have a six pack?"

Since the transformation to high stage Mortal Realm, his body changed, it became much more muscular. josei

"It's already been a while, don't you like it? Maybe you want to feel it for a while?"

It's been more than a week since his reincarnation, he already started to adapt to his current situation.. These days he was already able to start teasing his wife.

After swimming, Alex took the hotel office room and spent time on research with his computer. Te tried to familiarize himself to the current world, and relate it to the events in his past life. This was especially important while the internet was still working.

He studied Bali's local information, the Indonesian government and military situation, the world organizations. It's been a while since he typed on a keyboard and held a mouse, looking at his bronze colored ring on his finger. Suddenly, he thought of something. There were at least 1000 relics spread out around the world. Although he knew how hard it is to access all the temples when they're not activated, throughout history, there should probably be a few relics that had accidentally been found. Alex then started searching auction and museum sites.

He found this sword that was actually famous in China. It is a thousand years old sword and never rusted and was still sharp. He recognized it as one of the low-level artifacts, it could be useful to him, but considering the travel time, and the fact that it's the country's national treasure, it's probably not a good idea. It's only a low-level artifact anyway. He kept searching, hoping to get lucky.

"Hopefully I can find another medium grade artifact."

"It won't be too much to ask for just one high-grade weapon right?"



"OK, just another ring will do"



"Even just an empty one"



Alex didn't find anything he recognized.



Maybe it was bad karma for being too greedy and ungrateful.



He gave up his search and started to read some news. Then he read about how Indonesian forces just captured two terrorist cells in central Java.

"Only two bases..? General Rico is probably still very suspicious of my intel. It's too slow.. when doomsday comes, these terrorists will start amassing survivors with the cover of religion and make the worst situation all around Indonesia."

"Maybe I should just give the general a hand."

At noon, Alex got a visitor. It was Nina, she came to give him a report on the development progress. Currently, the two bases are progressing fast. There were already 2000 workers who started working on the main base. Heavy equipment and some construction material had already been delivered. Rina already started profiling the next batch of 2000 workers. The villa had currently already finished its parameters fence, the tents were already up. It had become a command center. Currently, Eka was in the progress of managing the mechanics and electricians. The plan was to modify all electric equipment like solar panels and water filters to resist electromagnetic pulses, an EMP surge. They needed to do some modifications and were currently doing some tests.

Next, Nina reported to Alex about the purchase of unique vehicles and boats. The vehicles and boats that Alex required were the ones built before the year 2002. The vehicles that were built before this year were still using minimum or none electrical equipment. With enough modification, these vehicles will be a useful mode of transportation for survivors.

For the boats, Alex only purchased the ones using a steel hull, as the fiber ones will not be enough to sustain an attack from the mutated beasts. Currently, Nina already bought 50 vehicles. 30 transport trucks and 20 jeep type. For the boats, Nina bought 2 large steel transporter ships. 90-meter length, 20 meters wide. With cargo decks of maximum 3000-meter cubic tons. Nina also bought 4 smaller steel hull speed boat.

The transport ships and boats will be docked in the Bay city port. It will take a few days for them to reach there. As for the vehicles, they will be divided among the two bases. Alex also asked Nina to recruit more mechanics and steelworkers to modify the boats and vehicles.

In the end, Nina gave Alex the total spending cost. Both land purchases cost $15 million, the construction and worker salary $5 million, the food supplies $.5 million. other supplies $10 million. The vehicles and boats cost $7 million. The total spending at the moment was $42 million. With the $5 million money he received from selling his other assets added, he's left with only $13 million. Alex told Nina to buy extra food for $5 million, another $3 million to buy 50 more vehicles and another $2 million for emergency spending. Alex was now left with only $3 million.

"I just spend $50 million in one week." ... sigh.

"There are still many things I need, the ships are still not enough. I still need a way to get weapons and I also need lots of ammo. It seems I really need to be more creative."

Nina then gave Alex a note prepared by Randy, the Bay city Mayor. He already finished investigating half of the names from the list Alex gave. In the note there were 20 plus names, there was information of last known address and last places seen. With this information Alex planned to start inviting them to the base, some could be offered a job, but most will need a more personal touch. There was one name in particular that Alex interested to approach right now.

The name was Jerry, a person he knew from the past life and a future Evolve. Alex knew him pretty well, he's a trustworthy person. The place Jerry last seen should be the place he stays, it's a simple hotel in one of the small parts of the beach in Bali. It also functions as a smugglers front. This could turn into an opportunity to solve some of his other problems.

In the future Alex really needs to turn the whole Bali island into his base, there were some organizations he needs to work with and some that he needs to eradicate.

The terrorist cells, for now, he will leave to General Rico. As for the smugglers, he will take care of them himself.. Finally some action to test his new strength.

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