Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 258 - Seperated

Chapter 258 - Seperated

In the past month, Alex has always been with his special fighters, giving them instruction and monitoring their training. From his observation on the three battles of the second challenge against the orcs, Alex learned about the weaknesses and strengths of each squad. He gave each of them his opinion and advice on group battle tactics as well as individual battle tips. Alex taught them everything he knew in his previous life about the pillars or the opponents they would face next.

In Alex's previous life, he had only managed to reach this stage, the Sky realm stage. He never reached the Spirit realm stage or gained access to the next level of the Doomsday Pillar. So, after revealing everything that he knew, there was nothing more Alex could teach them. From this point onwards, they should be able to develop their individual abilities independently and build on their own experiences.

Today, Alex gathered the leaders of the groups and gave them his direction.

"After going through weeks of training, watching each of your progress, I have decided that you are all ready to move on to the next stage of our plan."

Alex opened a hologram that showing the map of Australian continent, he then divided the four groups into the four corners of Australia.. New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and West Australia.

Alex showed each leader a path that he made personally for each group. Their main goal is to challenge all the Doomsday Pillars in their assigned area. Each area has around 5 to 6 Doomsday Pillar, which quite a challenging number to complete itself.

Alex gave them objectives to at least conquer the 30th floor, which could give them the most spirit credits to bolster their cultivation and possibly provide them with additional artifacts or skills. However, he reminded them again to be careful when trying to challenge the floors after the 30th, with strict prohibition on trying to fight beyond the 40th floor.

Apart from the main objective, he also ordered them to try to gather and provide assistance to the survivors they met along the way. But Alex reminded them that all of them must return to Bali Island no later than 9 months.

With the Level 2 Facilities provided, each group can communicate with each other and share information about their progress and contact the Bali headquarters after completing their mission. The headquarters would then send them their extraction ship to fetch them and any rescued survivors. After the division of tasks, Alex again reminded them to put their safety above else.

Before Alex explains about the distribution of equipment and vehicles that will be provided, Aria realized that alex was not on any of the plan. She then asked him about it.

"Alex, you don't have your name in any group. Which group will you join?" It appears from her expression that she assumed that Alex would follow the group that she led.

All the other members realized this and waited for Alex's answer.

Alex was silent for a while before he said "Honestly, this time I am thinking to not go with any of the group."

Stunned, everyone in the meeting looked at each other before Theo said.

"But why? Where are you going?" Usually Alex told him if he had a plan like this or he could guess it because of his psychic powers. But ever since Alex reached the Sky realm, it has become increasingly difficult for him to read Alex's mind.

"I'm planning to stay here for a few weeks and then heading for my own objectives."

"By yourself?" Asked Arief in disbelief. "That's not wise. You should at least bring a dozen Death Squad fighters with you."

Before Alex could refuse Arief's offer, Aria spoke up.

"Don't worry uncle Arief. I will accompany Alex. It's my job."

Sighing, Alex could only shake his head at her words.

"No Aria, you are now the leader of the squad, those guys will need your expertise for them to complete the mission and come back alive." Alex spoke firmly to Aria with his own excuse, leaving her unable to reply.

"Me then. I will accompany you." said Cindy "Whether I exist or not doesn't make much difference to my squad."

Alex sighed again."I appreciate your offer but for what I planned, I prefer to do it myself."

The atmosphere turned gloomy, with everyone beside Alex silent. They all know Alex has tremendous strength, but they are uncomfortable knowing he will be traveling alone.

Seeing the reaction of others, Alex quickly closed the meeting.josei

"The plan is decided then, list of equipments provided by the headquarter will be sent to each group leader. We will meet each other again in Bali after you all complete your mission. May you all be safe and successful in your mission."

That evening Alex prepares a dinner party to send the squads off, wishing them success and their safety.

"Let's open all the liquor!" Scream Sergei. Greeted with cheers from everyone.

The cold night was lit by the warmth of the bonfire with the sound of dancing and laughter reverberate in the air. Alex looked at the excitement and couldn't help thinking. 'I don't know how many of them will be able to come back 9 months later.'

He sighed to himself and continued drinking.

The next day, it was seen that four groups of more than 400 people had prepared themselves and were neatly lined up in the field. In the middle of the Alice Spring field, dozens of petrol-fueled vehicles were ready to start the journey.

Alex walked onto the field, ready to give them his last encouragement before sending them off. Before he could do that, Aria and Jerry walked over to him.

"What's the matter?" Alex asked them.

Jerry threw a storage ring at him "There are supplies that we prepared for you in that storage ring." He then pointed to a car that parked alone on the side of the field. "And that car's gas tank is full, ready to be use." 

Jerry looked at Alex's eyes. "Be careful." He then went to his group.

Aria was left standing staring at Alex, without a word. Before Alex could ask her what she wanted to say, she turned around and returned to her group. Alex who saw that could only shake his head and sighed. He actually wished this time also Aria could accompany him, the place he's heading he could really use Aria skill. But he really can't involve her in his crazy plan this time.

After his speech, one by one the vehicles drove in 4 different directions. In a short time, the city of Alice Spring became empty again, becoming a dead city with only Alex remaining in that place.


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