Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 49 - Red Eyes

Chapter 49 - Red Eyes

Seeing their friends eyes turn red, everyone turn panic again... Melissa screamed

"Go away from me!!! don't get any closer!!" Melissa actually pushing Sally away, they have been friend for a few years, but fears is a very powerful thing, it could turn even family against one another.

Jason also took a step back, he unconsciously drew the hammer he took from the hardware store...

These people all have watched the doomsday video. From the EMP attacks that did happen, out of fear they already 99% convinced that the doomsday really has come. The next is the disease that could turn human into zombies....

Keane saw the hammer that Jason pull, he also quickly pull out his knife. The situation becomes even crazier.

"Stop all of you... Calm Down!!" Adam screamed and stand in the middle between Keane and Jason. Daisy walk closer to Sally, her faces turn pale, she's terrified.

"Do you feel any pain at all?" Daisy asked. Sally shook her head, it seems only the eyes turn red, no pain at all, probably just side effect of the storms.

"This is a unique situation, we should help each other, not fighting between ourselves" Adam always was a natural leader.

Melissa answered "We all watched the doomsday video, this is definitely the disease told, we should stop it before it turns and attacks us"

Daisy said "Stop it, Melissa, we don't know that, this is Sally, she's our friend, you boys also better stop right now"

Adam continues, "We are pretty safe in here, but I think we should go find help for Sally and Keane, what do you think...? The St John hospital is only two blocks from here"

Keane definitely agrees with this idea, Sally looking at Daisy not sure what to do... "Yes it's a good idea, don't worry I will accompany you"

Melissa respond "Anything to keep them away... the further the better, but I am not coming... Its chaos out there, anything could happen... Jason, Rahel what about you two? Jason decided to stay, while Rahel after a few thought she also doesn't want to go, although she feels safer to be with Adam, she's just too afraid to go out.

Daisy, Adam, Sally and Keane four of them took a few stuff and walk out of the door. This time they pack light so they move faster. They cautiously walked out of the apartment.


."HELP...HELP.. help me something wrong with my girl, her eyes you see? what's happening"


The same scene can be seen all around the city.. the street is filled with abandoned cars. People running around the street.. its a real chaos.

Jakarta is the capital and the largest city in Indonesia. Located on the northwest coast of the world's most populous island Java, it is the center of economics, culture, and politics of Indonesia, with a population of 10,075,310 within the are of only 661 square kilometers. That's a density of 15000 people within one square kilometer. Combine with the 4 districts around the city, its total population reach more than 30 million people. Its world second largest urban agglomeration after Tokyo.

Even with people staying indoor in each of their houses and apartment, the streets are filled with oceans of people.

Along the way, while running to the hospital, The group felt unsettle. and the reason was shown when they reach the hospital. Thousands of men, women, and children are currently screaming outside of the hospital. All needed help. The group can see almost all the people in these crowds have their eyes turn red.

The security and police are overwhelmed, Not only that there are too many people, all of these people are agitated and crazed by fear.

"Please sir, I am already here first, please take a look at my mother, she's unwell"

"My boy, help my boy!!!"

"There's really no more room if you all can please calm down.. we will try to help as many as possible"

"No!! No!! please let me in"


One of the police officers was assaulted and his gun was taken by a man with red eyes.


He shoots a warning shot to the air and screams "Let me in Let me in..!! I have a family waiting back home... I can't wait anymore"

The crowds start to spread out... the situation turns to worst, In Indonesia guns are very rare so people are not used to seeing someone threatening with the gun... Even the police are hesitating.

"Please calm down.. do not shoot"

Things suddenly turn from bad to crazy bad, a group of men rushing to the hospitals holding weapons and a few of them holding guns...


The panic red eye guy holding the gun got his head blown by the shot.

"The doomsday is coming !! you people with red eyes will only endanger the rest of us. pick up your weapon and kill as many of them as you can!!

One of the dozen men with weapon threw a bottle to a group of woman who was sitting on the side.



It was a homemade molotov cocktail. it burns the women and the other around her.


People stunned seeing these scenes. It didn't stop there... this group of men starts stabbing and shooting people with red eyes...

"Kill them!! Kill them!!"

People screaming and Yelling.. the crowds suddenly run away from the hospital...

Adam and the group from the other corner saw these scenes in panic. "We won't get any help in here, we should go back," Adam said, but Daisy scream.. " somebody needs to help those poor people.. there are only a dozen of them why is no one helping?"

Adam grabs daisy arm and looks into her eyes. "Daisy, look at Sally, she's shaking... we should go back now.. and find another way to help"

When they are about to leave, Keane actually going crazy he took his knife rushed into one of the attackers...

"Keane Donttt!!" josei

Keane is the point guard of the basketball team, he's athletic and moves really fast... in a few second within all the chaos, he manages to run behind one of the attackers and stab him in the back.

There is a satisfaction can be seen in his face... its such a relief from all the stress for him. He finds the thrill addicting. he rushed to another guy... this is the guy with a gun.

ten meter

five meter

The guy unexpectedly turns around and saw him...

"..." This guy looks as panicked as he is... they both stunned...with five-meter distance, between a knife and a gun is no mathematics. Keane suddenly regretting his rushed decision.


Adam manages to tackle the guy, to the ground. Keanes react fast and took the gun from the floor. it's now the other way around... many eyes are currently watching Keane holding a gun...

"NO body moves!! Don't come any closer!!. Keane watch the guy on the floor.. starring at him

"You are a piece of shit.. these people.. how could you hurt this people..." Keanes seems to have some psychotic breakdown...

Daisy and Sally also came closer... "Keane don't do this..."

"Don't you all see what he did? this guy deserves to die.."



two shots and the guy on the ground died... There are some of the attackers heard the shot and approaching...

"Adam, bring them back... leave me alone"

Keane then running away from the scenes with the gun... there is nothing Adam can do at the moment they also hurriedly run back to the apartment.


KNOCK KNOCK.. Open up!!


"Is that you Adam?" "Anyone else with you?"

"Goddammit Melissa Open the door"


Adam Daisy and Sally walk up inside...


"Where is Keane?" Jason ask


"He's probably head out home"

Melissa relief hearing that... looking at Sally, "What about her? what do you plan to do with her?"

"We will do nothing this is my house she can stay here with us"

Melissa disagree "This is about all our safety, I think we should vote, Jason, Rahel what you think?"

Daisy really annoyed with Melissa right now, but then suddenly she saw something wrong with Sally...

"..." "Sally!!"

Sally passed out and fall to the floor... Rahel also screamed... "What happened!!"

Adam move closer to Sally, "she just passed out, she really burning up", Adam took her to one of the bedrooms... Melissa disagrees, but she really can't object...

Adam and Daisy take a turn to look after Sally, but there's really nothing they can do... a few hours later...

"No breath and no pulse, I am sorry.... she's already dead"

Daisy cried looking at this, Rahel also cried at the back... Melissa has some mixed feelings but her fear took over...

"We should burn her body or throw it outside the apartment"

Daisy scream "Stop it, Melissa, don't you have any decency, this is our friend, she just died...

Adam give it some thought and said, "Daisy, we will try to find proper funeral later, but just in case I will tie her arms and legs... is that ok? I will be very gentle with her body" Daisy can't stand it... she walks out of the room. The group left Sally tied body in the room and gather outside in the living room.

They can't tell the time but it should be almost midnight... The group is currently very quiet... Adam has a lot going on his head a the moment "if the doomsday message is true, We really are in real trouble... if only I listen to my father"

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