Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 51 - Run And Run

Chapter 51 - Run And Run

The group cant just stands around do nothing. Adam teaches Melissa and Daisy on how to use a gun. The group tries to salvage and collect any item that could be useful from three apartments that's already open. The EMP destroy all electronics but it didn't destroy batteries, it wasn't hard to make flashlight to work. The group also collect ropes, sleeping bags, some medicines, and clean clothes. Adam also came up with the idea to make a long-range weapon. The group made a dozen pikes out of sharpening steel pipes and wood sticks taken from disassembling furniture. They also combine the pipes with knives and created spears. This spears will be useful as it will be easier to fight zombies from a safer distance. The day feels so long, The broken watch makes it feel even longer. While waiting, the group occasionally saw the view outside the balcony. Sometimes they can hear sound from the unit downstairs, but they really don't think it's wise to check it out at the moment

Finally, the night came. Its been almost 12 hours since Jason was bitten, and his wound looks ordinary. No sign of red eyes, fever or any disease either.. This makes the group feel much relief. The zombies bite that cant spread disease, that makes things much simpler. This time Adam manage to convince all three girls to sleep on the empty bedroom while Jason and Adam will take turns to guard in the living room.

D-Day +2 at 4:00 AM

Adam currently on his guard shift. He sat on the floor next to the balcony. A figure came to sit next to him.. its Daisy. She just quietly sit there staring at the city outside the balcony. Its very dark outside but she can subtly hear several screams in her mind. Its probably just the fear clouded her mind...

Daisy makes a subtle sound... she sang a song...


The night was dangerously dark

As if a gloomy secret gracefully kept

The time was still, I was in total amnesia

What I was doing? Who I was?

My head was swirling, I saw spider nets.

Nothing was clear, the place was full of smog

I heard the voice of a little girl

Scary cry, fearful face covered with loam

Surrounding the place were beastly creatures

All creatures enclosed me, I gave a shout

But nobody there...


It was a beautiful poem, she is an artist after all. When Daisy finished her poem, tears fell from her eyes... Adam moves closer and gives her a hug. She hugs him back... a moment later their eyes met... and they kissed... Both of them in each other embrace for one full hour.



The sun was about to rise when suddenly they saw a bright light from the unit downstairs...


"something is wrong"

Adam went to the balcony and there he saw fire covering the unit downstairs... a man shout can be heard



Its the laughter of a crazed person...the fire spread really fast it already reach the unit next to it. It will only take minutes until the fire reaches their unit.

"Daisy, wake everyone up"

Adam took as many of the prepared tools inside the bags, it took only a few seconds and everyone also start packing...

"It seems plan A need to cut short. Bring only the most essential we need to pack lights.. we are going for plan B"

five people. All wear backpacks. Adam brings an Axe, and a few pikes on his backs. Jason with knives and Hammer. and all three girls holding a spear each.

"The fire might attract many zombies to gather to this apartment we must move swiftly, do not use the gun unless it's really necessary, as it might attract more of them. Let's move"

Eight floors down.. on his way down. Adam saw at least half a dozen man thinking of the same thing. they saw each other but decided this is not the best time to chat. The 2 groups reached the first floor but they saw at least more than 2 dozen zombies at the lobby.

The back door might be a good option, but it probably also full of these zombies, time is at the essence. It seems the other group also have a similar thought...

"Attack!! girls stay close behind us stab with your spear when you see an opening"

Adam quickly jumps to the first zombie and swing with his ax.. while Jason tackles and push the 2 others with his big body. when the 2 zombies down. Daisy stabs one of the zombie's head while Melissa and Rahel muster up their courage and both stab the second zombie. Three zombies down in less than 3 seconds... The other group has 5 men and 2 women. It seems they also had their share of fights with zombies before. A dozen zombies down in less than one minute. The groups manage to break out of the lobby to the outside...


As Adam thought, a few hundred zombies have gathered outside the apartment. They were attracted by the fire and light...

The two groups currently still stick together and quickly make an opening to one side of the building.. and finally, they manage to get out of the encirclement. They are now at least one hundred meters away from the apartment entrance. Adam saw there is a third group just reach the lobby and was just about to walk outside... but they are already too late... they can't get out. hundreds of zombies already in front of them. Adam group and the other group can only hear the scream and terror. It brings a chill to them...if only they are just a minute late.

Adams and the group cannot relax. A few dozen of the zombies currently chasing them

Although zombies are slower, if they are not careful, they can get surrounded and meet their demise.

"RUN RUN... Keep Running" after 15 minutes of running finally the two group manage to outrun the zombie without casualty.

"Hi I am Rick, most of us come from 3rd and 4th floor.

"I am Adam, these are my college friend I lived on the 8th"

"I see, we are heading to a school building on 21st street, I heard many survivors gather there, its only 3 blocks from here do you want to join us?"

Adam gives it a thought and saw Rahel and said, "we probably will go there, but we have one more stop to go first."

The group heading to Rahel house, They are passing through many zombies on the way, some they kill but mostly they just dodge and run. With the zombie move slower than a normal human, as long as they don't stop, surrounded or stuck into a corner, the group will be fine. After a tiresome 30 minutes run, hack, slash, and dodge, the group reaches Rahel house.

It was a big house. The problem is there are still zombies behind them. "Rahel you have at most 5 minutes, make it quick... Daisy and Mellissa go with her, be careful, me and Jason will try to hold and distract them.

"Mommm... Dad..."

They went around the house swiftly and finally inside the master bedroom they found them.


It was a horrific scene.. on top of the bed there are corpses of Rahel father, mother, and little brother. it seems the father kills his wife and son then kill himself. It was a stab to the head and then he commits suicide the same way.

"Father... Mother..... Brother... " Rahel' cried

A moment later Adam get inside the master bedroom... they are almost inside... we can't stay much longer... Rahel still on the bedside crying.

Daisy said"Let's go Rahel we gotta go now"

Rahel seems to lose all her spirit and cannot move.

"Just leave her here..." Melissa is panic now

Suddenly Jason walk inside the room

"They already inside the house we are too late.."


"Dammit... Barred the door check the window"

"There's too many of them we should clear up all the one outside the door first"


Adam used the gun and Daisy follow


"Now closed and barred the door.." Jason moved the wardrobe and drop it in front of the door

"This won't hold them long.. those gunshots would only draw more of them too" josei

Adam quickly open one of the windows, tied and throw the rope down. there aren't many zombies at the back of the house. suddenly...


The group suddenly stunned... there is something different walking on the hallway outside this room.

BAAAMMM!! the door and the wardrobe shakes.

"This is not good... Melissa, Daisy go down now..."

BAAAMMM!! the wardrobe and the door blown open. Before sliding down the rope Daisy manage to get a glimpse of what monster came through the front door...

Its a zombie but unlike the others, this one body full of muscles make the skin reddish in color. It's about 2 meters tall. Its teeth and finger sharps like a ferocious animal.


Adam quickly draw the gun an shoot the monster,


five shot, three missed. one hit its shoulder the last one suppose to be a head shot but the monster manage to cover it with his hand.. and the bullet pierce its hand instead... It's fast.

The monster saw three targets and it jumped to the weakest... Rahel didn't even saw it coming.. she was tackled down and bitten... her head roll off the floor...

Adam and Jason were shocked!!, a few zombies already stepping inside the room

"BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG..." four zombies down. Jason jumps to the redskin zombies he threw a spear and thrust the zombie body...

STABBBB.. it was a decent stab, it's a direct hit but seems to create almost no pain to the red skin zombie. Jason continues he aims to smash the hammer into the monster head. But the monster took his arm instead and break it like breaking a toothpick.


Seeing the situation, Adam took another two shots at the monsters. BANG BANG and that's it... Two more hit its chest. The monster seems to be in pain, but it still manages to advance forward.


"CLICK, CLICK... Adam took 15 shots today, his magazine is empty. it will take a few seconds to change the magazine.


It approaches Adam, but suddenly

"BANG BANG.. the monster head Blows, It was Daisy, she decided to give a hand, and manage to get a lucky shot...

"Let's go hurry up" Daisy saw Rahel headless body on the floor and Jason broken arm, she decided to cover fire, while Adam helps Jason down the rope.

BANG BANG BANG a few more shot to any zombies that walk through the door. Before she jumps out the window she saw a shiny crystal within the monster brain. Daisy took it and hurriedly follow the other.

"Let's go find Rick and other survivors"

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