Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 55 - Dusk Till Dawn

Chapter 55 - Dusk Till Dawn

D-day 12:00

Simultaneously all over the world, the EMP has stopped every activity. There was no electricity, no transportation, and no telecommunication. During the first hour of shock and panic, most people resolved to either stay and hold out in their own home or still stranded and looking for a way home and their loved ones.


The disease spreads and panic escalated. People went around looking for help. Some decided to loot supplies and equipments from the local stores. What's left of the police on duty were overwhelmed by the sudden outbreaks and riots. Driven by fear and despair there were violence everywhere, more and more people are getting hurt.


The people affected by the disease started to perish one by one. 8 out of 10 people.. Worldwide, billions of people die almost simultaneously. People start to loose their mind, there were suicides everywhere. People are becoming hopeless.


The city has blacked out. Yet there's light, shining brightly, coming from one particular area in Bali.

<Bali Base>

Area: 115 hectares

Survivors: 2872

Leader: Alex

Defense Teams consist of:

Deathsquad: 136

Navy: 56

Blacksnake: 102 josei

Looking at the number of survivors, 6 units quickly formed.

Alpha Unit: Lieutenant Aria

Bravo Unit: Lieutenant Rangga

Charlie Unit: Lieutenant Russel

Delta Unit: Captain Donny

Echo Unit: Lt Commander Karra

Foxtrot Unit: Jerry

The first three units are special forces with a maximum of 50 men each. Alpha and Bravo were branches of the Deathsquad. While Charlie was formed by the Navy Frog commandos. These will be the independent units, they will be assigned with special missions and were given more authority to follow and investigate leads.

Delta, Echo, and Foxtrot units are a combination of Deathsquad, Navy, Blacksnake, and hundreds of quickly drafted able-body man with fighting experiences. In such a short time each of these units numbered 200 men. With at least 10 Deathsquad and 30 Black Snakes as squad leaders each. They were all equipped with edge weapons and some handheld firearms.

At the moment, 750 men were prepared for a mission called 'Operation Dusk till Dawn'. The main target is to evacuate as many survivors as possible and properly dispose of the diseased bodies by burning or blow to the brain. There is only 8-9 hours window until the zombies start waking up and devour everyone in their path.

5 million people live in Bali. 3 million are located in the South section it's the most densely populated. The rest 2 million were spread out all over the West, South, East and Central sections. The Base and the Bay city located in the East section. Alex gathered all of the Unit leaders and all the key person in the command center.

"We all have lost close friends and family today, but we MUST act fast, or even more will die, and the future will be threatened! I have explained the strategy and arrangement for our first operation. But before that, now that the doomsday really happened, I need all of you to hear me out. I have been fortunate with a glimpse of knowledge of the future. I plan to use this knowledge for one goal 'The survival of humanity'! Therefore, I now solemnly pledge myself to lead this community until I die or until we find someone better. If any of you here today think that you can be a better leader than me, please step up and make your argument right now!"

Alex is Jerry's savior, he owes him his life, he fully supports Alex to lead. Captain Donny, Lieutenant Rangga has seen Alex performance before, their leader Regent Suryo also gives them the order to support him, so they will do just that.

Lieutenant Aria, has even reason to follow him; he's stronger than her, he's trustworthy… in her mind, at least. Besides.. she promised him!

Lt commander Karra and Lieutenant Russel, has seen Alex's abilities, but the one who truly follows the Regent's orders was the deceased Commander Tom. In their mind they understand that this doomsday disaster was not a simple matter, although this guy is seemingly an ordinary civilian, his planning and strategy were seamlessly accurate. He also knows much about what's to come...They conclude, as long as they are not tasked to do something against their belief, they WILL submit to Alex's authorities.

The chain of command was settled at that moment. It is time to start the operation. Each unit was given long-range two-way radios with 35-40miles (50kilometers) range. it won't be enough to cover the whole island, but using the main base as a central communication hub, t will be sufficient. Jeeps, trucks and APV vehicles were divided tactically.

Delta Unit, led by captain Donny and assisted by Bayu, were given the task to defend the main base. These 200 men will be separated into ten squads. Four squads will be guarding the four gates. Another four will go patrol the five-kilometer surroundings to invite locals to the base and to burn bodies. The other two squads will be in reserve, while also in charge of training the new militia. Captain Donnie is the best person for the job.

The security of the base will be assigned to Captain Donnie. The surrounding wall patrols to Bayu. Administratively, due to the loss of many workers including Rina and Nina, a small council were formed to manage the base. They are:

Theo, Tony, Doctor Rachel, Jane the botanist and Devita.

Devita will take care of Nina job and Theo will take Rina's... Tony still the head of construction, Doctor Rachel overseer of the medical department and Jane will be in charge of the garden and farms. They will temporarily decide on the day to day tasks while Alex is away. While Alex's daughters are under the care of their aunt, Vili.

Echo unit led by Lt commander Karra and Charlie unit by lieutenant Russel will go directly to Bay city. They will be paired up with the group prepared by Benny the Bay city Mayor's assistant. Their collective task is to secure the Bay city and all of the East Bali section. They will also start to recruit and training sailors to operate the ships.

Foxtrot Unit led by Jerry and Bravo unit by Rangga will directly sweep the North section of Bali. As Jerry and many of his Blacksnake were based in the North, he's well acquainted with many of the locals.

Alex will go to the most crowded South section with Aria's Alpha unit. The plan is to meet up with the army and the police force in the main city of Bali. Denpasar. Cindy came along with him.

Alex and Aria's unit took 5 jeeps and 3 APV with them. The road is too dark, they are the only vehicles moving with lights on. Many of the local survivors staring at them. But because of the intimidating frame of the APVs, no one dares to approach. Many yelling for help, but there was nothing Alex can do for them right now. The soldier announced repeatedly through the loudspeaker, instructing them to move to Bay city for safety.

The journey from the main base to Denpasar took two hours. They passed through a few villages before finally reaching the city of Denpasar. It is the main city located on the northern side of the island. It's a crowded city, but still nothing compared to the southern site. Alex destination was clear: The NgurahRai soccer field. Placed next to the Bali police headquarters.


The convoy halted, Alex with 50 of the Alpha unit came out into the field. There stand 600 men, upright and ready. Alex recognizes the man standing before him, it's Colonel Jaka of the Bali Police Department.

"It's great that you are well Colonel, but where are the rest of the troops?" Alex gets right to the point.



"It's very upsetting. Truth to be told, this is all the officers we can gather during this crisis. The rest, either died from the disease or occupied with personal reasons."

"What about Major Sandi's Densus 88 team?" Alex asked

"They are on the way to evacuate the Governor to safety."

"600 officers... It's simply not enough.. we won't be able to cover even one-tenth of the city by morning," Alex said. "Is there still no news from the Army?"

"None! Major General Agus can't be contacted."

Alex was kinda depressed with the news. If the army didn't come, there will be NO hope for this city. This could turn out even worse than his previous life.."



"Let's wait for a few more minutes"...

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