Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 57 - Last Duty

Chapter 57 - Last Duty

Alex and the Alpha Unit went to the Military base, to be safe, the vehicles were parked one kilometer away. The last information Alex got, the military did manage to gather their soldier from all over Bali to this base. There should be Major General Agus, a colonel, Captain Farell, and around 8000 soldiers.

In Alex previous life, he had never encountered Major Agus. It was Captain Farell from the Military intelligence who managed to lead the Bali military personnel. This is one of the places he used as a survivor base until the doomsday pillar came.

Alex thought even if General Agus got infected by the disease, Captain Farell or one of the colonels should be able to resume command. Alex was hoping all he has done didn't create a negative butterfly effect.. Bracing himself for what actually went down in this base, to the army and especially captain Farell.

The base is situated up on the hill. Although it's only 30 minutes away from the city of Denpasar, it's quite isolated with forest surrounding the compound. The base was well protected by steel fences and watchtowers. There are many barracks and a few hangars to store military vehicles.

In high alertness, Alex waits by the units with the vehicles. Aria then returned with the scout's team.

"So what did you see?"

"There are only a few guards around the compound.. it's too quiet."

"Ok all of you stay here for now," Alex said.

"Where are you going?" Aria's worried

"Just wait"

In just less than 5 minutes, Alex returned carrying an unconscious soldier around his shoulder. With his speed and stealth, Alex was able to move quickly undetected, disarming the guard was child's play. They slap him into consciousness and interrogated him. Once he understood that they were fellow soldiers, he gave up information willingly.

Apparently, when the disease broke out, there was chaos within the rank. The one who got infected were greater in number, so they forcefully locked up those uninfected.

"All the infected should be dead by now, then what happened to General Agus and Captain Farell? Did they not survive the disease?" Alex asked.

"Both of them did, it was actually the General who ordered the lockup for all the uninfected. Captain Farell got locked up in one of the hangars with hundreds of other soldiers. Some of the uninfected who help the General were his closest subordinates."

Alex somehow was relieved upon hearing this. Although the situation is complicated, at least the uninfected soldiers are alive. Before confronting the General, he should first check on the captured soldiers.

There are 5 squads of 10 men between the Alpha unit. Alex brought Aria and two squads with him. Cindy requested to be involved in the mission... her eagerness baffled Alex. What's up with American girls, can't they see the situation is highly dangerous? Alex declined and instructed her to stay.


When Aria overheard, there was definitely a slightly smug smile on her face.


The group finds no trouble gaining entry into one of the hangar. These are all death squad special forces. They were swift and silent. Plus, with Alex in the lead, none of the guards saw him coming. He's too fast. A few unconscious guards later, Alex and the group made their way in.

There are over 1000 soldiers who got locked up, they seem down in spirit. The arrival of Alex and the group startles them. Alex found Captain Farell among them.

"What happened here, Captain?"

"Mr. Alex, so good to finally see you here. we have gathered as planned. But when the infected started to show symptoms, the General held back the order to isolate them. The situation then escalates, but the General decides to lock us up instead."

"Aria, you release the others first. Captain, you come with me to meet with the General!"



Suddenly, a group of armed soldiers rushed into the hangars. They must be the Red barret army special forces... there are about 60 of them. The situation became tense.. 20 Death squad against 60 Red Barretts, with hundreds of soldier still tied up in between them. Should a shoot out starts it will be chaotic, many lives will fall.


"Hold your fire!!" Alex said.


"That's wise Mr. Alex. I am Captain Adnan, commander of this Red barret unit, we've met previously in the meeting.



"Captain Adnan... let me see the General."

"Let me come too," Captain Farell said. josei


"With one condition, ask your men to stand down and drop their weapons."


Alex looked at Aria and gave her an affirmative nod... She's concerned.


"Don't worry, I can tell it's not within the General's intention to have any blood spilled between us."

Alex, Aria and Farell, all three of them went to see the General. Captain Adnan lead them to another hangar.


This hangar filled with bodies of soldiers who succumbed to the disease. All 6000+ bodies, each body were covered with white sheets and placed neatly in rows on the ground. The view was heartbreaking. Major General Agus, the highest rank soldier in Bali, the leader of the 9th Division was standing in one corner of the hangar, staring into the bodies.


"Greetings General,"

Alex always shows courtesy to old generals, after all, they've abdicated their lives to defend the country.


"Mr. Alex you are here, at last, I apologize if I ruined your plan"


"What happened here, General?"


The General thought for a while and slowly answered...

"When my friend Suryo told me about you and this doomsday, I was highly skeptical. But as a friend, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and listened anyway. Though I never really believed anything he said. When the storm rolled in and the disease spreads, I was struck with the truth. I was here, standing in front of my men when I suddenly see thousands of eyes staring back at me turned red as blood!"

"It knew what will come next and the risk of not following through with the plan, but I really can't make the order and just give up on these men."



"You are a parent, Mr. Alex?" The General continues

"Yes general, I am."


"All of these men were like my children. Since they first join the army, they came here, slept here, ate here, trained here.. they practically grew up here."

The General point at one of the body, "That one... his parent died since he was young, when he got married I was his guardian". The general point to another body "That one... his mother would send me rice cakes every day and ask me to take good care of her son." This one here, "Colonel Relly.... he is more like a brother to me than my own brother. We have been friends for 30 years!"



"Answer me this Mr. Alex, are you 100 percent SURE that all these bodies will turn into the undead…? Can you 100 percent guarantee that there is no cure? Do you completely believe that between these 6000 bodies NONE would wake up as a normal human?"


Without hesitation, Alex replied, "Yes, I am sure General. Even if there is a cure, it'll be too late now. These people have already died."


"....I ... I can't accept that! In the world where we believe in the existence of zombies and even monsters, shouldn't there be gods too among them..?! So where are they? Where is their divine intervention?"



Alex was taken back... he remembers that grey figure again, he really doesn't know how to answer this. He thought for a while and said...


"What are you planning to do General?"


"I plan to wait till the last hour, that's the least I can do for them."


"General, your action will jeopardize our plan. more people will suffer because of this. Can you at least let the uninflected soldiers go and help the people?"


" are right... Captain Farell, you can follow Mr. Alex here to help the people.. and you, Captain Adnan you and your soldiers can go too..."


Captain Farell: "You should come with us General..!!"


"Don't you worry about me, Captain..." The General spreads open his arms and shows the switch attached in his wrist. "You should go.. everything has been prepared, if these soldiers really turn into the undead, I will free them from their suffering."

Turned out, the General has ordered the Red Barrett to prepare C4s all over the hangar beforehand, he knew his soldiers will not let him do this, so he locked them up first.

Alex asked fervently, "Are you sure General?"

"Mr. Alex, I'm already too old for this. Please take care of the surviving soldiers and save as many of the people as you can."


Reluctantly, Alex gave a salute to the old general and walked away. Captain Farell, Captain Adnan the army soldier and the Red Barrett, together numbered around 1200 soldiers, they went to the armory and geared up. As for the rest of the arsenal, he will send other people to pick up later. The vehicles at the hangar need some modification, without it they're as good as decorations. The army came back with Alex to the city. The vehicles Alex brought, are not enough for everyone, they decided to start sweeping from the North to the South.



Six hours have passed, the dawn came.

With help from the army, the South section group manages to cover half of the Denpasar city.


Time's up...





Big explosion coming from the hill... smoke fills out the velvet sky... It seems the General just accomplished his last duty...



This also means


The dead has finally risen.

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