Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 86 - Garuda

Chapter 86 - Garuda

The name of Garuda is very famous, it is part of the state insignia of India, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, and Indonesia. The Indonesian official coat of arms is centered on the Garuda.

All around the Bali temples, and many other places around the world, Garuda statues or paintings can be found. Garuda is a legendary bird or bird-like creature in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain mythology. The mount of God.

Garuda is described as the king of birds. He is shown either in the form of a giant bird with partially opened wings or a form of a man with wings and some bird features. Garuda is generally a protector with the power to swiftly go anywhere, ever watchful and an enemy of the serpent.

But the scholars never found a real garuda bird, some believed it to be created based on the real bird species called the Golden Eagle or one of the hawk or condor species.

Alex didn't really care what species the bird came from, he only cared about the things this bird did in his previous life. This mutated giant bird could destroy a single city with fully-armed soldiers by itself.. A flap of its wing could throw a truck away, its claws could crush a building apart and its beak could pierce a tank. The garuda bird that Alex knew was a third stage beast. This should be the same Garuda. In his previous life, this beast wreaked havoc in Papua, an island easternmost of Indonesia. There's no way Alex or the Golem could fight against this threat.

Alex's heart had never been this worried, he hopped around on top of the warehouses and rushed into the VIP warehouse, where his wife and daughters lived. But the bird was just much faster than him, Alex could only see from afar how the Garuda landed in his warehouse.

Alex had no idea how to kill it, to hurt it or to just send them away. But seeing his family in danger, he knew he had no choice but to just face it.

The bird's aim was the storage building next to Alex's VIP warehouse.


With just a flap of its wing, the warehouse's roof just got blown away... It was looking for the source of the scent and finally found it. Three pieces of one-meter tall yellow eggs. This is what the garuda came for. The beast snapped it with its beak and gulped one of the egg... a moment later it took the second one. and finally the last one, just like that all three eggs were devoured by the flying beast.

A moment later... a door of the warehouse's next door open...

"Haloo... what was all that noise...? Aunt Villy are you there?"


The bird slowly starring at the human facing it... it's a little girl...

"Who is there?... Who are you?



"What are you?"

Here's when Alex finally arrived at the scene... his little daughter 10 meters away from a huge winged beast. The Garuda is part of the birds of prey species, it is a very large raptor, 5 meters in length. Its wings are broad and the wingspan is 10 meters. The dark brown beast has powerful feet and massive, sharp talons to snatch up a variety of prey. Seeing his little girl in front of this beast, Alex quickly acted.


The Garuda's took a glance at Alex, and as seems as it understood what Alex said, the bird furiously moved towards Alex.

Alex took out the golem, it quickly jumped forward to stop the massive birds, but...


At first, Alex thought about using the Golem to hold the beast, and Alex would quickly save his daughters during the chaos... but with just a flap from its wing, the golem got thrown away 15 meters... it's now heading straight at Alex...

Alex opened up a smoke grenade in his hand... fog rose. Alex instantly performed breathing techniques and the second stage of the hexagram steps. His speed increased substantially and Alex quickly dodged into the thick smoke... but...


The large talons grabbed Alex easily... He was suddenly caught within its grasp... and being thrown and held down into the ground... AAARRRGGGHHH!!... Alex's maximum speed was unable to compete with a stage three beast... and now, the talon held Alex on the ground while crushing him with the beast big bodies... AAARRRGGGHHH!!. Alex was in pain...

Tiffany, hearing this, suddenly had some idea of what's going on...

"STOP!! STOP!! Don't hurt my Daddy!!"

Hearing Alex's painful screams, Tiffany turned hysterical and suddenly something seemed to snap inside her brain...


A deep rumbling of thunder echoed in her ears... her mind suddenly felt refreshed as if a thick cloud had suddenly been vacuum away... She could feel the presence of such strong forces in front of her... it had a golden majestic color... the majestic golden force seemed to fly into her and it seems comforting to her, she decided to accept it.



The whole experience seemed a few minutes for her but for Alex and everyone else, it lasted a mere few seconds... Alex saw her daughter Tiffany was screaming, and suddenly her eyes turned red and stared at the bird on top of him... A second later, the beast moved weirdly, it let go of its grasp... walked back a few steps, looked around before finally jumping and flying away fast into the mountains... The weirdest thing was how the bird's brown eyes turned full white during the whole process.


The situation baffled him, although his whole body hurt, and probably some bones snapped, Alex quickly moved over to Tiffany. She's currently still standing still with her eyes still red... Alex tried to call out to her, but there was no response... he decided to wait, this was so mysterious to him... Alex never heard of such a thing in his previous life. Considering Tiffany was the only person who survived the disease that took the life of at least 5 billion people. It will be even weirder if nothing weird happened to her.

A few minutes later, her eyes turned back to white...

"Daddy... Daddy? Are you Ok Daddy?"

"Yes Tiff, Daddy's fine... "

"That's great Daddy, I saw you hurt on the ground."

"You saw me? Your eyes turned better just now?"

"No Daddy..., not me... I saw you and I also saw me just now.. it's weird Daddy..."

"..." josei

"Don't worry Tiff,... now tell me what was the last thing you saw."

"I saw.... the sky.. the mountains... I think I was flying."


It seems Tiffany's able to go into the mind of the Garuda, Alex knew some psychic spirit enhancer who could affect a monster's or beast's mind, but never control it.. and this Garuda was an extremely rare third stage mutated beast... this ability of his daughter was very powerful. Alex turned really curious to test his daughter's ability, he had some idea of what he wanted to try, but not today. It seemed she turns really tired afterward. Alex took her back to rest and afterward went to check the battle reports.

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