Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 95 - Street Mercenaries

Chapter 95 - Street Mercenaries

The meeting was not just planning for the future of Jakarta Base, but it also to plan the future of the country. People within this meeting represented the last of Indonesian authority. Therefore Rico's plan of moving the entire base needed to be accepted by the people in this meeting.

There were four colonels within these meetings. Bernard, Andry, Jaka, and Rano. This was also the first time they were hearing this. They were confused.

Colonel Rano was the first one who voiced his opinion:

"General, I know there are still millions of undead within this city, but I am sure with our current force, eventually we will able to take back the city."

The others within the meeting seemed to agree with the colonel, there have been too many casualties from the people who went out of the base. They were terrified to go outside this base. Although the wall of this sports arena was not the ideal defensive wall, it had been sufficient to hold the zombies attack the last three weeks..

Another cabinet member added:

"General, I am not a soldier but I had my share on killing those abominations, I am sure given some time and enough training these 100.000 civilians will be able to contribute on taking back the city."

More people seemed to agree with Colonel Rano's idea. This city was their home, after all, something worth fighting for.

A beautiful cabinet member named Silvia decided to say her piece to, this woman in her early thirties was the granddaughter of the Indonesian first president, her influence within these cabinet members was huge.

"General, it seems many people here need some explanation, please give us the reason."

The General stared at the people within this meeting and slowly said:

"Colonel Rano, don't you realize that the undead becomes stronger each day and that the red mutated zombies nowadays are easier to be found?"

Colonel Rano and the other seemed to agree and nodded. The group started to realize something and the atmosphere between the people in this meeting seemed to turn colder...

"I have very reliable intel that the current threat is only the first wave. What's coming next will be much harder to deal with. and if we don't leave the city within the next two months, everyone will be in grave danger."



"What do you mean General!!?"

"What Intel!!?"

"Where did you hear this?"

"The same person who warned me about the doomsday and made us prepare the soldiers and the supplies, without his intel, it would be lucky if even half of our current numbers survived by now."



A man in his 60's wearing a very expensive suite voice his opinion. This was Anthony, one of the 9 Dragons Family in Jakarta.

"How much do you trust this source general?"

The general said firmly... "With my life."


The people within the meetings suddenly turned silent, this news was too much to comprehend... An even bigger threat than what they were facing now… That's madness...


Silvia broke the silence and continued her question:

"General, where will we be moving the base?"josei


"It will be near one of the cities in Central Java."


"How are we going to move 100.000 men to reach 200-kilometer distance trough millions of zombies?"



"The same way we got help with our supplies, we will also receive help from our friend from the east, but before, while we prepare the move, we will send a few platoons to the east. To scout the road and connect our communication line."


"Even with the tank units, that is a crazy mission."

Rico thought that other than his special forces probably only a crazy unit such as the misfits would accept such mission.

The meeting went on for another few hours; when night came the General returned to his quarters only to find a beautiful half-naked woman already waiting for him in his bed.

"You are better at this than I thought you know?"


"Being the country leader I mean."

While opening his clothes, Rico answered:

"That's mainly because of your help of course..."

The woman in his bed is Silvia, a cabinet member and granddaughter of the first president. The General always had his sweet spot for a beautiful woman. The night turned wild for both of them.

- - - - - - - - - -

The next day, Adam walked down the main street within the sports arena compound. The main street has become the most crowded area. There were hundreds of stalls created by the survivors as the gathering hub and market place. Within this area, people bartered their supplies: foods, weapons, medicine, or clothes. There were also people providing their services as a bodyguard to go outside or also as always prostitution.

The situation around the main streets was also filled with people begging for food, the conditions were very depressing.

On top of a pedestal, a guy preached a sermon:

"Repent!! The end of days has come, belief in him, everything is exactly as the scripture said. Repent!! It's not too late to believe in the Lord!"

Adam already received news of his special mission. This morning, he, Daisy and the Misfits walked around the main street for one main reason; to recruit more people to become part of his gang of misfits.

"So what kind of people are we looking for?"

"Young people such as us, but have much experience outside the wall. The stronger and crazier the better."

"Should we open a recruitment stall?"

"No, I already know exactly which people I want to join."

"Don't tell me?"

The group went to one corner of the main street, a group of youngsters opening up a tent with a sign 'mercenaries for hire'.

"Yooo... Misfits..."

"What an honor for the famous Misfits to visit our humble tent."

"Brother these are the Misfits? They don't look as tough as I heard."

While the Misfits were the group famous for helping the military in special missions, this other group of youngsters was known as the Mercenaries. The went out many times before. The leaders were the pair of brother and sister Nathalie and Nathan. They both were orphans that have been living in the street for a long time. Most of the youngsters from their group also came from the same background. They have been survivors since they were born.

"We would like your men to join us Misfits for a very important mission for the survival of our base."


"What's the pay?", Nathan Asked

Romi is upset and said, "Didn't you hear the part for the survival of our base?"

"Nope!! Everything we do these days is always about the base, but at the end the day we still need food to eat."


Adam knew this youngster may seem harsh, but he knew for the fact, they have been doing mercenary work to feed the young children from the streets.


Adam threw Nathan a bag of 25 pieces of spirit stones.

"This is half of what we got from last mission, I also guarantee equal sharing for our future loot. What do you think?"


Nathan gave a look to Nathalie and discussed it with their group.

"With one condition... We will only follow the command of people stronger than us. We challenge a three on three fights. Do you accept?"

"Of course."

There were two dozens of these youngsters, most of them already consumed a few stones, with Nathan and Nathalia almost reaching peak stage of the Mortal Realm. But to their surprise, none of them could defeat Adam, Daisy, and Tommy. Knowing Daisy's and Tommy's ability, this group of youngsters was more confident to join the Misfits. The Misfits finally have 50 men. Time to prepare for the mission.

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