Douluo: Start Invincible From Capturing the Goddess

Chapter 768

Chapter 768: Shocked the court!

Chapter 768 Shocked the court!

In the imperial court of the Star Luo Empire.

The ministers gathered and split on both sides, bearing the wrath of Emperor Xingluo.

Prince Davis has been missing for many days, and the long-term search has been fruitless, which has long made the old emperor lose all patience.

was yelling at the officials.

The elder of the Zhu family was afraid of being angered, so he hurried forward and said that his two daughters were also missing and did not know where to go.


The halls opened, and two women and a man walked in.

The woman is as beautiful as a fairy, with a hot body, which can be called peerless.

The man's handsome appearance is as handsome as a banished immortal.

The ministers looked in shock at the three young men who suddenly appeared, and were immediately stunned.

what's the situation?

Someone dared to break into the palace without saying hello?

This is not enough to kill a few lives.

The head of the Zhu family was at a loss.

"Zhuyun, Zhuqing?"

"Why did you suddenly appear here?"

Emperor Xingluo was in the midst of a furious interrogation, and when he saw someone trespassing on the palace suddenly, he also froze there.

You must know that since the founding of the Star Luo Empire, it has never been heard that anyone dared to break in when the emperor was discussing matters.

No one has such courage at all.

And it was three young men who broke in.

At this time, the **** next to Emperor Xingluo reacted, and angrily scolded:


"Who dares to trespass on the palace."

"Where are the guards?"

Luo Yu ignored the little eunuch, followed behind the two women, with a relaxed expression, observing the surrounding environment.

Can't help curling his lips.

"What, it's a little less interesting than Tiandou Palace."

This sentence directly offended the public.


"Who dares to speak wild words here."

"Crazy boy, I think you don't want to live."

The ministers and princes jumped out one by one, scolding Luo Yu one after another, secretly cursing that this kid really dares to say anything.

It doesn't matter that you are dead.

If the emperor is angered, they will all suffer and be blamed.


Luo Yu glanced at them lightly, did not reply, and did not bother to reply.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these people are all bigwigs with power and can't afford to mess with them, but to him they are just a group of ants.

When the ants tell you what to do, will you fight back?

of course not.

I was happy, and ignored it.

If you are not happy, just trample to death.

And now Luo Yu is completely lazy to talk to them, after all, it is the hometown of sister Zhu Zhuyun, let them deal with it first.

Always give your woman face.

"Zhuyun, Zhuqing, haven't you disappeared, why did you suddenly appear here?"

The head of the Zhu family turned into a black shadow and appeared in front of the two sisters.

The two sisters thought that the Zhu family was prosperous, and they began to worry about their safety and care about their life and death.

Where did you think that the head of the Zhu family would ask in the next sentence:

"Since you are back, where is Prince Davis, why didn't you come back with His Royal Highness?"

After hearing this and seeing that the head of the Zhu family was actually concerned about the crown prince, the two sisters' gazes that had just had joy turned cold again.

Emperor Xingluo at a high place naturally also heard the following conversation, and opened his mouth to ask:

"Zhu Zhuyun, where is the prince?"

Zhu Zhuyun glanced at the head of the Zhu family, and then looked up at the majestic emperor on the height.

I sigh in my heart.

Once upon a time, she had to be trembling even when facing her father, let alone the patriarch.

Now he is full of confidence and not afraid at all.

Is it the confidence that I brought to myself?

Of course not, it’s all because of my lover’s presence.

"Report to the emperor, Zhuyun knows the whereabouts of Prince Davis."

All the ministers breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words.


"The prince has been missing for many days, and there is finally a result."

"Yes, His Majesty has been angry for so long, and he can finally calm down."

"We can live comfortably for two days."

The head of the Zhu family also had a happy expression on his face, and finally he didn't have to be afraid of being implicated, as long as the prince was fine.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome.

Emperor Xingluo's frown eased.

"Say, where is the prince, I can forgive you for the sin of trespassing the hall without permission."

Zhu Zhuyun took a step forward, cupped his hands and said politely:

"Report Your Majesty, the crown prince is dead."

The minister beside him breathed a sigh of relief, subconsciously said:

"Oh, it turns out that the prince is dead. I said why there is no news for so long."

But soon his body was trembling, his scalp was numb, a coolness passed through his spine from his feet, and went straight to the top of the sky, his heart was shaking.


Prince dead?

He looked at Zhu Zhuyun in shock, shouldn't you be distraught when the crown prince died.

Shouldn't you remember and mourn.

Shouldn't you be terrified?

Why is that tone not only not afraid, but also seems to want to laugh?

This is outrageous!

The ministers were all turbulent, their hearts were trembling, and they looked at the emperor on the heights in horror, thinking that it was over, and the sky was about to change.

The head of the Zhu family wanted to cover his daughter's mouth immediately.

"Zhu Zhuyun, bold, what are you talking to His Majesty about?"

"No nonsense in the hall."

Zhu Zhuyun turned his head:

"You believe me, Prince Davis, he is really dead."

"Totally dead."

The head of the Zhu family turned pale and his figure swayed.

I can't wait to retreat a hundred feet immediately and get rid of the relationship with Zhu Zhuyun.

"Prince...His Royal Highness is dead, so why are you still alive!"

The faces of the two sisters Zhu Zhuyun suddenly became particularly ugly.

"Does this sound like a father's words?" Zhu Zhuqing said angrily.

Zhu Zhuyun also said coldly: "You have never looked like a father!"


The breath of an explosion came from the height of the hall, Emperor Xingluo stood up, and the eight soul rings circled under his feet.

"What were you talking about just now?"

"The prince is dead?"

"Whoever killed my son, this emperor will make him and those behind him pay the price in blood and tears."

Facing the aura of Emperor Xingluo crushing.

The two sisters Zhu Zhuyun held their heads high and held their chests high, without any fear.

"Prince Davis raped and plundered, arrogance formed, and he did countless dirty things secretly, he deserves to die!"


The ministers were all frightened.

How dare the two of them!

How dare you talk to the emperor like this, are you really not afraid of death?

"Naughty animal, why are you talking to His Majesty? Today, the patriarch wants to exterminate relatives righteously!"

The head of the Zhu family showed a look of anxiety, Contra's cultivation level exploded, his figure moved, and a palm was about to be imprinted on Zhu Zhuyun's chest.


The head of the Zhu family took a few steps back after being beaten, and looked at Zhu Zhuyun in disbelief.

" did you become so strong!"

Zhu Zhuyun stood there with a surge of momentum, and the seven soul rings moved rhythmically around his body.

"Impossible, how can your age break through to the soul sage." The head of the Zhu family shook his head again and again, suspecting that he had hallucinations.

Although Emperor Xingluo on the high place was shocked, he was repeatedly provoked and majestic in his heart, and coupled with the news of his son's death, he was so enraged that he almost lost his mind.

"Zhu Zhuyun, who killed my son!"

"As a princess, why did you come back with a wild man!"

"Don't think that the soul sage is great, today the emperor wants you to die, no one in the world can stop me!"

(end of this chapter)

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