Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 68

Chapter 68:

There was no one at home tonight, and I couldn't explain the reason. Jiang Xu didn't want to go back too early, so he simply worked overtime in the department for a while.

It's been a long time since Shen Fangyu's phone call. Jiang Xu was looking at the documents, and suddenly deserted and silently took out his phone, and checked the flight map of Shen Fangyu's flight.

The flight went smoothly with no delays or unusual weather conditions.

This made Jiang Xu's heart inexplicably calm a lot.

But unexpectedly, just as he put down his cell phone, the department suddenly received a call from Zhang Cheng.

"Zhang Cheng? What's wrong?" It was Wu Rui who answered the phone.

When Jiang Xu heard Zhang Cheng's name from Wu Rui's mouth, his heart, which had finally calmed down, was beating slightly, a little unsteady.

Zhang Cheng and Shen Fangyu were on the same plane, logically, he should be on the plane at this time, unable to make calls.

Wu Rui heard Zhang Cheng's voice on the other end of the microphone trembling badly, and he didn't know whether it was from the cold or the fright, and he couldn't speak clearly.

"Take a breath first, aren't you at the venue, why are you so scared?"

It is rare for a doctor to be particularly restless. Zhang Cheng is not usually a person who is surprised at first glance, but when he heard Wu Rui's voice at this moment, he instantly raised his voice by dozens of decibels, "Angkor! Wu Brother, I almost died Angkor."

He took a deep breath and wanted to calm down, but it was obviously useless to adjust at this time, "I and... Fang Yu and I met a robber with a gun in Country M!"

"What?" Wu Rui stood up abruptly, and his loud voice immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the office.

"It's all the fault of that professor from country M. It's not good to hold a conference somewhere...I have to hold it at his house, even the street lights are not on in the wilderness!"

"The driver was controlled by the robbers while the driver was waiting for us. Fang Yu and I didn't notice, and we foolishly got into the car. As soon as we got in, they put guns on our heads!"

Zhang Cheng seldom speaks in such an exasperated way on weekdays, but now he is in a state of fear, and he doesn't care whether he is venting his anger or not. The more he speaks, the more angry he becomes, as if the only way to dispel it is by relying on this high-pitched voice. Cold fear.

"I've been damned for eight lifetimes. I didn't go early and didn't go late, but I got into the car when the driver was robbed."

"All our cash was given to the robbers, and so was our mobile phone. Fang Yu's suit was stolen by the robbers, and the robbers drove the car to a place where nothing **** happened and left us all behind. The car drove away!"

The more Zhang Cheng talked, the more he broke down, "It was too dark, and there was no one on the road. We walked a long way with the driver before we found someone who borrowed a phone and called the police. The policeman who answered the phone said that he couldn't find the license plate number, so let's go to the police station. Registration, but when we got to the police station, they kept asking the robber about his face and height, and I was already being shot at, who would dare to look at his face, anyway, what they said was not to arrest people!"

"Later the driver said that he had a child's mobile phone in the car, which belonged to his son, and GPS was installed on it, and his wife's mobile phone could receive the signal. We followed the police to his house to get his wife's mobile phone, but the GPS location was still **** bad. It’s better to have a random navigation app, there is no specific positioning at all, only a general direction and a straight-line distance!”

"However, to put it bluntly, those policemen finally took his wife's mobile phone to chase the car," Zhang Cheng wiped his face, "I don't know if the money can be recovered, and all the documents were stuffed in the wallet and taken away together. .”

When Zhang Cheng was just agitated, he spoke as if he had fired a machine gun. Wu Rui was so shocked that he had no room to intervene. Now that Zhang Cheng calmed down a little, he asked cautiously: "Are you all Are you okay?"

"It's okay," Zhang Cheng said with a wry smile, "there's only one person left who's okay."

"It's good that people are fine, it's good that they're not injured," Wu Rui asked after reassuring, "Then where are you now, where are Shen Fangyu and others?"

"The driver rented a car with Fang Yu and followed the police to chase the car. I'm waiting for news from them at the police station. Fang Yu told me not to call the department, but I really can't take it anymore. Angkor, Have you ever seen a gun, a real gun!"

He didn't dare to recall the dozens of kilometers he had just galloped with a gun to his head.

"I didn't dare to tell my parents that they were worried. They didn't answer the phone calls from some of my classmates. I had no choice but to call the department. Angkor, you can talk to me for a while."

"Okay, okay, it's okay," Wu Rui comforted, "Angkor is with you."

"What's wrong?" Yu Sang was at a loss.

Wu Rui explained to Yu Sang, "Zhang Cheng and Fang Yu met gun-wielding robbers in Country M."

"Damn it, a robber with a gun?" Everyone in Yu Sang was dumbfounded, "This is too **** unreal."

Jiang Xu, who had been paying attention to their conversation, changed his face, and was about to speak, when Yu Sang rushed ahead of him and asked what he wanted to say: "Aren't they all injured?"

"No, no," Wu Rui said hastily, "They were not injured. Fang Yu went after the car with the police, and Zhang Cheng was waiting for news at the police station." He shook his head and said, "Even if he was a little frightened, the money was stolen gone."

Yu Sang breathed a sigh of relief, and raised the decibels into the microphone: "Brother Zhang, don't be afraid, you can make more money if you run out of money, as long as there is no accident, the worst thing is that our department will start a crowdfunding and help you share it." .”

Zhang Cheng heard Yu Sang's voice over there, and the warmth of the department made him feel better instantly, "It's okay," he rubbed his temples, half responding to Yu Sang, half comforting himself: "We're going to M country has a short period of time, and there is not much cash exchanged, the big deal is to come back and arrange a few more surgeries."

"What kind of surgery is it? Let's have a good meal when we come back." At this time, Yu Sang also briefly put aside the previous quarrel with Zhang Cheng, and comforted him: "Don't worry, I'll treat you!"

Hearing that the person was fine, the chat on their side seemed a lot easier.

But Jiang Xu's brows did not relax, he pursed his lips, and repeated to Wu Rui in a very soft voice amidst the noise: "Shen Fangyu went to chase the car?"

Just now Wu Rui's attention was on Zhang Cheng, and he didn't care too much about the amount of information in the sentence "Shen Fangyu went to chase the car". Now Jiang Xu emphasized that he suddenly realized it.

He turned on the speakerphone, and said to Zhang Cheng on the other end of the phone, "Shen Fangyu went after the robber's car?"

"It's not the kidnapper's car, it's the driver's car. They drove us out of the car and robbed the car too!"

Zhang Cheng said: "I asked Fang Yu to wait for the news with me, but he refused. He insisted on chasing the car with the police, no matter how much he persuaded him, he refused.

"I can't hold him back," Zhang Cheng said, "but with the police around, nothing should happen. Those policemen also have guns."

While he was talking, a string of English came from the other end of the phone. Because the hands-free was turned on, the transmission from the microphone was very clear. Jiang Xu's hearing was very good, and he understood the meaning of the police immediately.

"I'm sorry, sir. The GPS signal you provided is too inaccurate and difficult to track. Now the suspect has escaped from our jurisdiction. Our police force is limited and we have decided to withdraw."

Zhang Cheng managed to calm down a bit, and became excited again when he heard the words, subconsciously responded in Chinese: "What does it mean that the police force is limited? You are the police. Isn't your purpose to serve the people?"

Obviously, the police in Country M couldn't understand Chinese, and they didn't know what "serving the people" meant. He looked at Zhang Cheng blankly, and was so angry that he had to repeat it in English.

The policeman who came to negotiate with Zhang Cheng paused after hearing this, and explained to him: "According to statistics, your losses are not large, and there are no casualties. The stolen car is also very cheap according to the evaluation."

"And based on our past experience, according to the current speed, even if the car can be recovered, the suspect will have enough time to abandon the car and escape. It is too late for you to call the police."

"It's not like this in your movies." Zhang Cheng gestured to the blockbuster movies he had seen in disbelief: "Aren't you very domineering and awesome, aren't you very imposing? A bunch of police cars are whistling, and the police lights It flashes like a reminder!"

"Sorry sir, drama requires conflict." The M country policeman said unmoved: "And the premise of chasing the car is that we can find out where the car is."

Zhang Cheng's old blood was choked in his heart, and he couldn't help scolding himself: "I'm a dog when I watch the movie of country M again."

After scolding, he suddenly found that Shen Fangyu hadn't come back, and asked anxiously, "What about Shen Fangyu? The one with me!"

"Mr. Shen insisted that the **** navigation system could track the missing car, and he insisted on continuing to chase it. The owner of the car seemed to trust him." The policeman shrugged. "I wish them luck."

Zhang Cheng was stunned by the words of the person in front of him, "You are **** kidding," he said in disbelief, "If you police don't chase the car, you let two unarmed ordinary people chase the car by themselves? After chasing them, those people have guns in their hands, how dangerous it is!"

No matter how good-looking those passionate gunfight dramas are, when they really fall on their own heads, it's a completely different matter.

"We have no right to interfere with their freedom," the policeman seemed indifferent. "Besides, once they find the vehicle, they can call the police station at any time."

"You—" Zhang Cheng was so angry that he wanted to curse again, Jiang Xu suddenly took the mobile phone from Wu Rui's hand, and spoke very quickly: "What is the phone number Shen Fangyu is holding in his hand?"

Zhang Cheng was taken aback. The mobile phone with GPS signal belonged to the wife of the driver. The wife of the driver stayed at home with the children, but did not follow after giving them the phone. He neither knew the phone number nor remembered where the wife of the driver lived. .josei

But this phone call is the only way to contact Shen Fangyu and ensure his safety.

He hurried to question the policeman, but the policeman refused straight away: "I'm sorry, this is other people's privacy and cannot be disclosed."

Jiang Xu suddenly felt nauseous, he stood up abruptly and wanted to go to the bathroom, but because he got up too quickly, his vision was darkened, but fortunately, he was quick to react and supported the table with his hands so he didn't fall down.

"What's wrong with you, Brother Xu?" Yu Sang quickly noticed Jiang Xu's strange behavior, and the latter waved his hand and walked out of the office.

In the empty bathroom, bouts of retching came one after another. Jiang Xu bent his back against the wall, feeling sick again and again, but he couldn't spit out anything, only dizzy.

He hasn't vomited like this for a long time since the morning sickness ended.

He took out his phone and clicked into the chat box with Shen Fangyu. The last message record was still on the voice call record.

There are too many accidents in the world. As a doctor, he should understand this truth better than anyone else.

Jiang Xu didn't even dare to assume that if the robbers chose to kill people after robbing the money, how would he accept it? In fact, he can't even imagine now, without the protection of the police, alone with the driver Can Shen Fangyu, who went to chase the car, come back safely?

As long as he remembered that Shen Fangyu was still on the phone with him one second before he got in the car, and still said that he wanted to hear him say "Bon voyage", his heart would ache so badly, it felt like it was being torn apart.

In the end, it just so happened that the sentence "Bon voyage" was missing.

Why not?

Why don't you say it according to his heart.

It was because of him that Shen Fangyu got into that car in the middle of the night.

And what was he thinking then?

He was thinking that he should calm down, he was afraid that he really fell in love with Shen Fangyu, he was afraid that if he said this, he would not be able to calm down if he let himself go.

Jiang Xu bit his lower lip tightly, and there was a **** smell in his mouth.

But now he suddenly doesn't want to calm down.

Is there anything bigger in this world than life and death?

Those looking forward and backward seemed sensible at the time, but they would only appear ridiculous and insignificant in the face of accidents.

From the time he found out he was pregnant until now, Jiang Xu always felt that he took life and death very lightly, and he was also mentally prepared to face any accidents on the operating table.

But only now did he realize that for him, accepting the accident that happened to Shen Fangyu was much more difficult than accepting his own accident.

Because the dead do not suffer, but the living suffer.

Losing Shen Fangyu was more painful than cutting his heart open.

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