Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Art of Friendship

A Month has passed by, with Tang Wulin, Xie Xie and Gu Yue not making any progress on their teamwork at all.

Wu Zhangkong scolded them every day, questioning whether their idiots or foolish to comprehend an easy concept.

"This isn't working."

Xie Xie and Gu Yue both stop and stared at Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin expression was one of rare frustration. They had to agree, making no progression on their teamwork was starting to become frustrating.

"You know, you could just ask for my valuable advice?"

Tang Wulin lips twitch at Zeref typically making his frequent appearance. He really didn't know if he could sincerely trust Zeref but it been undoubtedly over a month and they have made no progress.

He nodded his head and motions for Zeref to go ahead.

"Do you trust them?"

Zeref watch as Acnologia looks around the academy, averting his gaze. He smiles as he resumed his talk.

"You barely know anything about them. They're no different than those kids at the elementary academy to you."

"So I can understand the lack of trust you have towards them, but you continue doing what you normally do isn't going to change anything."

"Why don't you go out with them and get to know each other?

Tang Wulin directs his gaze at Zeref with an arched brow. He was naturally surprised Zeref out of all people would advocate trust and friendship.

"Well if you don't try this method, nothing will change."

Xie Xie and Gu Yue were desperately trying to think of a way to radically improve their teamwork but then Tang Wulin made a surprising suggestion.josei

"...Why don't we take a break and go out to eat?"

Gu Yue and Xie Xie were surprised that Tang Wulin would be the one to suggest something like this. They thought about and agreed it best to take a break. They all agreed to meet at the front gate after they got change.

Half an hour later, Tang Wulin and Xie Xie were standing in front of the academy gates waiting for Gu Yue.

"So what up with you? It sounds unlike you to want to go out and eat with all of us."

Xie Xie was, however, finding it hard to genuinely believe, that Tang Wulin would be the one to suggest an adventure together.

"It just came to me. That we know absolute barely anything about each other, then the basic things."

"We never really tried to sit down and just talk to each other."

Xie Xie nodded to that, still surprised that he would be the one to bring up that issue.

"Why are you trying so hard, though? It not like you want us to be teammates right?"

Xie Xie was still confused on why he was willing to do this. He honestly felt it would take outside help to force them to talk to each other.

"I can't really explain it, but for some odd reason I want us to be a team."

Xie Xie was shocked before his expression turns to a smile. Xie Xie laughs as he started to slap Tang Wulin on back.

"That pretty funny, I was considering the same thing. Except not with Gu Yue."

"That funny, I was thinking the same thing with you. Mr, can't even touch me in our spar."

Xie Xie flinches as Gu Yue appeared behind them. Tang Wulin recalls Xie Xie hasn't been able to touch Gu Yue at all, whenever they spar.

"Well since I doubt you know where to eat at. Just follow me."

Tang Wulin nodded, not caring where they ate as long as they got the time to sit down and talk.

Xie Xie suggested they went to eat around the street food street area. It was a nice place to go out and eat. They all agreed and started their journey with the occasion sight-seeing of food stands or fireworks.

The food street was some distance from Eastsea Academy, and the three of them walked a full 30 minutes to get there.

It wasn't a wide street, and stores sprouted upwards on both sides. As soon as they reached the mouth of the street, their noses were assaulted with the fragrance of a variety of different snacks and appetizing scents.

Xie Xie took them to a stand that sold Stewed Beef and from there, they just started talking. Tang Wulin found out that Xie Xie has been training every night at Eastsea park ever since he lost to him.

He has been trying catching up to his level and Gu Yue been putting extra work in her cultivation. It seems they didn't want to be left behind by him but exactly why?

"Why are you guys trying so hard catching up to me?"

"Is it because you don't like that I am stronger?"

Xie Xie and Gu Yue blink at the direct question. They both gaze at each other before turning back to Tang Wulin.

"It not that we hate that you're more capable than us."

"It just, we don't want to be left behind."

Tang Wulin gaze at them with an indifferent look but inward was a shock at their answer.

"I am unsure if you know this but this is the first time I ever wanted to stay around someone my age. When I lost to you, I instantly thought I desperately wanted to get stronger to beat you and regain my damaged pride. But I as the days went by, I found out the truth later. I just wanted you to acknowledge and let me stay by your side."

Xie Xie stared at his stewed Beef with a smile on his face. Gu Yue lightly smile as she started talking.

"I feel at ease when I am with you. It a strange feeling, especially when we have barely talked to each other. Yet I don't want us to be separated or left behind."

Tang Wulin continues contentedly eating his food, not saying anything about their motives or reason. No one said anything as they all enjoyed each other company and the firework show.

'It a surprise isn't Acnologia. To have people who wish to stay by your side, since you're so used to being feared as the Black Dragon of Apocalypse.'


"You want to do what now."

Zeref stared thoughtfully at Acnologia as he naturally started making his way to the girl dorms.

"I need to talk to that blacksmith girl that was at the association."

"I get that part but why?"

"She is going to be saving me a lot of time."

Zeref didn't understand what he meant precisely but said nothing as they were getting closer. Tang Wulin look around until he spotted Mu Xi's sitting down around a group of upper-grade people.

"Hey blacksmith girl, I will compete with you on a condition."

The people sitting at the table were surprised that some kid came out of nowhere. They turned their heads to Mu Xi because she was the only girl here that was a blacksmith. Mu Xi felt her temper growing from the boy question.

"What did you just call me?

"It doesn't matter, you want to compete or not?"

"Yes, I do."

She knew this may be one of the rare chances she would have to compete against him. Quickly saying goodbye to her friends, she dragged the boy away as her friend watches them go off.

After walking for a while, she stops and turns toward him.

"What the condition?"

"Whoever wins, as to do what the winners say."

Mu Xi raises an eyebrow, she wonders why he wanted that as the condition. He didn't look old enough to think about anything bad. Plus when she wins, she could have him do anything she wants.

"Alright deal!"

Tang Wulin nodded, and they headed to Mang Tian workshop, not wanting anyone at the association to interrupt them.

After a while, they reach a private workshop. Tang Wulin saw Mang Tian working diligently on something, so he decided to leave him be, as they went deeper into the workshop to set up for their competition.

They both decide to use one of the unfinished tasks as the core of the competition. Whoever is able to properly complete this task and make the best type of refinement wins.

After Mang Tian properly finish his task, he undoubtedly heard the familiar sound of metal clashing against each other. He follows the distinctive sounds, thinking wistfully about the time he checks up on Tang Wulin.

'Huh, it not just him that here.'

He saw Tang Wulin and a girl. Why does she look so familiar, though? Mang Tian wonders if she was helping Tang Wulin out with his forging but merely shook his head consider the peculiar temperament of this kid.

He decided to watch, impress the girl's ability to forge with a good amount of strength. After a while, Mu Xi finishes up with her refinement before Tang Wulin.

"Alright, let see-."

But before Mu Xi could finish, she was shocked by the sound coming from Tang Wulin hammer. She would be a fool to not recognize the Stack Hammer effect but this was coming from a kid way younger than her.

That wasn't all, the control of his hammer was too amazing. The amount of control he was displaying with those hammers, was as if he was brandishing his own arms.


Mu Xi flinches and turns her head to see Mang Tian staring at Tang Wulin. She already found out from Tang Wulin this person was the owner of the workshop.

"How is it able to wield his hammers like that? How much strength does he even have?"

"The last time I tested his strength. It clocks out in the 4,000s."

Mu Xi instantly froze with her mouth hanging out in the open. That type of strength surpasses even a Spirit Ancestor and even the other more superior ranks. She really couldn't compare to this junior kid at all.

After a considerable while, Tang Wulin finish up with his smithing, and then the metals were judged by Mang Tian. Tang Wulin was the obvious winner and Mu Xi had to grudgingly accept her defeat. They both left, after staying briefly with Mang Tian as they begin heading back to the dorm.

"Alright, what do you want?"

"I am surprised you're so willing to not go back on your promise."

Mu Xi snorted as she said." I am not the type of person to go back on my word."

"Alright, I undoubtedly want you to become my personal blacksmith and help me get any items I need."

Mu Xi blinks at his answer, not quite understanding what he meant by his personal blacksmith. She could understand the part of the item but the personal blacksmith.

"As if now, your ranks may not be the at the right level. The items I will need in the future will require you to constantly increase your blacksmith rank. At the pace your going, it will take too long. This is why I will be training your body and senses to be able to decrease the amount of time it takes for you to rank up."

"That only if your willing to trust me with your future development. Deal?"

Mu Xi was genuinely shocked at what she was told. She started wondering what type of items he would need for her to constantly rank up and why he couldn't do it himself.

Initially, she wanted to resolutely refuse him, feeling enraged that she would need a nine-year-old help but think about it more.

'He said, he will help me get stronger. Which means he uses some type of method to increase his strength.'

Mu Xi knew she couldn't allow her pride to stop her this time. She took a large sigh, carefully questioning if she was doing the right thing.

"Alright, you have a deal."

Tang Wulin told her the name of the items he needed to break the second golden dragon seal. She nodded her head and said she will see if she can find them. As he was about to leave, she interrupted him.

"You're way more talented than me, why would you even need me?

"Oh, because being a blacksmith was just a hobby for me. Oh, do remember as my personal blacksmith you going to have to buy me food."


"Naturally, you can't allow your master to starve now."

Tang Wulin left, as Mu Xi's face was twitching with anger, pondering how someone could be so shameless.

Tang Wulin was walking down the street, and he passes a group of people who were talking out loud. They seem to be wearing the same clothing as if they belong to the corresponding unit or group.

"Did you hear, brother Guang Biao from the Eastsea mecha brigade just purchased some critical items from the auction a today? He plans to use them to undoubtedly increase his already impressive strength."

"Oh, what are the item names?"

"Hehe. 1,000-year Dragonscale Fruit, Azure-Veined Vine, Land Dragon Tendon, and Sea Dragon Marrow."

Tang Wulin stop walking as he gathered the names of the items that were bought from the Auction.

Zeref typically appeared in an astral form with a nervous smile on his face. He saw a sinister smirk growing on Acnologia face.


"Hey, Zeref?"

"You ever plunder before?"

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