Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Training and Tournament

The class competition carried on in a similar fashion with the other classes. Class five using their teamwork to overcome the other classes.

During the month, news of Guang Biao death was spread throughout the city with the people of the Mecha Brigade are investigating heavily. It was an insult to the Mecha Brigade that one of their captains was dead, and no one knew how.

The trio was walking around the town as a way to relax with each other.

"Ughh, these matches have been so easy lately." Said Xie Xie with a smile.

"Isn't it because Tang Wulin and I been doing all the work." Said Gu Yue with a look of disdain aimed at Xie Xie.

"What was that!"

Tang Wulin conveniently ignored the familiar sight of the two banterings. He sometimes wonders if they do this on purpose just to pass the time. He recalls that their following match is against class one student.

"I still can't believe your already rank 20." Said Xie Xie with a grumble.

He found out a while back when they were talking with each other. He naturally thought he still had the strongest spirit rank until Tang Wulin overtook him, making him feel the pressure.

He even found out Tang Wulin spirit evolved to a hundred-year one. Tang Wulin himself saying the spirit seems to have absorbed some of his bloodline energy to grow.

'It fine, I just have to cultivate even more.'

Gu Yue smiled at Tang Wulin and then drag him to one of the local shops in the town. Xie Xie shouted at her to not leave without him, who she predictably ignored.

They traverse the humble shops for the whole day while eating at a restaurant Tang Wulin said he would pay for. While they were eating, he was thinking about the training he has Mu Xi doing.

The first essential part wasn't anything unique from what he typically did with Na'er but since Mu Xi is stronger, he had to up the beginning training. He allowed a smile on his face, after seeing how much she cried on the first day.

'Ahh, training someone isn't that bad.' Thought Tang Wulin with an internal smile.

After the trio finishes their food, they were planning to split up. He had to go meet up with Mu Xi, so he told them he was going back later. Tang Wulin and Gu Yue ignored Xie Xie bragging about soloing the whole class one by himself.

"This trash dares to talk such nonsense. These class five guys sure are arrogant."

The trio turns their heads and saw a young boy standing with his hand in his pocket. He was displaying a smug expression while mocking them. Before Xie Xie could go offensively towards him, he saw Tang Wulin walking forward.

"Oh, is there something wrong?"

The arrogant youth sneered as he saw Tang Wulin walking toward him. Tang Wulin presented an indifferent look and completely ignores the boy.

The young boy was stun, while Gu Yue and Xie Xie smirk, giving thumbs up to Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin already walks off, not giving the boy the chance to comment back. Xie Xie just sneered at the boy and left with Gu Yue, leaving him there alone.

'Just you wait, you brats.'

The boy cursed in his mind, as he started walking away feeling embarrassed and enrage.


"You're late." Said Mu Xi with two hands on her hip while sending him a fierce glare.

Tang Wulin rolled his eyes, as he could feel Mu XI heated glares behind him. She was wearing a pair of training clothing, after realizing how dangerous the training was to her clothing. Tang Wulin didn't care for her displeasure as he informed her to get ready for hell.

Mu Xi gulps already regretting agreeing to the deal. It was terrible enough she had to seek items for him, the prior ones he changes to another set. But she had to buy him lunch while going through hell.

She really believes she is being tortured and buying her torturer lunch as a thank you present. The training wasn't even anything complicated, she just had to survive him.

Tang Wulin told her he would be doing two-part training. Since he doesn't know a way to improve her strength, he will focus on helping her with her smithing technique and also her combat abilities.

When asking why combat abilities, he said and she quoted "I don't need my blacksmith dying anytime soon."

She honestly thought he was being an overconfident asshole but boy was she in for a surprise. Even though she had higher cultivation, she was effortless destroyed in combat. The worst part was he would tell her she had to try again and kick her back into the forest.

The objective of the training is for her to escape from the forest without getting caught. If she did get caught, she would be sent back to the center of the forest to do it all over again. This was hell in itself lasting for 3 hours because she found out how terrifying that little boy was, as she glared at him.

Not knowing what she is thinking about, he told her to get ready. Mu Xi let out a sigh and begins making her way to the center of the forest while he thought about her progress.

'Her adaptability, reaction, and thinking speed has certainly increased tremendously. While it should be expected since I kept fighting and capturing her with different methods. Her willpower has also been progressing, from fighting her even when she hungry.'

'The hungrier she gets, the more she pushes her body to try and escape. Couple with the constant beating he delivers, training her body durability and tolerance. Then having her fight him constantly to increase fighting prowess. This truly is a great training method.' Thought Tang Wulin with a nod of his head.

Mu Xi would have tried to murder Tang Wulin if she heard his thoughts. She hated the fact that her dad, kept on getting worried every time he saw her injuries. She had to threaten to never talk to him again if he tried stopping her from training anymore.

She shutters to think about what he would do to Tang Wulin if he found out about their training regiment. Once she reaches the center of the forest, she knew the training had begun.

'Alright, let see if I can succeed today.'

Mu Xi quickly moves through the forest with her body unconsciously making sure to avoid stepping on any leaves or branches that would give her away.


She quickly tilted her head out of the way as a rock flew right by her. She then quickly drop to the ground and rolled, as others followed. She hid behind the tree while controlling her breathing.

'Crap. He already discovered me.'

She knew she was at a disadvantage because she didn't know where he was. She couldn't implement her martial soul yet.


She dives away from the tree as it was blasted apart and then rolled out of the way of an explosion.

She subsequently identifies a number of lights speeding toward her, she instantly summons her martial soul.

Two yellow hundred-year soul rings rose up from her feet. Atop her head was a golden ball of light that blazed like the sun. On her left shoulder was a small, round flame, pulsing with energy.

Mu Xi quickly manipulates the ball to construct a wall of flames in front of her, intercepting the lights.


The explosion blew her back a bit before she could stabilize herself. Ever since she been training with him, she has been copying the way Tang Wulin manipulate those energy attacks.

She notices that while she couldn't manipulate her martial soul flames as well as his energy attacks, she could still do a minor variation with hers.

'Luckily first ring spirit skill is fire mastery.' Thought Mu Xi.

It granted her a more considerable degree of control over the fire element than average, allowing her to manipulate it extensively. Mu Xi instantly produces balls of flames on all of her sides and dispatches them out to brighten up the forest.

'Since he already found me, no point in holding back.'


Mu Xi quickly ducks under a punch coming from behind her. Then she subtly manipulates the brilliant flames of her martial soul to coat her limbs.

She struck upward with a direct kick towards Tang Wulin, who simply took a step back.

'Got you.'

Mu Xi expanded the flames as the arc of flames grew broader. She widens her eyes when he pivots his feet to dodge the attack. He then aims a punch at her face which she quickly raises an arm to deflect.


This went on for a while, with Tang Wulin sending out numerous jabs at Mu Xi who was quickly deflecting them. Knowing she couldn't maintain this, she quickly improvised.

'Fire Explosion.'

She saw him back off as her martial soul expanded it burning flames around her and creating an explosion of flames. When the flames resided, he was gone.

'Dang it.'

She knew he would only assault her for a while and then retreat. She quickly dived out of the way of a lance hitting the spot where she was. She started running through the forest while dodging a barrage of attacks.

Then out of nowhere, she saw the same lance coming at her but way faster. She couldn't put her guard fast enough as the attack hit her and sending her tumbling.

As she struggles to get up, she felt a presence behind her and quickly send out a kick.


The kick was blocked by a forearm as Tang Wulin send out his own kick. Mu Xi bends backward to allow the kick to pass above her and aim for a counter-attack.

She saw lights coming towards her from all around.

Mu Xi quickly manipulates the flames to cause a spark at her feet. She was propelled backward before the lights were able to reach.


She was able to, fortunately, escape the energy lights attack as it smashes down on the ground. But she failed to notice the concentrated beam coming behind her.


Mu Xi was sent flying toward a tree, she tried to get up but she saw too late a foot coming down on her.


She was then knocked unconscious as a small crater form.

'Welp, at least your getting better.'

Tang Wulin picks her body and gets ready to put it back at the center of the forest. They still had two hours before it was lunchtime.


"Ahhhh. A delightful meal after a long day of training."

Tang Wulin was munching on the food from window A. He was also ignoring the person that was gorging herself with food.

"I am unsurprised really, you did technically beat her up." Said Zeref as he appeared next to Tang Wulin.

'Nonsense Zeref, it was all for training.' Thought Tang Wulin.

Zeref smiled wryly at that answer, not quite believing it.

"Your face was smiling way too much, for that to be training."

'I was smiling at how greatly my student had improved.'

Zeref wanted to call bullshit on that comment. Then again the girl as benefits a lot from this type of training. Her control with the flame element has become similar to that of a fire mage.

'I wonder how far, she can take her control with the flames.' Thought Zeref with a hand on his chin.

Tang Wulin undoubtedly continues stuffing himself with food, with Mu Xi who was too hungry to care about her image at the moment. The surrounding people have gotten used to this scene and would just glance at them.

After a while, they finish up eating with Mu Xi saying she will meet up with him tomorrow at the same time and place. Going their separate way, Mu Xi started to inspect her body.

Still, surprise at how well Tang Wulin spirit skill could mend all the notable wounds she received.

Shaking her head, she knew that this type of training was undoubtedly aiding her. She summons her martial soul and held it close to her, as she made her way home.


Tang Wulin was walking home when he received a message from Mang Tian. He informed him about the letter that came to him and the content in it.

Tang Wulin quietly listen as Mang Tian carefully explain his parent's situation and the money they left behind for him.

After he hangs up, he stayed silent but still moved to the dormitory thinking about what to do.

A week has passed, and it was time for class five vs class one in the promotion tournament. It was delayed because of the investigation of the death of Guang Biao.

Director Long Hengxu walked up to the stage at this point in time. He first had nodded his head to both classes' teachers in acknowledgment.

He began speaking in a deep voice.

"Today will be the fourth match, class five vs class one."

The trio didn't listen to the rest as they started walking up the stage. Before they stood the representing kids for class one.

"Zhang Yangzi," said the calm teenager in the center.

"Wei Xiaofeng, we've met a while ago." Wei Xiao Feng said glaring at Tang Wulin.

"Wang Jinxi." The wiry student from class one introduced himself.

Tang Wulin introduced his side.

"Tang Wulin."

"Gu Yue."

"Xie Xie!"

Long Hengxu saw that both sides were ready. He gave the standard speech about not causing any excessive harm to their competitor and then begin the match.

The crowd hollered out loud in companion to the director's command, signifying the start of the first grade's final match in the tournament.

Wei Xiaofeng rushes toward to Tang Wulin, wanting to teach him a lesson. Xie Xie was going to intercept, but Tang Wulin smack him the head. He glared at Xie Xie making him remember they had to fight as a team.

While that was happening Wei Xiaofeng two yellow soul rings appeared beneath Wei Xiaofeng's feet. His body became more flexible and gain a green taint. He was an Agility System Battle Soul Master and was creating illusions of himself as he moved forward.

Tang Wulin noticing this had Gu Yue create rock spikes for him and started aiming for where Wei Xiaofeng was going to move in advance. Considering he was able to keep track of Wu Zhangkong movement even when he was holding back. The rock spikes were able to hit Wei Xiaofeng, stagging him and causing him to raise his guard in defense.

Xie Xie rushed towards Zhang Yangzi's to quickly take him out but was intercepted by Wang Jinxi. Wang Junxi noticed two yellow soul rings beneath Xie Xie's feet but didn't see any increase in his stats.

Zhang Yangzi saw Gu Yue moving at him with immense speed.

'So she the Agility soul master.'

Wang Jinxi notices two and inwardly smirk. Thinking no one in their grade could compete with his strength. He threw out a fierce fist that Xie Xie quickly duck to avoid and then aim for a counter-attack. This went back and forth with one side dodging then countering the other.

While this was happening, Tang Wulin saw Wei Xiaofeng's using his spirit skill to create shadow clones of himself. They all move to surround Tang Wulin and then went in for an attack.

Tang Wulin saw all of the clones coming and couldn't help but formed a smirk on his face.


Wei Xiaofeng's widen his eyes as he perceives all of his clone being demolished. Tang Wulin kept on moving around striking all of his clones, not caring if they were the real one. Tang Wulin already knew which one was real from him smelling him, but he wanted to enjoy this.

Wei Xiaofeng's saw Tang Wulin coming close to him and tried to get away but was grabbed at the leg. Tang Wulin smirk as he formed a fist and hit Wei Xiaofeng's with a fierce uppercut to the face, sending him flying.

"Goodbye, Insect."


Wang Jinxi was confused about what happened, with Xie Xie smirking and rapidly increasing his agility. This shocked Wang Jinxi but he wasn't able to react to Xie Xie constant attack even with his overwhelming strength. He promptly uses his second spirit skill which caused his body to transform.

Unexpectedly with this transformation, he couldn't keep up with Xie Xie overwhelming speed and had to go back on the defensive. Zhang Yangzi knew they were tricked, thinking Gu Yue was the agility master. He knew things had to change, especially with Wei Xiaofeng out of the picture.

Two soul rings lit up beneath his feet and immediately, the deafening cry of an eagle came from his mouth. He quickly avoided Gu Yue wind attacks and grab Wang Jinxi before Xie Xie could make another attack. Xie Xie looks towards them and saw two pitch-black wings coming out of his back.

Zhang Yangzi quickly communicated with Wang Jinxi that they have to use their spirit fusion but he was dreadfully worried, that it won't work. Zhang Yangzi quickly used his second skill to create a shadow clone and direct it to distract the other team.

Xie Xie saw the clone coming and thinking it was the same as Wei Xiaofeng clones, he went to go behead it. Gu Yue felt something was amiss and tried to forewarn him but it was too late. As soon as his dagger went through the clone, he felt corrosion trying to enter his body and resisting with all his might.

Tang Wulin instantly appeared next to him and uses his Leviathan skill 'Aqua Breath' to help heal Xie Xie, even if it was a little bit. While this was going on Zhang Yangzi got behind Wang Jinxi.

Wang Jinxi suddenly straightened his back, releasing a roar towards the sky as a powerful black aura overcame his body once again. Zhang Yangzi turned into a dusky light, quietly merging into Wang Jinxi and becoming a pair of wings for him.

Wang Jinxi's body began growing. A large tail emerged from his tailbone, while his two arms became Bone Dragon Claws, his aura soaring.

Everyone was shocked at what they, with Tang Wulin thinking that it looks familiar.

'Is that, a Unison Raid?'

"No it similar but something quite different."

Zeref appeared next to him, as he started analyzing the attack.

"You should take care of it before one of your teammates get hurt."

Tang Wulin nodded his head, as he started walking towards the Wang Jinxi. Wang Jinxi sees Tang Wulin coming roared out loud and started to charge at him. One yellow soul ring appeared under his feet, as Leviathan appeared on his head.

Gu Yue tried to call out to Tang Wulin but he gave her a smirk. She blinks in surprise but for some reason felt he would be alright. Tang Wulin forms a fist and elevated it up, then punching out. His whole right arm turned into a golden claw and his eyes turning into golden slits.


Wang Jinxi froze, as he inevitably saw the horrific image of Tang Wulin becoming a Giant, with his fist being bigger than the cruel sun. Next, he perceives an even more colossal image of a huge golden dragon inevitably appearing behind him, observing him down with its razor-sharp teeth.

'I am going to die...'

Wang Jinxi experienced every cell in his body, crying out toward him as he saw the fist descending. Yet he couldn't move, blink or even breathe as the incoming colossal fist was coming down on him.


As if the fist scarcely heard his pitiful pleas, it merely stops an inch before his face. Causing a fierce gust of wind that blew his hair back and somehow dispells his bone armor. He saw Tang Wulin eyes and couldn't help but thinks it was declaring him to kneel.

He hopelessly lost all strength in his body as he fell down to his knees. The whole arena was silent, with no one knowing what to say while being terribly shocked.

Yet Wang Jinxi didn't care at all, because he knew he almost died today. He knew he didn't fight the boy in front of him, he only survived him.

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