Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Tang Sect

Tang Wulin look around the corpse of the dead soul beast, a dust storm surrounding him.

He then turned to the abundance of spirit energy swirling around him and then started to absorb it. There were about a ten-thousand-year-old, thousand-year-old, and a few hundred-year-old soul beasts.

The abundance of energy was absorbed into him, and he didn't do anything with it yet. He was already the limit of how much he could absorb, so he decided to just leave now.

He pushes the exit button, and blackness overcame him.


Tang Wulin's mind as he gradually regained consciousness, the icy numbness fading from his body at the same time.

A metallic friction sound rang out and in the next moment, light filled his eyes. He started to get out of the metal box and stretching his numb body. He then turned around to see Wu Zhangkong walking over to him and asking how he feels, he then told him he was the first one that is out.

"Has an hour passed?"

"Yes, you passed the final exam."

Tang Wulin nodded and follows Wu Zhangkong to the place where was observing them. He saw everybody has met up and decided to continue to hunt while looking out for him.

'At least my effort wasn't for nothing.'

"Just admit, you were worried about them."

Tang Wulin ignores Zeref as he watches Gu Yue wreaking havoc on the leftover Blazing Demon Lions. He wonders got her so piss and was surprised how timid everyone was acting around her.

Wu Zhangkong didn't say anything as he continues observing his student. While that was happening, the pagoda staff members were staring at a monster like Tang Wulin. They heard about this boy from the other members and how he was able to kill a thousand-year-old Tao Tie by himself.

They still wouldn't have thought he would be strong enough to kill a pack of Blazing Demon Lions and a ten-thousand-year-old Giant Ape. They were all surprised the higher-ups haven't done anything about it.

After a while, the group left the platform after they hit their limits. Wu Zhangkong and Tang Wulin walked over to the metal box to wait for them.

The first one out was Gu Yue who quickly shook off her dizziness and when she saw Tang Wulin, she moved towards his side. He arched a brow but didn't mention anything, as she held on to the hem of the shirt.

Then came Zhang Yangzi, Wang Jinxi and finally Xie Xie who turn to glare at him. Before Xie Xie could say anything Wu Zhangkong started to giving them their score. After everyone passed with a score of 100 and then they all head back to the academy.

With Gu Yue not moving from Tang Wulin side and Xie Xie refusing to shut up about his actions.


After they got back, Wu Zhangkong dismisses them for the day and say they will review the exam tomorrow. Tang Wulin headed straight for his room while telling Xie Xie and Gu Yue he is going to cultivate.

Once he was in his room, he started absorbing the spirit energy he been holding inside of him. Leviathan and Tao Tie were cheering in joy since they were not only absorbing thousand-year-old soul beasts but also a ten thousand years old one too.

Leviathan happily started the absorb the excessive amount of energy inside its body, as it started to grow. It went past 600 years, to 800 and finally stop at thousand and forty years old.

Leviathan body started to grow even larger, Tang Wulin noted it grew as large as 5 meters long. It wings appendages grew even larger, as long golden spikes started to grow out of its back. He then was surprised that was new information appeared in his mind, with Leviathan two skills getting even stronger.

"Papa, I become even stronger to help you."

Tang Wulin lips twitch at the power of his upgraded skills. Aqua Breath didn't change much, other than it being able to heal blindness now but pressure allowed him to affect those 10 ranks higher than him.

Tao Tie only grew to a 5,000-year-old soul beast, he now has two purple rings and he wasn't even a spirit elder yet.

"It seems your going to get even more attention on you now."

Tang Wulin nodded his head but didn't really care. It would be strange if he didn't have two purple rings, considering his spiritual power and strength. But not many people know about his spiritual strength or his strength.

Seeing all the spirit energy has been used, he started going straight to bed, tired from the whole trip.

The next day Wu Zhangkong summarize the whole exam and then he learned something interesting.

"There almost extinct?"

"Yes, the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear was hunted to near extinction because of their soul bones. From the perspective of soul beasts, humanity is the greediest existence in the world. Soul beasts are on the brink of extinction not because they are a danger to us, but because hunting them brings us too many benefits."

Tang Wulin didn't say anything else. He already understands the greed of humanity. Zhang Yanzi asks about the second part of the exam but Wu Zhangkong rebukes him with trying to escape training and saying he is going to modified the training regiment.

He then brought everyone over to the arena and told them to all face him. They all nodded and begin their attack on him. josei

It went about the same as the other times the trio attack him, even with the help of Wang Jinxi and Zhang Yangzi. Until Wu Zhangkong notices something, specifically Wang Jinxi inability to spirit fusion with Zhang Yangzi.

He later found out it was because he still felt suppression in his heart. It was both from the subconscious terror from Tang Wulin and the Man-Eating-Faced Spider that killed him but it was already dead from Tang Wulin.

Wu Zhangkong understands that the longer Wang Jinxi stayed, the worse he would get. He doubts anything other than Wang Jinxi being able to match or beat Tang Wulin would erase the terror, something he doubts could ever happen.

Wu Zhangkong understands how strong Tang Wulin was and he also understands that even without the dragon suppression. Wang Jinxi is no match for that heaven-defying monster in human skin and so he reluctantly accepted his transfer.

After all, the longer he stayed near Tang Wulin, the more the suppression will grow. Wu Zhangkong doubts him staying away would do any good but consider Tang Wulin strength. This may just be the only valid solution available.

Tang Wulin himself didn't say anything and left before training was done. Wu Zhangkong would have punished that behavior but he understands Tang Wulin needed some time to think.


"Are you ok?"

'Why wouldn't I be?"

Zeref arch a brow, knowing Acnologia wasn't that ignorant about Wang Jinxi situation. He then saw Acnologia sometimes clenching his fist for a quick second and letting go.

'I see.'

Tang Wulin was just walking around the academy until someone stops him.

"Excuse me, could you help me find my big brother?"

Tang Wulin stop and turn to the direction of the voice, to see a blue haired girl with twin tails. The girl seeing the boy turn around was able to get a good look at his face and gasp in surprise.

"It you!"

Tang Wulin raised a brow, not understanding.

"You know me?"

"What you mean if I know you! You were the one who led those Demon Raging Lion towards me and my brother."

"Doesn't ring a bell."


Tang Wulin started to think, he was pretty hungry and she looks like the type with money.

"I will help you look for your brother if you buy me lunch."


"No deal?"


The girl didn't know the place and wanted to find her brother as soon as possible. She was too shy to ask any of the older people and ask Tang Wulin because he looks like the same age as her.

"Oh, my name is Xu Xiaoyan!"

"I don't care."


Tang Wulin started walking to find some good food with Xu Xiaoyan trailing behind him. She wasn't one to be quiet for too long, especially with people around her age. So she started talking to Tang Wulin who didn't answer back.

"Poor girl, she found you to help her."

'You're talking as if I am going to take advantage of her.'

"Says the person making her pay for his lunch."

Tang Wulin didn't comment as they reached a barbecue stand. Xu Xiaoyan learns the terror of his bottomless pit of a stomach, as she saw him eat non-stop.

"How can you eat so much! Is your stomach a bottomless pit!"

Xu Xiaoyan felt like Tang Wulin trick her and stealing all her food. Tang Wulin rolled his eyes and told her to sit down. Xu Xiaoyan sat down and started to eat her good, with tears in her eyes.

The people around saw a beautiful girl like her crying and became curious until they saw who was eating with her.

'Is she new? To think she is paying for the little Tao Tie.'

The people around felt sorry for the girl but didn't try to intervene. Tang Wulin almost full, got up and get ready to leave, surprising the girl.

"Your brother is the idiot flirting with that girl across from us."

Tang Wulin told her and started to leave surprising Xu Xiaoyan as she turns around and saw her brother. She turns her head and didn't see Tang Wulin anymore.

'Where did he go!'


Wu Zhangkong took the remaining student Tang Wulin, Xie Xie and Gu Yue to take the last part of their exam. It was in a building in Eastsea within the park.

The building was dark blue, and its walls shimmered like a mirror, each wall seemingly cut from a block of glass. There was a bizarre sense of beauty to this reflective-like quality.

Wu Zhangkong talks to a projection that showed up at the door before the door open up. Entering the door, they saw the same dark blue walls, but there was now a shining white floor and gentle fluorescent lights overhead.

They came together painting a scene of calm and order, further emphasizing the lack of people. A circular metal platform holding three metal wristbands hovered over. Wu Zhangkong told them to put them on, It was so they don't activate the defense system.

After walking for a while, they ended up in a dark blue space. Dark blue stalagmite and stalactite crystals surrounded him. The walls were made from a silver-white metal. The crystals and metal came together to refract light in astonishing ways.

Tang Wulin blinks his eyes, as he saw Wu Zhangkong typing on a keyboard and then a sound was heard overhead.

"Identity confirmed. Eastsea's Little Zhangkong."

"Test difficulty: medium. Participants: three. Commencing in ten seconds."

Xie Xie questioned what was going on before Wu Zhangkong told them this is part 2 of the exam.

Tang Wulin blinks his eyes, as he felt himself falling down and then light descended upon him.

He found himself in a place similar to the scenery of Old Tang and didn't see anyone around him.

"Welcome to the Hall of Heroes. The first trial, medium difficulty. Name Tang Wulin. Age: 10."

"Test objective for the first round: survive for thirty seconds."

Without even giving Tang Wulin a second to understand what was going on, a beam of light appeared in front of him, revealing a pretty girl. She had gentle eyes and wore a kind smile.

"Begin!" The electronic voice announced.

The girl's eyes lit up and a powerful light enveloped her body. As the light grew brighter, a yellow ring rose from beneath her feet.

Tang Wulin saw her figure flicker and in an instant, she appeared right in front of him. But then a hole appeared in the girl's chest, she looks down in shock before disappearing.

'Hmm, interesting. Is this like a battle simulation of past spirit masters.'

"Congratulations Tang Wulin for passing the first trial."

"The second trial begins. Defeat your opponent or survive for another thirty seconds."

Tang Wulin blink when he saw the same girl appeared before him and she summon her martial soul a cauldron. He uses 'Pressure' on her, causing her to stop dead in her track and then he finishes her off.

"Congratulation Tang Wulin for passing the second trial."

"Advanced Test will begin now."

A flash of light happened before he saw a youth. He had a pair of blue eyes and medium-length hair and was presented in a messy way. But for some reason, Tang Wulin felt a strange connection towards the youth.

"Advanced Test, survive for 30 seconds or defeat your opponent."

The youth summoned his spirit rings under his feet and used the same footwork, as the girl before.

He instantly appeared in front of him aiming for a strike which Tang Wulin block and counter. To his surprise, the youth skillfully dodges the attack and grabs his arm to throw him.

Tang Wulin felt himself flying through the air but then blink in surprise as he saw Bluesilver grass wrapping around him and then slamming him down.


The youth eyes widen when he saw Tang Wulin unharmed. Tang Wulin shook his head and then stared at the youth. The youth eyes flash purple but then his eyes widen when he saw his surroundings change.

He looks up and saw a golden dragon glaring hatefully down on him. He felt the untold amount of pressure hit him. He quickly realizes this was a mental attack but he couldn't break out of it. Then he saw a fist protruding out of his chest and turn his head to see Tang Wulin with a purple ring floating behind him.

"Congratulation Tang Wulin, for passing the advance test first trial. "

"Advance Test second trial commencing now."

Tang Wulin saw the same youth but he was older than before. The youth opens up his hands, and Tang Wulin eyes widen when he saw small weapons in the youth hand.

"Well, this is going to be interesting."

The youth eyes flash a purple light abruptly rich and powerful. Tang Wulin blink not understanding what happened, the youth look shocked but shook it off.

Ten cold lights from both hands' of the youth ten fingers lightly twirling burst forth, separately shooting towards Tang Wulin eyes, shoulders, throat, heart, knees, genitals and abdomen.

'Is he a weapon master?'

Tang Wulin quickly dodge out of the way as he saw shurikens and kunai passing by him. Then felt the youth appearing behind him and sending another wave assault. Tang Wulin turn around and punch the air causing a shockwave, that shifts the weapons off their intended path.

But he realizes too late that, even more, weapons was coming towards him and not just that, it was vastly more than before. Tang Wulin stood still while watching the weapons until they were close to him.

'Magic Dragon Flares Bang.'

A Barrage of energy sped off to meet the hidden weapons coming toward Tang Wulin, with the energy overcoming and destroying the weapons. Then Tang Wulin jump back and started sending more of his flares at the hidden weapons while smelling for the youth.


Then suddenly the youth appeared in front of him but then his eyes widen when he saw energy appearing beneath his feet.


The youth quickly back off but then saw pillars of chain bursting out of the ground, aiming for him. The youth moved his hand in a weird motion, causing the chains to shift their path away from the youth. Tang Wulin appeared in front of the youth, with them clashing in close combat.

Tang Wulin threw a punch, the youth tried to block but was surprised at how strong Tang Wulin was. His guard was broken as Tang Wulin fist slam him in his face and propel him into the ground.


"Advance Test, the second trial completed."

"Advance Test, the third trial will commence soon"


Wu Zhangkong waited for his student to be done with their trails. He thought about how far they will go and genuinely wonder how far Tang Wulin go.

'He has the strength comparable me and surpasses it if he uses his bloodline skill. He has his dragon slayer techniques and his terrifying combat perception.'

Wu Zhangkong knew the opponents in the trials weren't any pushover but even he had trouble with Tang Wulin and his rank was vastly higher than his.

After a while, Xie Xie was the first to come out, then Gu Yue and then an hour late Tang Wulin.

The trio then started to talk about their opponents and how far they got in the trials.

"I was fighting this guy who had Bluesilver grass and used small metal weapons. It kept on giving me him after I had defeated the first trial."

Wu Zhangkong was shocked and quickly ask Tang Wulin how far did he get into the trial.

"I stop listening to the announcement but the opponent grew old enough to have two yellow rings, one purple, one black, and red ring."

Wu Zhangkong lips twitch, as he heard this boy beating the founder of the Tang Sect all the way up to spirit ancestor. Xie Xie turned to Wu Zhangkong asking for a redo and surprisingly Gu Yue wanted one too.

'I guess they don't want to be left behind by him.'

Shaking his head, he told them the reason behind the trial and the background behind the trials.

"Second, this test is actually unrelated to your final exam. Your final exam had already ended in the rebellion spirit ascension platform, and your scores have already been given. The test here is instead an entrance test to an organization. If you become a member of this organization, you'll be able to accumulate points in the future to use the Hall of Heroes again."

This surprised the trio and gave him a questioning look. With Xie Xie asking what does the organization do exactly. He asks them if they heard about the Tang Sect, which they all nodded their heads to. Wu Zhangkong told them about the Tang Sect situation now and then turn to Tang Wulin.

"The person you fought was the founder of the Tang Sect. Tang San."

Xie Xie and Gu Yue stared at Tang Wulin in shock, while he felt a strange emotion when he heard the name Tang San. When Wu Zhangkong ask if they wanted to join Xie Xie hesitated but then said he wanted to.

"Nah, I am good."

They were all surprised at Tang Wulin answer, Wu Zhangkong asking why and Tang Wulin saying he doesn't want to. Xie Xie and Gu Yue look at Tang Wulin in shock but understand his talent could allow him to join any organization.

Wu Zhangkong didn't say anything and then turn to Gu Yue, but she said she there another organization she wants to join. Wu Zhangkong nodded his head and then told them to get ready to leave.

Gu Yue stared at Tang Wulin a bit with and Xie Xie complains he was the only joining. But he still didn't back out because he believes the Tang Sect could help him catch up with Tang Wulin even faster.


"Why didn't you join?"

"Can you really picture me in an organization?"

"Good point."

Zeref remembers who he was talking to. This was the same guy who enters the war by himself. Acnologia rarely listens to the people at school but an organization that requires ones to listen to a higher up. Acnologia willing to listen to someone and becoming a team player?

'Yea, when hell freezes over.'

Tang Wulin mind kept on going back to the battle with Tang San.

'Why do I feel this strange connection with him, it just like when I saw the statue of Tang Wutong.'

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