Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 58

Chapter 58: Emperor Words

Tang Wulin smashes down on Long Yue body as his bone begins to crack and break. He didn't stop as he kept on lifting his legs back up and smashing down, ignoring the whimper of Long Yue with his indifferent eyes.






En Ci and Dai Tianling were watching the match in absolute shock and fright. This match was considered to be the most important one because this would determine the true difference between Shrek and Monster Academy.

The beginning of the match was going as expected to En Ci. Long Yue beating around Tang Wulin but then things started to go downhill from there.

From Tang Wulin being able to overpower Long Yue, even though it was confirmed he was a control system soul master. To him being unaffected by Long Yue Mountain Dragon King suppression.

Then he saw with his own two eyes, that Tang Wulin was able to smash apart the miniature mountain aiming at him. Then something even more unbelievable, to the point he thought he was having a dream.

The boy walks directly through all of Long Yue attacks.

'Impossible.' En Ci thought as the scene kept on replying promptly through his mind.

"Master…" a voice rang out but he conveniently ignored it.

'Impossible.' En Ci as the scene of Tang Wulin walking through his disciple's mountain and river attack replayed.



"Master!" A voice shouted causing En Ci to flinch and saw Dai Tianling looking at him in worry. He shook his head at Dai Tianling and turns his head to the arena, but what he witnessed caused him to turn pale.

"NO!" En CI roared out in dreadful fright.


The audience was shocked and even fearful of what they were seeing. They all knew Long Yue was their strongest bet of overturning their losing streak.

They all knew Long Yue was a spirit emperor at his age, which could be consider heaven-defying. They all thought that the result would be Monster Academy winning but they were wrong, so wrong.

They all saw how useless Long Yue attacks were, they all saw how even when he put on his battle armor it meant nothing.

Which all made them think one thing as they watch this whole match.

'Are all Shreks people this monstrous?'

Elder Cai and Wu Zhankong were witnessing the match from the crowds. Elder Cai was keenly watching the match while trembling with shock and awe.

She understands better than anyone how terrifying Long Yue is. He was a Spirit Emperor under the age of 20 and already has a two-word battle armor. Elder Cai knew that no one in the Shrek team should logically be able to defeat Long Yue by themselves or even together.

Yet, Tang Wulin has been doing that. Tang Wulin was simply shrugging off all of Long Yue attacks as if they meant nothing and suppressing him completely.

'As something like this ever happened before!' Thought Elder Cai as she then remembers twenty thousand years ago and ten thousand years ago, miracles like this also happen.

'Is this a sign? Will, Tang Wulin also be like Tang San and Huo Yuhao?' Thought Elder Cai in breathless anticipation and glee as she realizes how much of a monster Tang Wulin truly was.

'Or could it be his talent is even greater than theirs?' Questioned Elder Cai.

Wu Zhankong wasn't as shocked as Elder Cai, as he had a good grasp on Tang Wulin strength. But this, this was something else to him. Whether it be the shrugging off of a Spirit Emperor attacks or the domination of two-word battle armor.

"It's amazing, isn't it? That every ten thousand years, a true monster always appears in our Shrek Academy." Said Elder Cai to Wu Zhankong who began to tremble.

'Sect Founder Tang Sang and Spirit Ice Douluo Huo Yuhao.' Wu Zhankong thought as he looks back at the arena.

Shrek Academy Students were all shocked by the jeweled crown on Tang Wulin.

"Is that another soul bone!" Xie Xie yelled in surprise, causing everyone eyes to widen. They were all shocked because there weren't many spirit beast out in the world and act of getting a soul bone is super rare.

They had known Wulin had one before he got into Shrek but to think he would be able to gain another one.

Na'er and Gu Yue look in shock because they could feel it wasn't an ordinary soul bone. Then everyone became even more shocked when they saw Long Yue bringing out his battle armor.

That was a two-word battle armor! The last time they saw one was when Wu Zhankong brought his out. With the power of two-word battle armor, Long Yue power was equal to that of a Spirit Sage.

Yet even with all of that, they saw Long Yue getting smashed apart by Tang Wulin.

"Dragon Suppression." Said Gu Yue as she narrowed her eyes at the arena. Everyone eyes widen they remember that Tang Wulin also had the ability to suppress those with the dragon bloodline.

"But to think it was this much." Xie Xie mutter as he already knew what it was like to be ruthlessly suppressed by Tang Wulin.

He still could feel his martial soul trembling uncontrollably in fright when those two mythical dragons came out and roar. Na'er and Gu Yue weren't affected as much because of their Silver Dragon King bloodline.

They watch as Long Yue continued being beaten down hard into the ground and then a booming voice rang out from above them.

They all look up to see an ordinary old man dashing toward the arena and instantly breaking through the barrier.

"What the hell!"


Tang Wulin stop slamming down on Long Yue when he heard a booming voice.

"You bastard!"

Tang Wulin look up to see En Ci coming towards him and sending out a fist toward him. Tang Wulin face finally sprouted a smiled as all of the gems on his crown begin to light up. The scales on his body appeared again with his dragon claw.

'Golden Dragon Body.'

'Golden Dragon Claw.'

'Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Pink Gems.'

His body then started to shine brilliantly with his scales glowing fiercely and his domain begins to spread as Tang Wulin felt his strength increase. A Multi-colored ring appeared behind him and lit up as the same color as the gems on his head lit up.

'Golden Dragon Tyrant Body.'

'Golden Dragon Raging Domain.'

'Gems Amplification.'josei

Then as he watches En Ci fist coming towards him as he thrust his hand, as it made contact with his palm.


'Apocalypse Dragon King Emission.'

Tang Wulin could feel the mighty force reverberating through his body, as he felt keenly his organs and ribs being damage from the force.

Then his smirk grew wider as En Ci eyes widen in mild shock as he felt the force of his attack being absorbed and then Tang Wulin struck his fist as it was coated in energy.

'Magic Dragon Fist.'

Tang Wulin swung his fist straight into En Ci chest while twisting his body to smash him across the arena.


En Ci body was sent flying and smashed into the walls below the stands. While Tang Wulin body swayed unsteadily and coughing up blood from the damage, he receives when he tried countering En Ci.

Tang Wulin pleasant grin grew wider as he stared at En Ci who was struggling to get up. By now the emperor and the other high-ranking people went down to the arena.

They were all shocked whether it be from Tang Wulin absolute domination of Long Yue or him being able to counter En Ci.

Dai Tianling turned his head to En Ci and dashed toward him to make sure he was ok. En CI felt Dai Tianling helping him up, but he was still glaring at Tang Wulin with murder in his eyes.

Tang Wulin simply rolled his eyes and press down his foot on Long Yue, causing a hoarse groan to let out from him.

"You Bastard!" En Ci roared in rage as the walls and ground behind him began to crack under his direct pressure.

"Young man, you should stop." Said Dai Tianling, as he frowns severely at Tang Wulin action.

"I should stop? Why should I? Did you not see that Long Yue hasn't yielded yet?"Questioned Tang Wulin with an arched brow.

"I am forcibly stopping this match." Said Dai Tianling.

"I refuse." Said Tang Wulin.

"Are you going against my words." Said Dai Tianling as he narrowed his eyes.

Tang Wulin rolled his eyes at Dai Tianling as he uttered the same thing that a certain two-faced bastard said before.

"Listen to your words? Who do you think you are? Just because your an emperor of a country, you actually thought I would obey your words?" Said Tang Wulin, terribly shocking everyone present.

Tang Wulin started to laugh merrily at Dai Tianling words and the apparent absurdity of it. This laugh caused a huge blanket of profound silence to envelop the whole coliseum as someone was actually laughing at the emperor in his face.

Dai Tianling expression began to change from shock to absolute rage as the area around him began to tremble. He started walking toward Tang Wulin who rolled his eyes and press down on Long Yue.

"Each step you take, the more I pressed down." Said Tang Wulin causing Dai Tianling to stop his march.

"Young man! Do you really intend to go against the whole Star Lou Empire by yourself!"Roared Dai Tianling as he glared at Tang Wulin. From what En Ci has been telling him, Long Yue could become the next pillar of their Star Luo Continent.

"Go against your empire? It has been a while since I went against an empire." Said Tang Wulin as he gazes thoughtfully at Dai Tianling.

"Who said he was alone?" A voice rang out.

Then from behind him Na'er, Gu Yue, Xie Xie, Xu Xiaoyan, Mu Xi, Wu Sidou, Ye Xinglan, Xu Lizhu, Ye Zhengyu, and Yuanen Yehui appeared next to him with their martial soul out.

They all glared at Dai Tianling with their weapons pointing towards even, not even caring that he was the emperor of the continent.

Elder Cai and Wu Zhankong have already come down to the arena. Elder Cai could only sigh at Tang Wulin actions and words but she didn't think he was incorrect.

Yet she wishes he had the strength to back up his words before he said them to Dai Tianling. She and Wu Zhankong moved in front of the kids as if it was a sign that they also supported Tang Wulin.

This shocked everyone present because that was an unmistakable sign of them not caring even if they offended the whole empire.

"You…" Dai Tianling knew he couldn't do anything rash with Long Yue under Tang Wulin foot and Shrek elders. With the death of Long Yue, he was unsure if Star Luo continent will ever get another talent like En Ci in a long time.

Everything became silent as no one knew what to do or what was going to happen. What they did know was Tang Wulin had all the power with Long Yue under his feet. Yet this was still something they never thought would happen and to think this all started because of En Ci attacking Tang Wulin.

"So captain, what the plan?" Xie Xie whispered as he hoped his captain had a plan to get them out of this.

Tang Wulin rolled his eyes and kick Long Yue body toward the Dai Tianling who quickly moved to catch him. En Ci dash toward Long Yue to make sure he was alright and his face tremble when he saw the damage done to him.

His battle armor was dented in, and pieces already broke off. The bones in his body were basically broken apart, and his joints dislocated. His organs were damaged and he was bleeding internally. His chest was almost caved in from Tang Wulin repeatedly stomping on it and pressing down on it.

All in all, Long Yue won't be recovering any time soon. En Ci gritted his teeth as he trembles in rage and turns toward Tang Wulin who was walking down from the stage with his teammates.

"You Bastard! Do you think this is over!"

"Die for me!"

En Ci wanted Tang Wulin dead. He did not care if he was injured or even he would be offending Shrek with that act. The only thing on his mind was his disciple damaged body and Tang Wulin stepping on him as he charges over.

Yet Tang Wulin didn't say anything as En Ci dashed toward him, causing everyone to summon their martial soul. Elder Cai and Wu Zhankong release their battle armor, ready to block En Ci from killing Tang Wulin.

"Well Old man? Are you going to let him kill me?" Tang Wulin voice rang out as he kept on walking.

Then everyone's eyes widen when a figure appeared in front of En Ci.

"Get out of the way!" En Ci roared as his transcendent powerful aura burst forth causing the barrier around the stage to shatter completely.

The figure snorted as his aura exploded out too, clashing with En Ci and causing his face to change when he realizes this figure was as strong as him.

"Why are you so furious? Didn't that boy sign a death disclaimer form before the tournament began? It's not my disciple's fault if that boy couldn't beat him." Said the figure, who was Mu Ye.

En Ci face changed when he heard Me Ye words, as killing Tang Wulin became even more difficult.

Dai Tienling could only sigh as he moved toward En Ci and held his shoulder to calm him down. He then stared at the figure and then Tang Wulin leaving with a frown.

He couldn't look at this simply nor could he take the words Tang Wulin said to him lying down. To have an outsider not only insult him but defy his words in front of his own empire was unacceptable.

Everyone watched as Tang Wulin was leaving and then turned their gaze toward the Dai Tianling.

"I hope the emperor is not thinking of doing anything against my disciple? After all, he is not unjust enough to disregard the fact that En Ci tried to kill a little boy." Said Mu Ye with a cold glare at En Ci.

Dai Tianling gritted his teeth at what Mu Ye said, attaching a lot of weight to his next actions. It was evident to everyone that En Ci wanted to kill Tang Wulin the captain and representative from Shrek.

"I hereby disqualify you from the tournament for disregarding my words." Said Dai Tianling as his expression was dark. The surrounding was quiet, as some were shocked at how well Tang Wulin got off even after his actions to the emperor.

But the higher-ranking people knew the emperor was basically checkmated. Not counting the fact that the man in front of them was equal to En Ci, who was the President of the Monster Academy.

But Shrek would never allow for one of their captains to be killed, especially one as talented as Tang Wulin without any payback.

Then there is the fact that the silver-haired girl next to Tang Wulin was the Sea God Pavillion Master direct disciple. That alone should garner a massive amount of awe as just not anyone even in Shrek could be Yun Ming disciple.

That attractive girl will most likely become a legend on par or even greater than Yun Ming and she was his sister. To even think of harming Tang Wulin, would be setting a huge target on their backs in the future and may even be their personal destructions.

Also the fact En Ci interfered in the match when it wasn't done and tried to kill Tang Wulin. Something unbecoming of the President of Monster Academy.

After reviewing everything in his mind, Dai Tianling knew he really couldn't do anything to Tang Wulin other than disqualifying him from the tournament for his words.

Everyone watched as the people of Shrek begin to leave the arena. Star Luo People knew this was an ultimate victory for the Douluo Continent.

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