Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Pathways


Tang Wulin smash the beast that tried to pounce on him from behind. Subsequently, he twisted his body to evade the tail coming towards him.

'What are these Spirit Beast?' Thought Tang Wulin as he doesn't remember seeing any of them when Wu Zhankong had them researching the spirit beasts.

"I don't know either." Said Zeref.

"I wonder." Said Sleipnir as she narrowed her eyes at the beast.

Tang Wulin didn't get a chance to question her as he was forced to smash away one of the beams coming toward him. josei

'These things sure are annoying.' Thought Tang Wulin.

It wasn't challenging to kill it when it was just only one. But it became more problematic for him since all three of the beast would work together perfectly.

The three spirit beasts started circling around Tang Wulin as they were trying to find an opening to attack and kill him.

'This is going to take a while.'


Tang Wulin wrenched his mighty spear out of the last spirit beast he killed.

'Alright, its time to move.'

He knew he couldn't stay here with the scent of blood permeating around the grassy area. He started moving with no particular direction in mind, as he started taking in the area around him.

'Let see if I can identify this place by its nature.'

Tang Wulin has been walking around in the grand forest for a while and yet nothing around him was looking similar.

"Maybe we got sent to one of the unexplored continents?" Said Zeref.

Tang Wulin fell into silence as heard this. The unexplored continents, the land area that is unexplored and unknown to the rest of the people of Douluo Continent.

From what he read in the history book, most unexplored continents remain unknown because of the inability to use it. Whether it be from the dangerous plants to the strange spirit beast and worst mysterious land area.

'Still, this may turn bad depending on how far he was from either Star Luo or Douluo Continent.' Thought Tang Wulin with a grimace.

If he was too far from them, then he may as well give up in trying to locate them with no direction or soul power.

Shaking his head, he continues walking and looking around for anything that could help him.


"What do you mean, we're leaving now?" Xie Xie questioned as he looks at Wu Zhangkong.

Elder Cai told them, she will allow them to stay in the continent for a while longer, just in case word of Tang Wulin shows up. So imagine their surprise when their teacher Wu Zhangkong came to them and told them, they should go back.

"Its as I said. We're being called by to Shrek." Said Wu Zhangkong.

"By whose authority." Said Na'er as she narrowed her eyes.

"Your master, The Sea God Pavillion Master." Said Wu Zhangkong.

Na'er started to tremble with her clenching her fist and pearly teeth. She knew why her master was calling them back because he justly feared for her safety.

Also, from the fact, her brother is missing which destroys the deal both of them made for her to come to Star Luo Continent. Yet, she couldn't bear the thought of abandoning her brother, just because of her safety.

"I refuse." Said Na'er as she glares at Wu Zhankong.


"I know why my master wants us back, but I can't leave without any word of Wulin." Said Na'er.

This caused the students to look at her in surprise and then smiled. Of course, how could they leave Wulin because someone was telling them to return home. Wu Zhankong saw the look on their face and inwardly smiled at their love for each other.

"Aren't you guys underestimating Tang Wulin?" Questioned Wu Zhangkong intentionally causing them to flinch and look at him in surprise.

"I understand you guys want to continue searching for him, but it won't do you guys any good with the way you are now." Said Wu Zhankong, confusing them all.

"What do you mean, the way we are now?'

"I mean you all are all weak." Said Wu Zhangkong causing most of them to flinch.

"Do you guys really believe you will be able to keep up with Wulin if you hang around here?" Wu Zhangkong questioned them with a raised brow.

The students fell silent as they knew his words were true. Even now, Wulin was worlds apart from them, and they honestly felt like the gap was widening.

They gritted their teeth as they knew if they don't spend every second training, then the gap will become too wide for them to stand side by side with him.

"Don't worry about finding Wulin. I will stay back for a while a search around Star Luo Continent for a little longer and will come back when I have time. You guys should focus on cultivating, so you can stand by Wulin side when he comes back." Said Wu Zhangkong, as he honestly didn't want any of them to be left behind.

They were silent for a while but nodded their heads, as Wu Zhangkong words were true. They made a promise to Lang Yue and themselves, to never let Wulin be alone.

Wu Zhangkong smiled as he saw the fierce determination in their eyes and only hope that determination could help them keep up with Wulin.


"You want me to train you?" Questioned Zhou Shi as he stared thoughtfully at Xie Xie.

Zhou Shi was still recovering from the fact one of his grand-disciple was reported undoubtedly missing from the trip to Star Luo Continent. He would have gone on a rampage if he didn't learn where he went missing.

'The godamn Dragon Valley.' Thought Zhou Shi in evident irritation as he knew he couldn't do much.

Which is why is mood has been extremely bad lately. Wulin wasn't just his grand-disciple but his annoying grandson, who he came to love in the months before the trip to Star Luo Continent.

'Damn it, if I knew this would have happened.' Thought Zhou Shi but he then sighed as he realizes the foolishness of his word.

That brat wouldn't have cared about his reasons and would have fought him if he tried to stop him. Honestly, he wonders where that brats confidence comes from sometimes.

He subtly shifted his head to the kneeling Xie Xie who had his head on the floor bowing down to him. This kid came to him three days ago and asked to be trained personally.

He ignored Xie Xie for breaking the rules of coming to the Sea God Island and didn't feel like training anyone right now. Yet, this brat still stayed in front of his house bowing for a while three days.

"Tell me something? What's is your reason for having me train you? Isn't Wu Zhankong enough?"Questioned Zhou Shi as he was intrigued about what was driving him.

"No, teacher Wu is busy with looking for Wulin, but he is not enough for what I want to do." Said Xie Xie still bowing down in front of his grand-teacher.

"What do you want to do?"

"To not be left behind by my friends! I want to stand next to Wulin and everybody as they travel the world! I refuse to watch them from the back!" Xie Xie roared.

Zhou Shi fell silent as he gazes at his grand-disciple. Xie Xie knew by heart at first he wanted to gain strength to surpass Wulin, then it changed to getting Yuanen Yehui to fall for him but now? He wanted to gain strength, so he can stand with all of his friends.

"I want you to run around this island twenty times." Said Zhou Shi as he turned to leave.

Xie Xie got up in surprise and then a smile bloom on his face, as he instantly began to move.

'Not wanting to be left behind huh?' Thought Zhou Shi as he wistfully watches the boy run.


"What?" Said Mu Chen as he stared thoughtfully at his beloved daughter who was giving him, Zhen Hua and Feng Wuyu a look of passionate determination.

"I want you all to train me in becoming a divine blacksmith and also to get stronger." Said Mu Xi as she knew everyone required a stronger battle armor.

Mu Chen fell silent as he stared at his beloved daughter in contemplation. He knew his daughter, she would never ask for his help even if it was something vital.

"Why? You never asked for my help before? So why now?"Questioned Mu Chen as his face remained impassive.

Mu Xi clench her fist, and her face hardens as she stared at her father.

"I don't want us to be left behind." Said Mu Xi, causing Mu Chen to look at her in surprise.

At first, he didn't understand but then he instantly realizes. His disciple Wulin talent was monstrous and Mu Xi would require every help she can get to not be left behind by him.

Although he was worried about his disciple whereabouts, he had confidence in his disciple.

'And I guess I'm not the only one.' Thought Mu Chen as he smiled tenderly at his daughter.

"Brat, you do know how hard it is, to become one?" Feng Wuyu stared fiercely down his disciple Mu Xi.

"I don't care. I will become one no matter what." Said Mu Xi as she instantly begins to match Feng Wuyu gaze with her own.

This went on for a while before Feng Wuyu smiled and laughed out loud.

"That is my disciple!"

Zhen Hua merely shook his head but smiled gently as he too was getting excited in seeing how far Mu Xi could go.



"Again." Said Elder Cai as she looks attentively at both Yue Znegyu and Yuanen Yehui. She was surprised, that both of them came toward her to have her train them.

She didn't think much about it considering who they wanted to stand beside.

"Is this your limit? If it is, then you might as well quit now because you will never be able to stand on the same stage as Tang Wulin with just this."Elder Cai plainly said.

Yue Zhengyu and Yuanen Yehui gritted their teeth while pushing themselves back up. They adamantly refuse to be the ones left behind to the point they came to Elder Cai.

She told them if they wanted her to train them, they must at least damage her once. As she has no interest in training anything but monsters.

For the past few hours, they have been assaulting her but to no avail. Yet, that hasn't deterred them at all but instead ignited the flames inside of them to keep going.

Because this told them, they were still weak and insignificant.

'Good.' Thought Elder Cai as she saw them gain even more determination.


"Nicely done." Said Yali as she gazes admiringly at the talented trio in front of her. Xu Lizhi, Xu Xiaoyan, and Ye Xinglan were on the floor gasping from the spar they had with her.

She couldn't help but giggle as she remembers the trio faces when she came to them and asks if they wanted her to train them.

'Well, I guess you can't criticize them.' Thought Yali as it is not every day someone as famous as she would randomly ask some kids if they wanted her to train them.

'Still, that little girl sure is getting more cunning and sly.' Yali Thought as she remembers it was because of Na'er that she was training these kids.

Her charming daughter kept on begging her for a whole three days to go train these kids and after a while, she gave in. When she asked her daughter why she was adamant on it, Na'er gave her a profound look and then told her.

'You all don't want to be left behind huh?' Yali Thought as she gazes fondly at the kids.

A small smiled appeared on her face as she was happy Na'er found some good friends. She had faith in Tang Wulin ability to return to them.


'Such fierce determination.' Thought Mu Ye as he gazes down below in the boundless ocean.

After finding out that his direct heir to the body sect went missing, he was unbelievably pissed. After finding out, where he went missing he knew he couldn't do much.

Then Wu Siduo came to him with unquenchable fire and determination in her eyes, as she told him to make her strong.

Mu Ye didn't even question why as he could already tell it would be meaningless to wonder. While she wasn't a monster like Tang Wulin, she wouldn't lose out to anyone he has seen or trained before.

Mu Ye couldn't help but smiled as he saw Wu Siduo fighting through the barricades of sea beast under one thousand meters.

'Just like that, keep on fighting.'



"Is that all?" Questioned Yun Ming as he stared at Na'er who was clutching on to her Silver Dragon Spear for support.

Na'er was struggling to breathe, let alone be able to answer him back. Yet she still possessed the energy to look at him and glare.

'Good.' Though Yun Ming could somewhat understand her anger toward him. He did tell her if she can't even lay a scratch on him by time Wulin comes back. Then he will never allow her to go with him ever again.

This, of course, causes her to be furious at him and made her gain the determination to pierce him with her Silver Dragon Spear.

'Why do I feel like a dad, preventing his daughter from seeing her boyfriend?' Thought Yun Ming as he simply smashes away the glittering spear coming towards him.


Leng Yaozhu hummed as she stared at her beloved disciple across from her. Gu Yue was slowly struggling back up as she started to summon the seven elements around her.

'This is the first.' Thought Leng Yaozhu.

While she dearly loved her disciple, Leng Yaozhu felt that her disciple wasn't giving her all when they used to train before, as if she had no motivation.

But after she came back, she didn't even waste any time and asked her to spar with her. They have been sparring for the whole day, with Gu Yue not holding anything back against her.

'Does it have something to do with her captain?' Thought Leng Yaozhu as she remembered that Gu Yue captain went missing on the exchange program.

'Well, either way, this is fine.' Thought Leng Yaozhu as a brilliant flame began to spread around her as she began to smile at Gu Yue.


It has been a few hours since he has been walking through the extensive forest. Tang Wulin could smell the scent of seawater and wanted to check it out.

Yet after he steps out of the forest, he became shocked at what he saw. Straight on ahead of him was a tree, an enormous tree that was over five thousand meters long.

It was an ash glistening tree that had had branches as large as a towering hill protruding out from the base of the tree. The top of the mighty tree was covered with mature leaves obscuring what was hidden inside.

Tang Wulin could see massive roots coming out of the sparkling sea and some of them landing on the land next to the tree.

"Is that Yggdrasil!" Exclaimed Sleipner as she appeared next to Tang Wulin.


Before Tang Wulin could say anything else, something enormous came out of the sparkling water, it was around 600 meters long with multiple wing-like appendages that shined with an ethereal color.

It was a giant silver Sea Serpent that came up for air with its gleaming eyes shining with sheer power.

As it came up, large water tornados were forming around it and a fierce storm seems to be forming as the mythical beast roared. The mighty roar caused the whole land and sparkling sea to shake, as Tang Wulin could feel the vibration shaking the ground he was on.

It then shook its head and went back down with Tang Wulin able to see the rest of its body for a while, with its fin being the last thing he saw.

After the beast left, the fierce storm started to go away and the water tornados began to disperse.

'Is this really another continent?' Tang Wulin questioned.

"It's not." Said Sleipnir as she had a pale look.

"What is wrong Sleipnir?" Asked Zeref as he narrowed his eyes.

"If that tree is still here then, that means."

"The rift didn't send us to another continent or kept us in the Dragon Valley." Said Sleipnir as her voice started to tremble uncontrollably.

"It hurled us back one billion years in the past."

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