Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: Spirit Metamorphosis

Tang Wulin inwardly grimaces, after he made contact with Diablos body. It wasn't from how Diablos died or that his body got disintegrated.

He turns his gaze toward his trembling hand and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

'What a tyrannical power.' Thought Tang Wulin as he could still feel the overwhelming pain of using Annihilation.

Annihilation was the red light that swirl around his fist and what bent the space around him. It truly is a terrifying power, befitting of the Golden Dragon King.

'The power to destroy everything.' Thought Tang Wulin.

Annihilation allowed one to melt and destroy anything around them. This power is so great that it literally destroys every single matter in an area and leaves only a void in place.

Tang Wulin had to lower the output to one percent just so he wouldn't lose control. That was why the area in front of him didn't become a literal void and why it only bent space.

Yet, that isn't even its greatest function as not only can it destroy but also absorb. Meaning Tang Wulin will instantly absorb the power of those who got melted down with Annihilation.

The power to destroy everything and get stronger from it. It was no wonder why Na'er and Gu Yue believed the Golden Dragon King would be the strongest existence if he goes on a rampage.

Tang Wulin sigh, as he knew Annihilation was going to take a while for him to master.

"Of course it's going to take a while." Old Tang voice rang out.

"Honestly, these people in the Primordial Era are unbelievable. They really gave you something priceless." Said Old Tang as his voice tremble.

'What do you mean?.' Thought Tang Wulin.

"I think I can explain or at least give a theory on the matter." Said Zeref as appears next to Tang Wulin.

"These guys really did come up with something amazing." Said Zeref with a wry smile.

If we were to combine the present-day definition with the Primordia day, then we would get something like this. What the ritual accomplished was having the human literally delve deep into their body and pull out the martial soul spirit that they were born with.

Instead of it appearing outward, like how one would for a Martial Soul Awakening. It is basically infusing with the human and making them become a new "existence."

"For example, when you fused with the Golden Dragon King. Your DNA or Bloodline didn't change but instead your internal body." Said Zeref.

Tang Wulin gains the bones, the muscle structures, tendons, and a heart of the Golden Dragon King. He looks like a human from the outside but the inside is completely different.

"So not only did it alter your body but also grants that martial soul innate powers." Said Zeref.

Xia Yan martial soul spirit seems to be the Titan Giant Ape. Because of this, he can exert its innate power of gravity. Or similar to those guards who had a tool spirit and had their limbs cover with the aura of their martial soul spirit.

"So I believe you are becoming your Martial Spirit Soul but still retaining your human form. It's also why it only shows up in an aura and spectral form. The ritual also seems to have taken away the ability to gain spirit rings for the martial soul that goes through the metamorphosis." Said Zeref.

"Wait, what about my bloodline? The Golden Dragon King isn't my martial soul." Questioned Tang Wulin.

"You are right and yet, you're still able to do Spirit Metamorpshisi with it." Said Zeref as he too was confused on the reason why.

From what he gathered the Spirit Metamorpshis should only work on the spirit you were born with.

"The Golden Dragon King is more similar to a spirit than a literal bloodline. That became even more apparent has you gained rings for it." Old Tang voice rang out.

Tang Wulin nodded his head and Zeref continue on with his theory on the matter.

"But there is a silver lining, though. And that is your strength isn't reliant on soul power or spirit ring like those of a soul master. Your strength comes from how well you understand your martial spirit and what skill you can create from it." Said Zeref with excitement in his voice.

It was similar to Magic in Fiore. A mage got stronger from them understanding their magic and creating new techniques. Just like how there was no weak magic, then there simply can not be any weak martial soul with this method.

"It may also be a good thing you didn't pick the Blue Silver Genesis." Said Zeref as he furrows his brows.

"What do you mean?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"As I said, you are infusing with the Martial Soul and becoming a new existence. It's not like Fiore where you can learn multiple magic and be fine. Now let use the Blue Silver Genesis and its five other spirits as examples."Said Zeref.

"Your body would have to accommodate the changes that each of those spirits does for it. This may cause your body to either breakdown or be ripped apart. This may also apply to those who have multiple rings from one soul spirit too, as the ring might be too much for the body."

"Those without a spirit ring or multiple spirits may be able to use Spirit Metamorphosis but I'm honestly not sure. This is just a theory, and I may be wrong about everything as we don't have anyone to test it out." Said Zeref.

He only made that conclusion from noticing how much pain Acnologia was going through and what happened with the Golden Dragon King. Zeref believed this method wasn't meant to be used with Spirit Rings as the added rings, still count as an extra soul.

"Because of the Spirit Metamorpshis altering you. Your internal body undoubtedly became that of the Golden Dragon King, which is what is allowing you to safely use Annihilation without your body melting in the inside." Said Old Tang shattering the silence.

"Annihilation is a power that not even most gods, let alone humans could withstand with their own body. It is also because of this method that you can use Annihilation so naturally and early since it is the innate power of the Golden Dragon King." Said Old Tang.

"This is his innate power?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"Yes, the Golden Dragon King power is that of destruction and ruin. Even the Dragon God feared using this power, as he may just destroy the universe by accident." Said Old Tang before he went silent.

"But I wonder how did spirit rings come into play?"Zeref Questioned as he hasn't seen any Spirit Beast drop a ring.

Tang Wulin nodded his head, as he already had a sense of what happened. It explains why he couldn't sense his Bloodrings anymore.

'Still, it seems I can't use my domain without soul power.' Thought Tang Wulin with a grimace.

Tang Wulin started to look around him to see the damage that Diablos had caused. He saw multiple houses were basically smashed apart and the walls were cracking.

The number of people dead couldn't be considered small but wasn't a large number. He turns his head to see Xia Yan walking to him.

'Did he recover that fast?' Thought Tang Wulin in surprise.

"Good Job. Let us go back to Elder to plan for our next move." Said Xia Yan.



A booming noise rang throughout the room.

"How boring." Said Nergigante as he looks down into the arena. The arena wasn't really an arena but just a massive room with blood smeared around.

In the middle of the room were two humans fighting each other with the weapons laying around that they left for them.

Nergigante couldn't help but get a little bit bored after seeing this so many times.

'These humans truly have become a bore. If only we could just end their whole race already.' Thought Nergigante as he looks at the human disgust.

There were two fractions between the Spirit Beast, one that wishes for the equal treatment of humans and those who wish to wipe out all of the humans.

To stop the two fractions from warring, they made a pact. The pact said they were not allowed to wipe out the human clan but are allowed to do whatever they desired with them.

'That damn pact.' Nergigante sneered as he was apart of the group who wanted to wipe them all out. He got up from his throne and began making his way down his castle stairs.

After a while, he went inside a room and in the middle were rows of humans who look malnourished. Nergigante faintly smiled as he walks toward the middle human who had his head down and was breathing softly.

"Are you ready to tell me the location of your clan base?" Questioned Nergigante as he gazes down at the man.

The man had a lean build, with a tribal mark on his body and unkempt jet-black hair. He began to chuckle as he slowly inclined his head and looks at Nergigante with his sky-blue eyes.

"Why so impatient Nergigante? Are you getting anxious that you can't find us?" Said the man as he began to chuckle.

Nergigante narrowed his eyes at the human but did nothing as he was above getting angry at insects like these. He sighed at their strong will and then began to chuckle.

"It sad you know. You all got caught because you tried making communication with the other fraction." Said Nergigante with a sneer.

How could he not grasp what these humans wanted to do? They wanted to try and gain the alliance of the fraction that wants them to live. With this, they may gain the power to eliminate the fraction he was in.

Nergigante sneered at that thought but didn't report this to his higher-ups. The merits and reward he would get if he could capture the rest of them were too enticing for him to give up on.

Which is why he was holding these people and not immediately killing them. He knew one of them would break if he keeps up.

He turned his body and left the human in the room.

"Was this the right choice, Tang Yun?" Questioned one of the humans in the room.

"Who can tell? All I know is if we can get an alliance with the fractions that likes us. Then maybe there will be a chance to turn the destiny of the human clan around." Said Tang Yun and then silence overtook the room once again.

Nergigante was walking farther down from the room where he left Tang Yun and the other captives. It was a room he made sure he was the only one aware of it.

He went inside a vacant room and then thrust out his two large arms ontop the floor. Then he started pulling them up until he could see a dark purple shine and the crackling sound.

"Perfect." Said Nergigante as he looked toward the dark purple crystals down below. There were rows of them that were crackling with small sparks.

He slowly moved his hand towards them and the glittering crystals started to react. A swirl of purple energy started to travel toward Nergigante outstretch hand and into his body.

He had to grit his teeth as he could feel the boundless energy trying to progressively destroy the inside of his body. He slowly sighed as he could feel the power coursing through him as he got it under control.

After a while, he stops absorbing the power by retracted his arm. He then resealed the ground in the empty room. He sighed and then started to go back up to his throne room.

Nergigante didn't know what those purple crystals were, but what he did know is they had the power to boost his strength to new heights.

Although the downside is he had to absorb a small amount at a time or his body will get destroyed from the energy.josei

'I wonder if Diablos has made any progress in finding those humans.' Thought Nergigante.

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