Dragon Master

Chapter 148

Chapter 148: Looking for trouble

Chapter 148: Looking for trouble

Andy was stupefied and watched Maximilian unwillingly. He didn't want to apologize to him at all.

“Mom, why should I say sorry to this loser? Why?”

“Are you going to drive me crazy? That's millions of dollars. As long as we get that money, I will buy a new BMW car for you. Hurry up! Slap yourself to show your regret.”

Lucy held Andy and whispered.

Millions of dollars could drive many ordinary people crazy and give up their dignity. Someone may work hard for his whole life but couldn't earn that much.

Andy was hesitating about whether to choose his dignity or a new car. Finally, he chose to seek for the physical pleasure.

Only these women would know even if he lost his dignity in front of Maximilian.

However, he could show off in front of all of his colleges and friends after getting the new car, which could make him satisfied.

He gritted his teeth and came up to Maximilian, “Sorry about my rude words. Please forgive me. I will slap myself to show my apology.”

SLAP. The clear slap sound came. Andy slapped himself with strength, then looked at Maximilian.

Maximilian laughed and replied, “I was just kidding.”


Andy was going to swear again. However, seeing Marsh, who was staring at him, he suddenly remained silent.

“Ah, you're still good at telling jokes. Then we'll just wait for him to transfer the money. I have to leave now.”

Andy didn't dare stay here any longer because he was afraid of being tricked by Maximilian again. He was the one who held millions of dollars, so he could only wait for that money to come into his account. Then it was never too late to revenge.”

Lucy and the others said goodbye to Maximilian and Laura.

Humphrey didn't even greeted Laura, and walked towards his car, gritting his teeth angrily.

He looked at his swollen cheek from the rear-view mirror and drummed on the steering wheel angrily.

“Fuck! That loser was showing off again. Why did he always get such a good luck? Shit!"

A flicker of hostility passed over Humphrey's eyes. He groaned and dialed a number.

“Dallas, can you handle a man for me? His name is Maximilian. I will send his photo to you later. You must cripple him.”

“Well, the down payment is a hundred thousand dollars. When the thing is done, you have to pay an extra of two hundred thousand dollars.” Dallas said coldly.

“No problem. I will transfer the money to you later.”

After paying the money to Dallas and successfully sending Maximilian’s photo, Humphrey took out his cigarettes.

“Fine, let's see whether you still get good luck this time!”

Laura stared at Maximilian angrily at this time and said unhappily, “Well, you're good at showing off! Are you desperate to prove yourself? You have to rely on your own competence, not others! Do you understand?”

“No, I am not. lt was Humphrey who couldn't fix this problem. I’m just trying to help.”

His mention of Humphrey really made Laura get furious. She thought he was humiliating her of choosing the wrong son-in-law.

“You are not qualified to compare with him. Don't think I will change my attitude because you help me this time. We will talk about this later when we get home.”

Laura turned around angrily to leave, not showing Maximilian even a little gratitude.

Maximilian shook his head helplessly. Why his mother-in-law was so prejudiced?

Marsh watched Maximilian carefully. What was wrong with the young lord? Was he tired of being the rich and powerful person and wanted to cover his identity and lived a loser?

Marsh thought what he speculated was right. It was said the rich people in the past had brought his whole family to be beggars, so did emperors by setting up stalls in their palaces. Hence, what the young lord did must be the same.

“Mr. Lee, Connor is waiting for you in the car. Should we get in?”

Marsh was like a steward, talking carefully to Maximilian.

“Well, has he come? Then let's meet him.” Maximilian said calmly.

“Ok, this way.”

Marsh was leading the way ahead, thought that Maximilian was really a powerful man from his causal attitude when calling Connor.

Connor was standing beside the Mercedes-Benz S600. He bowed and greeted respectfully when he saw Maximilian coming, “Mr. Lee.”

“Hum.” Maximilian’s hum was the response to him.

Connor turned around to open the car, then he said with a smile, “Please, Mr. Lee.”

Maximilian got into the car and Connor closed the door, went to the other side, and got in.

It was the first time that Marsh saw him treating someone so politely. Most of the time, it was the others who did this to him. It could tell that Maximilian was really someone powerful.

Marsh quickly got into the passenger seat, watching Maximilian, who was sitting in the back seat with a smile.

“Mr. Lee, it's the first time for me to meet you. I didn't expect thing went like that. Please forgive me. I have already arranged activities in the Dragon Palace Club. Let's go and have some fun.”

Maximilian nodded and didn't say anything.

Connor glared at Marsh and said, “He's not very smart and usually do something silly. I have already scolded him and he is going to do some serious business.”

“Yes, yes, I am. Please give me some suggestions and I will do as you require.”

Marsh wanted nothing but to please Maximilian. As long as he was in a good relation with him, it was easy to make money and he didn't have to worry too much.”

However, it seemed that Maximilian didn't want to talk to him. He just closed his eyes.

Marsh thought it was because Maximilian was still angry with him for showing that attitude previously.

Connor didn't dare to say anything either. He had done his best to convince Maximilian to help Marsh. If he was resented by Maximilian because of him, the loss would outweigh the gain.

Crack. Their car suddenly braked and stopped in the mid of the road.

Marsh hit on the windshield due to inertia. However, the first thing he worried about was the safety of Maximilian rather than himself.

“Are you alright, Mr. Lee? My driver must be distracted when he was driving. I will scold him after we return.”

Maximilian frowned and looked outside the window. He saw one car stopped ahead of them, the other stopped behind them,

“Someone is going to give us a hard time.” Maximilian smiled.

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