Dragon Master

Chapter 262 Please her

Chapter 262 Please her

Chapter 262 Please her

Laura considered telling Victoria the truth so that she could understand what was going on. If Marcus wanted to go, then she wouldn’t refuse. Besides, if it was Humphrey who invited them, she might agree to go to the auction without Maximilian.

She looked at Victoria with a complex mind and wished to hear what she wanted from her.

Hearing Humphrey’s name, Victoria already figured out what was going on.

“We must bring Maximilian, otherwise I won’t go there.”

“Why are you so stubborn?” Laura finally gave up, realizing it was impossible for her to convince Victoria. She couldn’t refuse Humphrey after saying yes to him.

“Whatever, bring him along if you want!”

Laura went back to her room angrily. Victoria sighed and wondered whether she should go or not. Maximilian would definitely be despised if Humphrey and the others were present.

She went back to her room and told Maximilian that it was Humphrey who invited them to jade auction.

“Maybe it’s better for us not go. He’s up to no good by inviting us.” Victoria said worriedly.

“Why not? If he wants to invite us, then we must go; otherwise he will be mortified.”

It seemed that Maximilian didn’t care about it at all. Humphrey was causing him trouble by inviting them. It was a good thing for Maximilian to think in this way.

Victoria smiled and nodded, “Then we will go.”

Marcus was worried about the jade auction the next day and woke up early.

He was looking forward to this auction as a big jade fan.

Maximilian and others also woke up early to get prepared.


Someone was knocking at the door. Laura raised up her voice and said, “Victoria, hurry up and open the door. It must be Humphrey.”

Victoria showed an unwilling look towards Maximilian and he smiled to open the door.

Humphrey, who was expecting Victoria at the door, showed a terrible look seeing Maximilian.


“What? Do you want to come in? I will close the door if you don’t.” Maximilian sneered.

“Well! What are you pretending for, loser? I will show you my strength later. There is a huge gap between you and me!”

Humphrey bumped Maximilian away angrily with his shoulder and strode into their house.

When seeing Humphrey come, Laura greeted him enthusiastically, “Come here and sit down. Thank you for picking us up so early this morning.”

“Never mind.” Humphrey replied politely when looking towards Victoria.

He thought she was prettier after not seeing her for a few days. However, when thinking of her reluctance to divorce Maximilian, he felt aggrieved.

“Victoria, I have brought you breakfast from YJ Restaurant. It’s still warm.”

Humphrey put an exquisite chamber on the table and opened the lid carefully, showing the delicacy inside.

Laura was astonished. She knew YJ Restaurant sold the most luxurious breakfast in H city and the breakfast would cost several thousand dollars.

“That are sixteen kinds of cakes and they are all exquisitely decorated. Have a try. There is also bird’s nest soup. I bought this for you and your mother. It’s good for your health.”

Humphrey took down the layer that was filled with sixteen kinds of cakes and put it on the table, showing two bowls of bird’s nest soup below.

“It’s very nice of you. I suppose you have waiting for a long time for this breakfast. Well, it’s nice for you to give us a ride. Why bother buying such expensive breakfast?”

However, Laura was delighted deep in her heart. After looking at Maximilian, she was suddenly in a bad mood.

“Look at you, loser. Humphrey has bought such a delicate breakfast for Victoria. What have you bought for her? How dare you stick up with her?”

Humphrey glanced at Maximilian and said disdainfully, “Come here and have a taste, loser. This breakfast costs 8,800 dollars. It’s impossible for you to afford such an expensive breakfast.”

Maximilian looked at him and said casually, “I don’t have to eat. It’s simply 8,800 dollars. I suppose you must have made a hard decision to buy them.”

“Bullshit! 8,800 dollars is nothing for me. I can earn tens of thousands of dollars a day. You can’t image how much I can earn a day.”

After saying that, Humphrey smiled and looked at Victoria, “I have earned a great deal via investment these days. After going to the auction, I will purchase the finest jade for you.”

“You don’t have to. Just give it to someone else. I have already finished breakfast that Maximilian cooked, and I can’t eat anymore.”

Victoria didn’t even look at the expensive breakfast Humphrey brought. She walked towards Maximilian and sat together with him.

Humphrey was embarrassed. He had spent a great deal time and money to order and purchase the breakfast, but Victoria didn’t give it a glance.

Laura smiled and tried to break the ice, “Humphrey, Victoria has a poor appetite these days and she also didn’t eat much yesterday. I will eat it with your uncle.”

“Okay.” Humphrey replied helplessly.

After having breakfast, they all got on Humphrey’s car and headed toward the auction.

Humphrey tried to get a chance to talk with Victoria. However, it seemed that Victoria didn’t even want to talk with him, which made him hurt so much.

He intended to get along well with this beauty this morning, but things didn’t go as he expected.

He looked at a golden card, which was put on the car front. It was the golden card from DH Hotel, the supreme five-star hotel.

In order to show his wealth, he chose the DH Hotel for the night and purchased its golden card with a large sum of advance payment.

He calmed down after seeing the golden card and fancied Victoria looked at him admiringly when he was booking the room.

Being able to live in the super luxury hotel could win many women’s hearts and Humphrey supposed Victoria would be the same. He could humiliate Maximilian at that time!

Humphrey stepped on the accelerator and headed for L City.

“Victoria, aunt and uncle, we will arrive soon. First, let’s settle down in the hotel, and then I will take you to the jade auction.”

Marcus nodded and said, “It’s up to you to make the arrangement.”

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