Dragon Master

Chapter 337 I Will Talk to Them

Chapter 337 I Will Talk to Them

Chapter 337 I Will Talk to Them

Mylo was on his high horse right now, feeling that he had suddenly become God who took control over everything. At least in this castle, he controlled everyone’s life. Therefore, he was calling out now to save his pride.

Johnson was grinning. He gestured his gang and they rushed into the banquet hall like a group of animals, forcing the celebrities to gather together.

Then came constant shrieks. Many female celebrities were groped. However, no one paid attention to their screams, because everyone was busy saving his own life.

Olivier and the rich youngsters of H City were all stunned. It never occurred to them that karma would come so soon, so violently.

How come Mylo came back with an armed gang in the blink of an eye? Had he done something wrong just now?

He should have been hit and humiliated together with Mylo just now, right? Was Mylo holding a grudge against him? The more Olivier thought, the more anxious he became.

A rich kid couldn’t help standing up and yelling at Mylo, "Brother Mylo, please let us off, OK? We just tipped you off."

"'We?" Mylo cast a glance at the rich kid of H City and sneered, "You took to your heels just now. When I was being humiliated, why didn’t I see you guys defend me? And now you want to fawn on me? Too late!"

Bang! A gangster fired a single shot to the rich young man. He was so terrified that he fell full length. When the rich young man was twitching, his urine gushed out.

Olivier was aware that Mylo must be in rage right now. Anyone who played up to him or begged him for mercy was doomed.

If some hero galloped his white horse to him and saved him from danger at this moment, Olivier would like to marry him, even if he had to change his sex orientation.

But no hero showed up. Olivier could only squat down with the celebrities, waiting for what the fates were sending him.

Mylo put his arm around Johnson’s shoulders excitedly. The latter frowned, and then felt relaxed.

"Brother Johnson, your bros are freaking awesome! Well, can I borrow a gun? I want to end that trash’s life with my own hands."

There was nothing better than ending your enemy’s life with your own hands. Now Mylo just wanted to hold a gun and shoot Maximilian a dozen times, so Maximilian would howl in pain and beg for mercy at his feet.

Tilting his head, Johnson stared at Robbie and said with a sneer, "Give our young master Mylo a gun. But young master Mylo, since you haven’t practiced it before, I’m afraid you don’t know how to deal with its recoil. Be careful not to hurt yourself."

"It’s alright. I’ll hold the gun with both of my hands, and I’ll be fine. While playing shooting games, I’m a crack shot." Mylo replied confidently.

Robbie took out a gun and loaded it, smacking it down into Mylo’s palm.

Holding the gun, Mylo suddenly got his courage. He said, grinning, "Thank you, Brother Johnson. I can finally take my revenge."

"No rush. They are probably hiding in somewhere. The body guards of that cracker’s you mentioned might have something on the ball. Let my bros get rid of them first."

Mylo nodded and agreed to Johnson’s arrangement.

Smiling, Johnson walked up to the celebrities. He searched the crowd with wandering eyes, as if he was looking for someone.

The celebrities dropped their heads in a group, shivering, just like a flock of frightened quail.

Johnson pulled up a beauty and pointed his gun at her head. "Anyone inside the room, listen to me. If you want to stop me from killing them all, play no tricks and get out. If you struggle desperately, then I’ll have it my way."

Shrinking behind the table, Kroopf heard Johnson’s words and asked in panic, "Have you called the police yet? When will the police arrive?"

Reluctant, the head of body guards answered, "There’s no signal. I suspect they have shielded the signal and had us cut off."

"Fuck! I wouldn’t have done that just now if I had known this would happen." Kroopf said, full of remorse.

This situation weighed heavily on Kroopf. In order to gain Maximilian’s trust, he had arranged all this. But he never expected he would overreach himself. Now everyone’s life was under threat, and Kroopf even believed he might die here today.

If God gave Kroopf another chance to start over, Kroopf wouldn’t do that to Mylo again. Instead, he would treat Mylo as his god.

But there was no such a start over. All Kroopf could do was hide under the table, shivering in panic.

"You must protect me. You must keep me safe. I’ll give you a bigger reward!" Kroopf said nervously.

"We will fight to the end." After that, the head of body guards looked at Maximilian and Victoria, confused by Maximilian’s composure.

Maximilian sat on the sofa calmly, watching the situation outside as if he was watching a movie.

"Mr. Lee, aren’t you nervous? I think you should hide yourself. They might start firing at the crowds later." The head of body guards said.

When hearing "firing at the crowds", Victoria gripped Maximilian’s hand. Her mind went completely blank, unable to think at all.

Maximilian could feel Victoria’s tension. He patted Victoria’s hand and helped her calm down.

"You are just going to huddle up here? They are going to break in sooner or later." Maximilian said casually.

Staring at Maximilian, the head of body guards was speechless, thinking of Maximilian as a freak.

"All we can do is to buy more time. Hope someone will find the abnormality here and call the police in time. Everything else will be left up to fate. If they really break in, we all have to die."

Kroopf was so scared. He even wanted to wave a white flag and go out. It didn’t feel good to wait for death.

Maximilian shook his head. He took Victoria to the corner and had her sit on the chair around the corner.

"Wait for me here. I’ll go out and talk to them." Maximilian said seriously.

"No! They have guns, and you have offended Mylo. If you go out now, they will definitely…"

Victoria choked with sobs while speaking. She was unable to go on, because the image of Maximilian being shot to death was engraved in her mind.

Maximilian rubbed Victoria’s head and said with a smile, "Believe me. Your husband is not some ordinary man. I’m better than Superman."

"Stop talking nonsense. Even Superman is unable to beat them all."

Victoria kept hold of Maximilian’s arm, not wanting him to leave.

Johnson had already lost his patience. He gestured for his gang to carry out the raid, and then for Mylo to call out.

"Damn it! You are acting like a turtle hiding its head into the shell. Get the fuck out, or I will kill them all!" Mylo shouted, waving his gun.

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