Dragon Master

Chapter 525 Too Late To Regret

Chapter 525 Too Late To Regret

Chapter 525 Too Late To Regret

In HT Mansion, Maximilian escorted Thompson and arrived with Flora and Canaan. Connor's followers was waiting there long time ago.

Seeing Maximilian's arrival, Connor's followers nodded and shouted in unison, "Mr. Lee."

"Connor told you everything, right?"

"Connor gave us an order, saying that you are going to detain an important person here. This way Please, Connor built a detention room in it, and the interior is made of solid steel. As long as someone is locked in, it is as safe as a safe."

While introducing the room, the followers led Maximilian’s team in.

After twists and turns, the man walked to a metal gate that looked like a bank vault.

"This is a numerical code lock, and it needs to be verified by iris. Connor has spent a lot of money on this."

"It looks great, please open the door quickly." Maximilian said lightly.

"I'll open the door right now, Mr. Lee, please wait for a second."

The man pressed the password and pointed his eyes at the iris for verification.

After finishing all the steps, the all-steel door slowly opened. Behind the door was a room about 20 square meters. All the walls of the room were steel. There were several steel chairs in the middle of the room, and the chair legs were welded to the steel ground. The man walked in, took out the handcuffs and fetters, and looked at Thompson with a smile.

"You can lock him on this chair so that he can't run away. Our safety equipment is stronger than that in prison. As long as he is locked inside, he can't fly out even if he turns into a fly."

Maximilian nodded with satisfaction and pushed Thompson into the room. Thompson lowered his head and said nothing, as if he had already admitted his fate.

"Go and have a seat, do I have to invite you in?" Maximilian said with a smile.

"You can't treat me like this. You should give me freedom. Even if you don't let me go, you can't restrict my freedom!" Thompson opened his hands, showing a sad face.

"You should think in another way. Do you want to sit on a chair, or want your legs and hands be broken into pieces?" Maximilian's voice was extremely cold.

Thompson's face turned frozen. After thinking for half a minute, he obediently walked to the chair.

When Thompson sat on the chair, Connor's follower took out the shackle and handcuffs, locking Thompson onto the chair.

Thompson gritted his teeth fiercely, feeling that he was so unlucky that he put himself into such a terrible situation.

“I wished I had been flying away at that time! What a pity!”

If there was regret medicine now, Thompson may eat as much as he can, or he can’t relieve his regret.

Maximilian took out his cell phone and sent a message to the Dragon Sect guards who were secretly protecting him, and asked a small team of guards to come and guard Thompson.

Maximilian didn't believe the capability of Connor's followers. As retaining Thompson was a bigger mission, his life must be guaranteed.

After sending the message, he stared at Thompson. "I almost forgot one thing. My friend has bet 200 million dollars, and you haven't cashed it out for him yet."

Thompson trembled, and said in a panic, "That is a huge misunderstanding. It was a small mistake I made. Wait a moment, I will contact them and ask them to transfer the money to you."

Thompson reached into his pocket with his trembling hand, took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, Laudrew! The bet that Maximilian won before, cash it out quickly!" Thompson shouted.

Laudrew grunted, "What are you talking about? Thompson, didn't we agree that each of us get half of the money? How come you decided to cash out the bet now? Are you a fool?"

"Laudrew! Don't talk nonsense! All I want is to execute my order! Now transfer the money immediately!"

"You have to give me a reasonable explanation. We reached an agreement to split the money. Why should we give such a large sum of money to those yellow-skinned monkeys?"

Laudrew was reluctant. It wasn't two or three million dollars, or even two or three hundred million dollars, but 3.2 billion dollars! If he has so much money, Laudrew can get a Hollywood star as his mistress.

Thompson could not wait to stab Laudrew to death, "Fuck! You dare to disobey me? If you don't transfer the money now, just wait for the death of your family!"

"Well, Thompson, you really disappointed me. I thought you could be bolder, but you are still so timid. I'll let someone transfer the money later!"

Laudrew hung up the phone with irritation, and Thompson cursed in a low voice, thinking that it was all because of Maximilian. If the unbeatable crotch didn’t exist, how could all these incidents happened to


"Mr. Lee, I have to ask someone to do it. You will receive the transfer message soon."

They are trying to make themselves laugh more naturally.

Maximilian nodded slightly, and then said, "Where is Connor’s son, the boy who was kidnapped by you when you threatened Connor to host the tournament."

"Someone in the headquarters is responsible for that matter. I don't know the details. Let me make a call and ask."

Thompson felt that his head was going to burst and wandered why he got involved into so many things! Who told them about this stuff?

"Hurry up! As long as they send Connor's son back, you can leave here."

Thompson's eyes lit up. Freedom was at the top of his mind now.

"Okay, I'll call somebody now, and I will ask them to send Connor's son back."

The excited Thompson held the phone with his shaking hands, and after trying twice, he pressed the dial button accurately.

More time was required for the transfer of overseas call. After waiting for about half a minute, Thompson’s call was connected.

"Hello, Thompson, are you going to report some good news to me?"

"No, no, no! Mike, what I want to say is not good news. My action failed. Now I am a hostage. They demand us to release Connor's son. Only then can I be set free!" After a pause, the cigar in Mike's

hand fell into the ashtray.

"Do I hear you right? Or do I have a hallucination? Thompson, I need you to say it again. What is going on? How could you fail?"

Mike didn't believe what he had heard. Thompson had the boxers for the international underground boxing match. Those people were fierce. They could be called beasts, and how could they fail? “Mike, I really failed. Please believe me and listen to me!"

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