Dragon Master

Chapter 539 Psychological Suggestion

Chapter 539 Psychological Suggestion

Chapter 539 Psychological Suggestion

"Let's talk about the racing tournament later. I will see if I'm free then. If I'm free, then I will go." Maximilian said plainly.

Canaan was happy. This could be considered a promise. Free or not, it was up to them. If Maximilian really had something important to attend to, Canaan felt he could go instead of Maximilian.

"Good, anyway, there is still some time. No hurry."

Canaan drove happily and unconsciously increased the speed of the car a lot.

Suddenly a phone ringing sounded. Maximilian took a look at it and answered the call.

"Mr. Lee, I have already chosen the location, Sendai Mountain, in the suburbs. The hostage exchange will be at eight o'clock tonight." Connor said in a loud voice.

Connor's son, Willis was involved in the hostage exchange, so Connor was nervous and couldn't help but say in a loud voice.

Maximilian said without much emotion, "Got it. I will go to Sendai Mountain at night. Prepare everything carefully with your men, and don't make a mistake."

"Mr. Lee, don't worry. We definitely won't be careless. I have sent my men to Sendai Mountain to clear the field. All irrelevant people will be driven away."

"That's fine, just check with the opposite side to ensure everything is fine. See you tonight."

Hearing the busy tone of hanging up from the phone, Connor let out a long breath. With Maximilian on his side, Connor felt a lot more at ease.

After all, the other party came from another country. Even the International Underground Boxing Tournament was only their pawn. Compared with such a big shot, Connor was nothing,

Connor seriously instructed his men again. After that, he waved his hands and let them go. Connor's men made promises and then left to do what they were told to.

Connor walked up to Thompson and said with a cold face, "The exchange is tonight, you can tell them the exchange location."

Connor handed the phone to Thompson, "No tricks."

"What tricks could I use? This is about my life. I will tell Rodriguez the truth. Don't worry."

Thompson finished opening his phone and called Rodriguez.

"Hello, Rodriguez, are you ready to come? They have set the location for the exchange. It is at the top of Sendai Mountain in the suburbs of H City."

"Sendai Mountain? Got it. We'll set off later. In order to get you back, the headquarters will send me in the latest Gulfstream aircraft."

Rodriguez absentmindedly responded as his gaze fell on the room from the round window on the door.

The room was cozily decorated and made him feel at home.

Currently, Willis was lying on a comfortable Chivas sofa with his eyes tightly closed and his brow slightly furrowed. Also, his hands were gripping the armrests of the sofa.

He seemed to be in a nightmare and was intense.

An old white man with a serious face stood beside Willis, chanting in a low voice.

"Willis, you are the child of God, you have to obey God. God will keep reminding you that Maximilian is a demon sent by Satan to scourge the earth. You have to lurk around him and prepare to kill him at any time for God."

Willis grasped the armrests hard and there were nail marks on the armrests.

Seeing Willis's face turned to be somewhat hideous, a smug smile appeared on the white man's face.

Psychological suggestion succeeded. Subconsciously, Willis would think of himself as God's undercover agent sent to destroy the demon Maximilian. In the future, anyone with the code name God's messenger could enter Willis's subconscious and control him.

Before that, Willis would be normal as usual and nobody could see anything unusual.

After doing all this, the old white man picked up a glass of water to drink. Seeing Willis gradually calmed down, the old man smiled and snapped his fingers.

The sound of the snapping fingers woke up Willis. Willis jerked up from the sofa and looked around with frightened eyes.

Only when he saw the warm environment, Willis slowly leaned back on the sofa and rubbed his brow with his right hand.

"Willis, you are a good boy. You only suffered some mental stimulation. I hope you can calm down. The darkness is about to pass, and you will usher in the light again."

The old white man began to give Willis a lesson.

Willis let go of the hand on his brow and forced a smile, "I will. Thank you, doctor. Without your help, I think I can't even have a sound sleep."

The elderly white man stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Willis's hair.

"Okay, the past is the past. Rodriguez has assured me that he will send you back today. Tonight, you will return home and enjoy your life with your father."

Willis was happy. During these days of detention, Willis had been in fear. Now, good news finally came.

"Thank you, doctor, I really miss home. I want to go back and meet my father. I really miss him. Can I really see him tonight? I'm talking about seeing him in reality, not in a dream."

Willis still couldn't believe the old white man's words since he had been locked up for such a long time.

During this period of time, Willis tried all means to escape, but he failed. Now, he found it hard to believe the good news suddenly.

"Haha. It seems that you still have some psychological trauma. It will be gone with time. You will be much better when you go back. I promise that they will send you back.

"Thank you, thank you so much." Willis said with tears flowing down his face.

"Okay, it's almost the time. You should go with Rodriguez and get onboard the plane."

After these words, the old white man pointed at the door, indicating that it was time for Willis to leave.

Willis wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. Then he calmed himself down and stood up to walk out.

After walking out of the door, Willis looked at Rodriguez with some trepidation.

"Sir, the doctor said you would send me back to H City. May I ask if this is true?"

"Of course, it's true. Why should we keep you all the time?"

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