Dragon Master

Chapter 544 Professionals

Chapter 544 Professionals

Chapter 544 Professionals

At the top of Sendai Mountain, two buses and five MPVs had been parked there. These people were all brought by Connor.

Hundreds of elite young men under Connor Davies who were best at fighting and a dozen of them carried guns. This is the strongest power that Connor can bring out. However, Connor understood that his men were simply not enough to deal with the situation.

After following Thompson and Colletti for a period of time, Connor deeply understood how huge the gap was between his people and theirs. Regardless of the fighting skills, just the reality that each of them owned a gun startled Connor.

Seeing the Mercedes Benz came to a halt slowly, Connor hurried up and opened the door.

"Mr. Lee." Connor said respectfully.

"Well, Connor, something happened just now, and there are some changes to our plan tonight." Maximilian said as he got out of the car.

Connor got tense immediately and asked nervously, "What's the matter?"

"Some of my enemies came here, and they might attack me later. I think I can use Thompson's people to kill those annoying people."

Connor calm down, and said with a smile, "I will follow your instructions."

"Our man should withdraw, and leave those people with guns. I will be in the car after a while, and you will be responsible for the deal. When you are done, I will start the fight. At that time you just come back to the car, and don't need to worry about the rest."

After Maximilian’s instruction was over, Connor didn't have any doubts, and immediately ordered his subordinates to act according to Maximilian’s instruction. The two buses drove away quickly. Only a dozen of gunmen remained.

Maximilian took Flora and Canaan into a MPV, leaving the Mercedes-Benz to Connor's men. Connor led more than a dozen of his men standing by the car, silently waiting for the arrival of those people who would pick up Thompson.

Cameron took more than one hundred of juniors to the back of Sendai Mountain.

"According to the information, they will trade on the top of mountain. In order not to warn them, we should climb up the mountain from the back of the mountain."

"This mountain is high. It is too troublesome to climb up." A junior complained.

Snapped! Cameron directly slapped the complaining junior on his face, and said with a gloomy expression, "Don't tell me anything pessimistic here, it's just climbing a mountain. For us who practice martial arts, this is a piece of cake."

The juniors fell into silence and were all stunned by the majesty of Cameron.

Cameron glanced around and said coldly, "This is about revenge for our master. I don't want any accidents in the plan. If you don't want to get involved, you can get out now."

After more than half a minute, seeing no one get out, Cameron continued to talk.

"What happened to our master is related to everyone's interests. If we can't save the reputation of our master, most of you will not be able to keep your livelihood. So I hope you will try your best!" "We must do our best!" all the juniors said in unison.

"Huh! If anyone of you wants to play tricks, then don't blame me for scolding you. From now on, everyone must listen to my orders!"

"We all Listen to Cameron!" all the juniors continued to say in unison.

"Going up the mountain now, and everyone should conceal yourself. Don’t make the slightest noise or attract their attention. We have to wait until the transaction is completed and they began to relax. Then I will use the master's whistle to issue an attack order!"

"Yes, sir!"

Cameron waved his hand and led a group of juniors into the Sendai Mountain, climbing up from the back where there was no road.

The latest Gulfstream aircraft landed at the airport in the suburbs. It was the airport where Thompson was caught last time. After the plane landed smoothly, a Land Rover drove into the airport and stopped in front of the plane. Rodriguez and Willis got off the plane first, and the members of the eleventh Combat Team got off shortly after.

Looking at the fully armed eleventh Combat Team, the airport staff got panicked.

Rodriguez opened the door of the Lincoln in the middle, and said to Willis with a nice smile, "Boy, get in the car quickly. You can see your father in a moment."

"Really? That's great." Willis lowered his head and got into the car.

Willis did not dare to speak more on the way, and was silent in his seat, not daring to look at others, for fear he would irritate the heavily armed combatants.

These combatants made Willis uneasy, and he always felt that something bad would happen.

Rodriguez got into the car and checked his watch. Afterward, he raised his eye brows. "Damn it! I forgot about the jet lag! Damn it, what time is it now?"

"It's 7:15 p.m. local time, sir." The driver replied immediately.

"We could catch up probably, so hurry up and go directly to Sendai Mountain!" Rodriguez said loudly.

The convoy started slowly, and soon drove out of the airport, heading for Sendai Mountain at full speed. Half an hour later, Rodriguez's motorcade arrived at the top of Sendai Mountain.

Looking at the five MPVs parked on the other side, Connor and his men standing beside, Rodriguez put on a disdainful smile.

"Dad!" Willis exclaimed in a low voice, and then stared at Connor excitedly.

Rodriguez pressed his big on Willis's shoulder, "Boy, don't get too excited. It's not yet the time."

"When is the appointment time? When can I go back with my dad?"

"After more than ten minutes."

After Rodriguez saying this, he turned on the communication system, "Hello, Wallace, You can lead your combat team to take control. I want you to ensure our absolute safety during the hostage exchange."

"No problem, leave everything to us. We are the most professional team." Wallace showed a gesture to his men, and then members of the Eleventh Combat Team got out of their car one after another. They occupied the favorable terrain nearby, and set up firepower.

In the Eleventh Combat Team, even two snipers occupied the two boulders at the highest point of the mountain, and deployed people to both the front and back of the mountain.

Looking at the elite and sturdy team, Connor and his men gasped in fear.

"Hey, my dear, these foreigners are professional. I think they must be mercenaries."

"Maybe more fierce than mercenaries, I think these are definitely the best among the elite."

"Mr. Davies, why am I so flustered? These guys are really disturbing."

Connor frowned, and looked back at the MPV where Maximilian was in.

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