Dragon Master

Chapter 594 You Dare to Plot Me?

Chapter 594 You Dare to Plot Me?

Chapter 594 You Dare to Plot Me?

Boss Cassius gawked at the scene, and did not come to his senses.

The crowd was in an uproar.

"But you said there was no problem! The bronze ware turned into fragments!"

"What Maximilian said is actually true!"

"I believed him so much. I didn't expect it to be a big scam. Fortunately, Maximilian reminded me in time. Otherwise, so many people here today would be cheated!"

It is human nature. Once their own interests are infringed, they will work together to fight against the enemy!

Maximilian sneered, standing at the gate, quietly watching the farce.

Boss Cassius was stunned at the moment, and kept thinking in his mind, “How could this happen?”

At the moment, Maximilian had no time to take care of the antiques, but quickly dropped the pieces in his hand, and went to the stand with jade carvings.

Maximilian touched a few items in a row. As expected, they all turned into pieces!

"Maximilian, you plot me?!” With the roar, Boss Cassius said with an angry expression.

"What do you mean?" Maximilian remained calm.

He held his hands on his chest and leaned against the wall leisurely. His face showed that he didn’t care. "I didn’t choose any of the jade carvings. How can it be my fault?"

Although the jade was broken by what he did, no one can prove it as long as he did not admit it.

Because of this, Maximilian was fearless.

Boss Cassius was short of breath, but there was nothing he could do. After all, so many pairs of eyes had seen it with their own eyes.

He took a deep breath, suppressed his anger by force, and apologize to everyone present, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am really sorry for this mistake. In order to apologize, we will give each of you a piece of original stone free of charge as my apology."

When he finished his words, the crowd glanced at each other, but they didn't oppose the suggestion. It was like they accepted it.

Seeing this, Boss Cassius breathed a sigh of relief and began to command the onlookers on the scene to evacuate.

However, Maximilian was not going to give up. He stood up straight and looked at Boss Cassius who had just breathed a sigh of relief. He had a rare smile on his face.

"Since Boss Cassius is so generous, why don't you give what you owe me?"

His words startled the crowd who wanted to leave and they stopped quietly.

It seemed ... it was not ending?

Boss Cassius heard it, and fixed his eyes on Maximilian, with hatred flashing in his eyes. But under current situation, he had to submit to humiliation.

"Did you get wrong with your memory? I don’t owe you anything."

"Are you sure?" Maximilian took two steps forward without any expression, as if he was just telling a fact. "But you said clearly that if I proved it fake, you would give me compensation."

Compensation, when?

After hearing Maximilian's statement, Boss Cassius felt the blood was rushing straight to his head.

When did I say it? It was cruel!

With the thought, Boss Cassius was about to refute, but he caught a glimpse of so many pairs of eyes looking at him from all over.

His words were immediately stuck in his throat, and he cursed the evil guy in his heart.

If he strongly denied it now, he would be deemed not keeping his own words. Then his promises would be bullshit.

Although he was very angry, Boss Cassius could only say word by word, "I keep my word, but I just forgot it. I apologize."

He gnashed his teeth when saying them these words. After all, he was really humbled to accept this feeling when he knew he was cheated.

"I certainly won’t blame you if you keep your promise now." Maximilian shrugged his shoulders to show his sincerity.

Boss Cassius was almost forced to control his impulse to hit him, and wrote a check of one million dollars. When he handed it to Maximilian, he was still angry, but Maximilian didn't mind it.

After receiving the check, which was not bad, Maximilian glanced at him and said coolly, "Since the debt is cleared, I will not disturb you."

After saying that, he didn’t care about Boss Cassius’s reaction, and stepped out of the door calmly under the gaze of so many people.

The onlookers who had seen everything had different reactions. However, everyone knew clearly that Boss Cassius was humiliated. Even if it was remedied in time, he would not be as respected and daunting as before.

After all, Maximilian had not supporters behind him. Even if he could beat Boss Cassius, does that mean … Boss Cassius was not far from being a notorious man.

Thinking of this, some family leaders couldn't help wondering in their hearts.

Once Boss Cassius’s fame got lost, countless people would be willing to take his place. For a while, there seemed to be an undercurrent.

Outside the auction hall, it was a different scene.

Maximilian and Victoria walked on the way back. When they went far, Victoria finally could not help but talk to him.

"Maximilian, you are so great. It's the first time I see it. Boss Cassius had suffered a huge loss."

The treasure was turned into waste and the one million dollars compensation to Maximilian was a great pleasure for him.

Anyway, since she was forced to retire by Boss Cassius, Victoria never thought about that Boss Cassius could be such a mess today.

Maximilian explained it calmly. "Since he regards his reputation so important, he would naturally not damage his own image in front of so many people."

At the end of the day, he just forced Boss Cassius into submission through the attention of the crowd, but in this way, he became the real enemy of Boss Cassius.

"Anyway, I am very happy to see his loss."

Victoria smiled and touched her chin, pointing to the front and said, "Let’s go to a restaurant for dinner first. It's my treat!"

When the sky cleared up, it seemed to be a good day. The city was no different from the past, only with more strangers. However, the Cooke family behind Boss Cassius was no longer quiet as in the past.

Since the last auction, there were always some tentative attacks toward them. Although there was no much loss, it was annoying.

"Dad, what do these families mean? Have they worked together to attack us?"

Cassius’s son, Sebastian Cooke was angry and threw his clothes on the sofa, then threw himself on the clothes.

Sebastian went out to hang out as usual, but when he saw a girl in a bar, someone stood in his way. The man was of a family he was very familiar with!

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