Dragon Master

Chapter 626 Great Opportunity

Chapter 626 Great Opportunity

Chapter 626 Great Opportunity

"Maximilian, please hurry up and save me. I don't want to be sold to the brothel! Grandpa and the others are dead, and they got killed by them, please save me." Amira had already fallen apart, and at this moment, she couldn't help crying and howling.

Hackett had a triumphant smile on his face and said proudly, "Do you hear that? Lane paid with his blood to help you. Maximilian, you are not so cold-blooded to see his descendant die, right? Or I will despise you."

Maximilian raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "I would love to go to the appointment, but where is Laozi Temple?"

"When the time comes, you will naturally know. I hope you do not let the Beauty Amira down. Otherwise, her life will become miserable, and maybe in the future she will hate you and curse you every day. Ah ha ha."

Hackett hung up the phone after saying this. He stretched out his hand, and gently touched Amira's face, "Tsk, your smooth and tender face really feels good. You are thinking of offering yourself to Maximilian, right? It's a pity you don't have the chance to offer yourself to him now. You’d better make me happy first!"

"You, you, don't touch me, don't touch me!" Amira shouted in panic and frustration.

Hackett sneered, "I don't like the uncooperative beauties, and the obedient beauties are the best!" After saying this, a silver needle suddenly appeared in Hackett's hand, and Hackett took the silver needle and pierced it into Amira's head at the Baihui acupoint.

The long needle was directly pierced from the Baihui acupoint into the cranium, and Amira's expression became dull. Hackett took out a few more silver needles and stabbed them in Amira's acupuncture points slowly and methodically.

"Hackett, is it interesting for you to do this? Didn’t you say we're going to do it at the housewarming banquet? " Master Daphne said with his eyes closed.

Master Daphne had come to avenge his disciples, and he had no choice but to join hands with Hackett. After all, from Wangji's description, Master Daphne estimated he could not defeat Maximilian alone.

Master Daphne had just arrived and was ready to discuss the plan with Hackett. But he was taken directly to the Bates Family's house by Hackett and watched Hackett's overwhelming murder of Lane and his family.

Hackett's tongue licked his wide lips, and a wry look appeared on his face, "Daphne, your Kung Fu is fine, but you are not smart enough. Do you really think we are enough to deal with Maximilian? That is far from enough."

"What do you mean?" Master Daphne said discontentedly.

“I let out the rumors that Dragon Queen was going to deal with Maximilian at the housewarming banquet, and it was to attract Maximilian’s attention and make him think that the housewarming banquet was the most dangerous time. However, I killed Lane and his family and used Amira to lure him to come to the temple tonight. I just want to lure him away from his base. I repeatedly confuse him, and even if Maximilian is a prophet, he will not see through my plan!" Hackett looked triumphant, feeling that everything in the world was under his control.

Master Daphne frowned slightly and did not understand Hackett's words, "What exactly are you plotting? Luring him away from his base? Then what are you going to do after luring Maximilian away?"

"After that, of course, we will kidnap his family! I have analyzed that Maximilian loves Victoria very much, and he is willing to give everything to her! As long as we capture Victoria, we can make Maximilian kneel and become a puppet. He is the young master of the Dragon Sect! If we control him,

then we can control the entire Dragon Sect! Are you interested? The Dragon Sect has countless martial arts scripts, all kinds of valuable medicinal materials, and even exotic treasures!"

Hackett's ambition had quietly expanded. Revenge was not his main purpose now, and snapping the Dragon Sect was his ultimate purpose.

Master Daphne's eyes brightened. He naturally knew what the Dragon Sect meant. And he understood how rich the Dragon Sect was and how deep its background was. If he could become the emperor of the Dragon Sect and secretly control everything in the Dragon Sect, then it meant he had directly ascended to the peak of life!

"Hackett, your envisioning is not bad, but things are not that simple. Dragon Queen and the eight dragon lords of the Dragon Sect are not easy to deal with. Although Maximilian was nominally the young master of the Dragon Sect, he was now the dispensable figure in the Dragon Sect, and the Dragon Sect is not under his control at all. What can we do if we control him? And maybe controlling him will bring us even greater calamities."

Master Daphne was truly a sophisticated monk. Although he had been seduced by profits, he did not lose his reasoning but analyzed it from an objective perspective.

Hackett showed an unpredictable expression and shook his head slightly.

"You are thinking too much. And you can only know the exact result after the thing is done. If you shrink from moving forward because you are afraid of difficulties, then you will waste many good opportunities. And now it is a great opportunity for you and me!"

Master Daphne hesitated and finally nodded slowly, deciding to see how things go first.

If there was a chance of success, then he would try with Hackett, "Well, let's see if your plan tonight can be successful."

"I will definitely succeed. Now we can first get high with the little beauty. I heard you cultivate the Joyful Zen?"

After saying this, Hackett took the dazed Amira and walked towards the bedroom with a big smile on his face.

Master Daphne lowered his eyelids and took a step to follow Hackett.

Master Benedict was holding his arms around his glamorous female assistant.

One of his subordinates walked in with his head lower and said, “Master Benedict, an invitation has just been received from the young master of the Richardson family, Preston, inviting you to dinner."

"The Richardson family? What kind of bullshit family is the Richardson family? That kind of trash even dares to invite me! Did they really think I lose my advantage and become useless?" Master Benedict roared in annoyance, and his man shrank his neck and took two steps back, not daring to speak.

The beautiful assistant gently stroked the back of Master Benedict and said, "Don't be angry, Master Benedict, maybe there is something good, so they want to meet you."

"The Richardson family is a piece of shit. What good things they could have when they want to find me? I am now a fallen phoenix that is not as good as a rooster. When I was so powerful, people from the Richardson family had to crawl in to see me!"

Master Benedict whined, and then said with a gloomy face, "What does the son of the Richardson family want to ask me to talk about?"

"He said it was something related to Maximilian, and if you are willing to cooperate, he might be able to help you regain all your rights and get to the next level."

"Oh, the Richardson family's little brat dares to say this! Since he has such a big gut, I'd like to see where he gets his strength from."

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