Dragon Master

Chapter 651 Another Trade-off

Chapter 651 Another Trade-off

Chapter 651 Another Trade-off

“I just don’t buy it. What’s the fucking problem? I’m gonna find it out!” Myles was furious while searching the address book on his phone. Soon he found Keegan’s number and called him immediately.

When Keegan answered the phone, Myles yelled at him angrily, “You dumb ass! The ticket you gave me is a fake. Maximilian has got the real one. Remember what you told me earlier?”

“What? How come the ticket is a fake? Did they jerk you around?” Keegan asked, confused.

“No one can jerk me around. Did you buy the ticket yourself? Or you just got it from someone else?”

Myles said while trying to figure out the problem. He became worried as he felt Keegan was unreliable.

“I got it from a friend, a foreign friend. It couldn’t be faked. Well, I suggest you check it again and I will talk to my friend about it.” After finishing his words, Keegan hang up the phone.

Myles was desperate. “Damn it! I’m screwed up by the bum Keegan. Oh, my dignity!” He felt totally at loss.

As a descendent from a noble family, he had never allowed anyone to steal his thunder. But what happened was like a slap on his face, which was really hard for him to take.

“What should I do? It’s too early to have a falling-out at the moment. I must get it straight with Keegan first. I’m not done with it. I won’t just eat the humble pie. I demand an explanation.”

Holding back his anger, Myles felt he had better run away first, because it was not the time to stand up to Maximilian. Then he turned around to walk away silently in the hope that no one would spot him leaving.

But could he make it?

Apparently not!

“So you are leaving? Shouldn’t you leave your wager before you leave? I happen to run out of money recently. I can exchange your car for some money,” said Maximilian, teasing Myles.

The car Maximilian mentioned was Myles’s new sports car, which was much more precious than women to Myles, as he shared women with his bros but not his car.

He felt heartbroken at the thought that he might lose the new customized Lamborghini with carbon fiber body.

To be precise, he was more than heartbroken. He was devastated.

“Well, I propose another trade-off. I will have someone send you a Ferrari sports car or Maserati later. What do you think? Neither of them will let you down.” Myles tried to talk Maximilian out of taking away his beloved sports car.

“Nope! This is the one we bet on. Then it is it.” Maximilian insisted.

He would go all out to irritate his rival if he had a chance because the more frustrated the rival was, the happier he would be.

Flora added, “It was you who proposed the bet as well as the wager just now. Don’t tell me you are denying it now.”

“I’m not denying it.” Myles had to bite the bullet, holding back his emotion for the car and said, “Here’s the key. Take good care of my car. And I shall redeem it in a few days, okay? I bought it at the price of 19 million dollars. I will pay you 20 million US dollars as the ransom, okay?”

“Nope! Go buy another one with your 20 million dollars.” Maximilian sneered.

At that moment, Maximilian, with his evil smile, was like a devil to Myles.

“It’s the special customized edition. There’s no more available!” Myles was about to curse.

“The car is worth more than 30 million US dollars now. What’s more, the price for such a specially customized edition will only become higher and higher as it’s a valuable collection.” He thought to himself.

Seeing how exasperated Myles was, Maximilian whispered to Flora, “So what do you say? Has it eased your anger?”

As he talked, his breath spread to Flora’s ear, which made her so dizzy that she couldn’t hear his words clearly. She snuggled in his arms, feeling relaxed.

“What’s going on? I’m hit on. It feels so good. I’ve never felt like this before. Why am I feeling sluggish and hot?” Flora thought and closed her eyes. Her mind wandered, envisaging that she and Maximilian were cuddling and kissing.

Seeing that Maximilian not only turned a blind eye to his request but also flirted with Flora in front of him, Myles was more than eager to leave, because it wouldn’t spare him the heartache to stay there.

He threw his car key furiously to the floor and said nastily, “Don’t even touch my car these days. I will be back for another bet with you in three days. I will win my car back for sure.”

“It is accepted with pleasure. Remember to bring enough chips for the bet.” said Maximilian with a smirk. He was more than happy to have another bet with Myles.

Myles rushed to his car in anger, opened the door of the front passenger seat and dragged Keegan out. Then he left with Keegan hastily and nastily.

Maximilian squinted at Keegan’s back and murmured, “What a persistent follower! Just show me what tricks you’ve got.”

Then he looked down to Flora and was stunned to find her absent-minded and her face flushed, so he said gently, “What’s up? Your face look flushed. Are you having a fever or something?”

“Emm, it’s not like that. Just give me a moment to calm down and don’t leave me,” murmured Flora.

“Is there anything wrong with you? You were all right just now. You don’t have to be so excited just because Myles was driven away.” Maximilian was still confused, and had no idea of what happened to Flora.

“It’s just something uh...something I don’t know how to describe. I just need a moment for rest. How about you telling me a story?”

“Tell you a story? Well, that’s not what I’m good at.” Maximilian frowned at Flora’s proposal.

He thought for a moment and began the storytelling, “Once upon a time, up on the mountain there was a temple in which there was a girl...”

Flora rolled her eyes at Maximilian bashfully while he was telling the old chestnut.

“Can’t you tell me a new one? I can’t believe you are telling me such an old story.”

“I’m telling you the new story. On the mountain, there is a girl named Flora who is beautiful and sweet. You don’t have this in the old story, do you?”

“Roar! The tiger is going to eat you because you don’t do your job properly.” Flora did her best to be grumpy, trying to scare Maximilian.

But she was more like being cute with her rosy cheeks while casting sheep’s eyes.

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