Dragon Master

Chapter 793 Debt Collection

Chapter 793 Debt Collection

Chapter 793 Debt Collection

Damen’s word was a great relief to Maximilian, and raised the spirit of Carmen.

Carmen had heard about the name of Damen and his extraordinary medical skills, while he had never heard that Maximilian was even able to win assistance of this well-known doctor so easily, as Damen was only available for one patient each day with a extremely high outpatient fee. To some extent, it was reasonable since he could cure any kind of patients aside from those with incurable diseases.

"You're so kind, Maximilian. I don't know how to pay you for that, but I promise I would do anything I can if you need me!" Said Carmen, who was about to unconsciously kneel down and shed tears for gratitude. He now thought that it was a correct decision that he made originally to trust Maximilian, and now he could finally have the opportunity to save his mom.

Maximilian reached out, stopped supporting him from going down and said, "You don't have to put it so seriously, and now the most important thing is your mother."

About half an hour later, Damen, with sweat dripping from his face, finally walked out of the emergency room. It seemed that he had experienced a tough fight with the illness troubling Carmen's mother.

"Don't worry. Everything is stabilized, and your mom would be fine." Damen came to Carmen and said.

The notification brought great relief to Carmen, making him continuously bow his head expressing his gratitude.

After a few talks with Damen, Carmen went into the ward together with Maximilian, and saw his mother lying on the bed with a better look on her face.

"Why are you here, Carmen?" Carmen's mother was a little stunned by the appearance of her son.

"I'm here for you, mom." Carmen scratched his head and answered.

"You don't have to do all this, dear. I know that I don't have too much time left." Sighed his mother.

Carmen shook his head and said, "No, mom. Thanks to Dr. Damen, your physical condition has been stabilized and you will soon come back to health."

"What? Oh, I… I can hardly believe it," said his mother, "But what about the medical expenses?"

"Don't worry about that, mom. It … It only cost about several hundred thousand." In order to keep his mother from thinking about the charges all day, Carmen chose to lie to his mom after deliberation. It actually cost him much more.

Hearing that, Carmen's mother frowned and seemed to be lost in thought. Carmen soon noticed that his mom felt pinched with the money spent, and said, "I said, don't you worry about that, mom. The only thing that matters is your health, rather than the expenses."

His words comforted his mother, and her spirit was always raised by her son's optimism.

For his mother, it would still take some while to fully recover and leave the hospital. Maximilian stepped forwards, briefly introduced himself to Carmen's mother, and then left the ward together with Carmen.

Carmen turned to Maximilian, and said, "It's good to have you by my side, dude. Listen, I don't know how to pay you back, but shall we have dinner together tonight? My treat, of course." novelbin

The passion of Carmen made Maximilian fail to refuse the proposal. Afterwards, they came together to a small restaurant with nothing special.

Carmen looked at Maximilian and embarrassingly said, "Sorry, dude. This is the only place that I can afford since I'm almost broke."

Maximilian responded with a smile, "Never mind. Besides, this place is not really bad, and I like the circumstances here." Such words gave Carmen a really great relief.

It was the moment when the two sat down that a group of men came in and looked around probing for something, or someone. Soon, their eyesights settled on the shape of Carmen.

The leading man came forwards, sat by Carmen rounding his neck with an arm and sneered, "Finally, we found you here."

"Hey, what're you doing? I don't think I know you guys." The sudden greeting stunned Carmen.

"Well, just take a look at this, and you will know." Said the man and showed Carmen a piece of paper. Not until Carmen checked this paper had he realized that it was his IOU, and clearly these men were here to dun him for the money he borrowed before.

With his face flushed and body trembling, Carmen said anxiously, "Well… The deadline should be the end of this month, which is two days later, isn't it?"

"Of course it is. We just came here to take back the half of it in advance." The man moistened his mouth and started to eat the peanuts on the table.

Maximilian looked at these men, and could easily tell that they were exactly the same sort of hooligans. He then said to Carmen, "You know, you should have borrowed money from a formal channel."

"There is no other way out for me, you know? I was stuck by the situation at that time and almost driven crazy by the bills!" Said Carmen with a helpless smile.

"Hey you there," The leading man turned to Maximilian, "I tell you that we are one hundred percent from a formal channel. We are sent here by our company." Showing a sealed contract of borrowing directly to Maximilian then, the man continued, "If you dare to look down upon us, we will teach you a lesson for that!"

All the other men also started to glare at Maximilian, and couldn't wait to kick his ass.

"Hey, hey! Easy, he is just a little bit drunk." Carmen tried to pacify these guys to stop the fight.

While his words brought him no better outcomes. The leading man turned to Carmen again and said, "Well, we don't want that half of the money anymore. Instead, you need to pay us 70 percent of the debt today!"

"What? But… But I have no money left right now!" Carmen couldn't help yelling out, and changed his face pale. Currently, he had no money left to pay off even half of the debt, not to mention 70 percent of it.

"Nonsense! You pay off the amount today, or we are not gonna let you go!" The man took out his shining blade and threatened Carmen.

"I'm not joking, and I currently do not have any money! Please, just spare me a few days, and I will pay off the debt then." Carmen sighed and said helplessly.

"Then who would be responsible for compensating the time we lost if we did so? I repeat, you must pay off 70 percent of the total amount today!" The man disdained to consider the request of Carmen and shouted.

Carmen was almost driven crazy under their pressure, "Forgive me, there is nothing I could do now."

"Well, there is still one thing you can do. You can choose to cut down one of you hands and give it to us to buy you some time!" The man laughed evilly and said.

Hearing that, Carmen first hesitated for a while, and then said through gritted teeth, "Fine! I will do it!" He thought that it was better to buy him some time via this approach rather than die right here.

"OK, now follow us!" The man sneered.

"Wait," Suddenly, Maximilian spoke to them, "Tell me the amount, and I will pay it off for my friend!"

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