Dragon Monarch System

54 [Bonus chapter]Chapter 54

54 [Bonus chapter]Chapter 54

“Your Majesty, is that?” Amber and others approached Aditya and couldn’t help but look at the dead of the former King of the Dynasty.

“Yes, this is the head of King Sebastian. The war between the Zulux Dynasty and the Istarin Kingdom now has ended. From now on, there will be no more Zulux dynasty. All of the Zulux dynasty territories shall be under Istarin Kingdom’s rule.” Aditya glanced at Zachary, the Majin village leader.

“Old man, send this message to all the nobles of the Kingdom. Those who dare to rebel shall die.”

“Understood your majesty”

Aditya knew that the nobles would be more than happy to serve King as their new King. Unlike the previous rulers of the Zulux Dynasty who enslaved the nobles through a contract, Aditya had just freed them from the curse of more than a hundred years. The nobles should know what is best for them. If they want to rebel, then there is no way King Aditya would let them live.josei

Also now that the Nepoca Kingdom had declared war on the Istarin Kingdom, the neighboring Kingdom won’t be of any position to send troops to the rebelled nobles. Currently, the Nepoca Kingdom is more focused on its ongoing march toward the Istarin Kingdom. As long as Aditya manages to defeat the Nepoca Kingdom’s marching forces, no one can stop the Istarin kingdom from taking over the Zulux dynasty territory.

If the Nepoca Kingdom does manage to win with their invading forces, then they will keep pressuring the Istarin Kingdom from two sides. Even if the Istarin Kingdom were to claim the Zulux Dynasty, the Nepoca Kingdom will do anything in its powers to cause some kind of internal conflict by providing military support to the nobles who wants to rebel. Also, the war with the Nepoca Kingdom will not end if the Istarin Kingdom happens to lose this big battle.

In short words, losing this big battle with the Nepoca Kingdom will result in another big war between the Istarin Kingdom who has claimed the Zulux Dynasty territory, and the Nepoca kingdom which shares borders with both the Zulux and the Istarin Kingdom that now has become a single Kingdom under the Dragon King.

Aditya then turned his head to look at his 7 generals. “Henry and Eleonor?”

“Yes, your Majesty?” Both of them immediately kneeled in front of Aditya and lowered their heads.

“You two shall go back to the Asharc city with 5,000 troops and guard the city until further orders.”

“Understood your Majesty.”.

“Also, there is no need to kneel here.”

Aditya then glanced at Amber and others. “Amber, Scott, Tyler, Nathan, and Josh, I want all of you to take the rest of the army and head to the capital. The Majins already have assassinated all the loyal men of King Sebastian. Head to the capital city and keep the city under control. If anyone rebels I give you the power to execute that person.”


Amber hesitantly for a second before asking. “Your Majesty, what about you? Are you going somewhere?”

“Yes, I am going to Vrane City. The Nepoca Kingdom has declared war on us. Currently, an army of 50,000 is marching toward the Vrane city fortress. I need to head there to stop the Nepoca army and bring an end to the war.”

Everyone widened their eyes hearing Aditya’s words. How can one remain so calm? Amber finally understood why Aditya looked so restless last night.

‘His Majesty, from the beginning knew what he was facing. He was facing two armies with a combined troop of 100,000 marching to defeat him, troops. But with all the pressure on his shoulders, he never showed his weakness.’ Just realizing these facts, everyone’s respect for King Aditya increased by 10 folds.

Feeling Amber and others worried gazes on his, Aditya smiled and assured them. “Do not worry too much. The Nepoca troops will be crushed. Unfortunately, I cannot take you all with me as that would slow down my speed. With me, Wyverns, and her, the Nepoca army will have no chance against us.”

Everyone looked at Morgan, the former general who now had become Aditya’s slave. Amber finally felt relieved. With two third-order beings by his Majesty’s side, what could possibly go wrong?

Now that the remaining Zulux Dynasty forces have surrendered, Aditya had over 26,000 troops. But among the 26,000 troops more than 19,000 were injured and needed treatment. Among the 26,000 troops, a few thousand soldiers had permanently lost one or multiple limbs or some had suffered deep injuries, those troops’ careers as soldiers were basically over.

“Can you fight?” Aditya looked at the 3rd-order Wyvern who was lying behind him. By now thanks to the healing pills made by Julia most of his big wounds have healed up. In the next few hours, the Wyvern should be in full health.

[My King, I need a little more time to recover enough health to fight another battle. Forgive me but I need some time to recover my mana. In the previous battle, I had exhausted all of my mana.] Everyone was a little surprised to hear the Wyvern talk. Josh and others had tried talking with the Wyvern before, but the 3rd-order lesser Dragon refused to speak anything.

“No problem. You can take your time to recover. As for the three of you, you three can follow Amber and others and head to Capital. If anything happens, make sure to listen to Amber’s orders.” Aditya knew that his generals will have to slaughter some troops who won’t just surrender like other troops. Having 3 Peak second-order wyverns would greatly help his generals.

“What about you?” Aditya looked at Morgan who was sitting on the ground 50 meters away from Aditya.

Morgan raised her head and looked at Aditya without expressing any emotions on her face. “I am alright now. But I can’t fly.” Morgan and others assumed that Aditya was going to take Morgan with him to fight the war against the Nepoca Kingdom.

“Morgan, you can also go with Amber. Make sure to listen to Amber’s words.” After giving another set of orders and instructions, Aditya flew off in the direction of Vrane city.

Vrane city

“The enemy should arrive in 4 to 5 hours. Is everything ready?” Asked Duke Sarlus. Sitting on a chair, Duke Sarlus went through the reports that his general Haku submitted to him.

“Sire, everything is ready. Zayne and the army of 13,000 should arrive anytime soon. Combining the retired soldiers who have come to join this war, we now have over 27,000 troops. Our 27,000 troops are made up of over 8,000 archers, 11,000 infantry, and 8,000 cavalry. And last we have the newly imported siege weapons from the Kingdom of Nyland.”

“Hmmm! Good. What do you think?”

“About what, Sire?”

“About this big battle. What do you think of our chances of defeating the enemy?”

“To be honest, even with our newly imported siege weapons, I doubt we can win. But I am sure of one thing. Even if we lose, the enemy will surely suffer a huge loss in this battle. Our soldiers will die for nothing.”

“Hahaha!” Seeing Duke Sarlus suddenly laugh Haku was a little confused.

“Your grace, did I say something wrong?”

“No, just imagining the ugly face that the enemy King will have after this battle made me laugh. Haku, we won’t lose this battle. His Majesty has told me that before the battle begins, he will come.”

“But your grace didn’t you tell me that the Zulux Dynasty was also marching with a force of 50,000? Currently, the Zulux Dynasty and his Majesty should be in the middle of the war. I don’t think his Majesty could travel the huge distance and arrive in time.”

“Hake let me tell you this, never doubt this Majesty. Our King is someone who can see the future. His ability to predict things is terrifyingly accurate. If he said that he is going to come, I am sure then he will come.”

“Think about it, we all assumed that we will lose the previous battles against the enemy but his Majesty managed to shock all of us and win the difficult and impossible battles. Sometimes, we have to rely on the future on faith. Our King will never abandon us.”

Just as Haku and Duke Sarlus were discussing the upcoming battle, a messenger barged into the room.


“Itsuki, what is the meaning of this kind of behavior? Do you know that I can punish you to death for barging in?” Haku wasn’t pleased by what the messenger did. In the presence of Duke Sarlus, this kind of behavior was very offensive.

“Your grace, I beg for your forgiveness. But the exciting news that I just received from the front line is very important.” The soldier named Itsuki kneeled in front of Duke Sarlus and Haku.

“But you can’t just….Hold on Haku.” Haku stopped when Duke Sarlus raised his right hand. Duke Sarlus noticed how Itsuki’s body was slightly trembling in excitement.

“You may speak”

“Sire, according to our sources, King Aditya has successfully killed King Sebastian and general Oscar. Now King Aditya is on his way to Vrane city.”

“What?” Duke stood up and looked at the soldier named Itsuki in shock and endless happiness. Duke Sarlus felt like heaven itself was blessing the Istarin Kingdom.

After a moment, Duke Sarlus finally calmed himself. “Is it true?”

“Hundred and ten percent true. Not only His Majesty has won the war, but now he has sent his generals to take over the capital. Soon the whole Zulux dynasty will become a part of the Istarin Kingdom.”

Hearing those words, Duke Sarlus started laughing like a mad man. “Hahaha! this is what I have been waiting for. It looks like the late King Ahmed really knew what kind of Man Aditya. With the Dragon King, our Kingdom will enter the golden Peak.”

Similarly, the news also quickly spread all over the neighboring Kingdoms like wildfire. Many were shocked by the news. While the citizen of the Istarin Kingdom cheered, the citizen of the Nepoca Kingdom was in despair.

On the far land, located in the North-western direction of the Zulux Dynasty that now has become a part of the Istarin Kingdom, there was another big Kingdom that was close to being called an Empire. It was the Kingdom of Nyland.

“Your Highness, now that the Zulux Dynasty has fallen, I think it’s the perfect opportunity to strike. Please allow me to attack the Zulux Dynasty that now has taken over the Istarin Kingdom. I doubt the Istarin Kingdom has enough troops to protect their whole territory. If we don’t act now, we will be taking a huge loss.”

Polished braziers encompassing each of the six travertine columns light up every part of the throne hall and coat everything in an orange glimmer. The carved symmetric patterns on the sloped ceiling dance in the flickering light while statues and memorials look down upon the limestone floor of this grand hall.

A verdigris rug runs down from the throne and splits to encircle the entire hall while swallow tail banners with emblazoned crowns decorate the walls. Between each banner hangs a small chandelier, many of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the portraits of late rulers below them.

High, stained glass windows of heavenly mosaics are bordered by draperies colored the same verdigris as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with fancy tassels and impressive needlework.

A magnificent throne of porcelain sits in front of a giant painting of the kingdom and is adjoined by two equally impressive seats for those aiding the royal highness in all affairs.

The throne is covered in byzantine inscriptions and fixed on each of the stubby legs is an abstract demon wing. The light pillows are dark verdigris and these too have been adorned with golden tufts.

Those awaiting to be heard by their royal highness can do so on the few extravagant and comfortable teak benches, all of which are facing the throne in a V-shape. Those of higher standing can instead take seats in the opulent mezzanines overlooking the throne.

Sitting on the throne, there was an old man with a long white beard who looked down at his first son. Currently, the Nyland King was having a meeting when his first son and the prince of the Nyland Kingdom came up with the suggestion.

Prince, Arthur Berry, wanted permission to attack the Istarin Kingdom. There were multiple reasons why Prince Arthur wanted to attack the Istarin Kingdom. One of those reasons was related to winning the race and becoming the next King.

“My son, I will have to disappoint your expectations.”


One more chapter is on its way. Now that my health is recovered, I will release more chapters. Continue supporting me with golden tickets and gifts.

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