Dragon Monarch System

60 Chapter 60

60 Chapter 60

The morning sun just had brightened the sky of the Eastern part of the Dying Isle continent. Just like any normal day, the people woke up expecting the changes that were going to take place today. It was no secret that King Aditya was going to officially take over the Zulux Dynasty as part of his Istarin Kingdom.

After today, the Zulux Dynasty will become a thing of the past. The event that led to the demise of this dynasty with 100+ years will be passed down from generation to generation.

Today a new ruler will sit on the throne of the Zulux dynasty that now will be known as the part of the Istarin Kingdom. The people were a little concerned. Usually, when a new ruler replaces the old one, it comes with a lot of changes. The tax rate might be increased. New policies or rules might be introduced.

The old ruler, King Sebastian was a man who wanted to expand his Dynasty. As the Kingdom of Nyland shared borders with his Dynasty, he couldn’t really make a move against the small Kingdoms that has allied themselves with the 4th-tier Kingdom. The Istarin Kingdom and the Nepoca Kingdom were the only two Kingdom in the eastern part of the Dying Isle continent that had not entered into an alliance with the Nyland Kingdom.

For decades, Sebastian has been using almost all of his Dynasty’s income in trying to increase their military strength. Before Sebastian took the throne, the Zulux Dynasty was constantly pressured by the Nepoca Kingdom. Small conflicts or clashes between two Kingdoms kept happening all the time. At that time, the Nepoca kingdom had more military power and was considered the second strongest Kingdom in this part of the continent.

But with the combined efforts of the previous Prime Minister Joseph and Sebastian, within two decades the Zulux Dynasty became a powerhouse that was stronger than the Nepoca Kingdom.

Sebastian wasn’t the type of King who was worried about his people. His main focus always has been increasing their military strength. As a result, under Sebastian, the common and middle-class families suffered a lot. During war times the King would increase the tax causing hardships for the middle class and lower class families.

Today everyone was only expecting the worse. If someone asked the people of the Zulux Dynasty what they thought of their King, everyone would say bad things about him. The people were assuming Aditya to be the type of ruler who does not care about his people..

Luneburg City is the heart of the Zulux Dynasty. The biggest and most prosperous city among the seven other cities. The city originally was a small town where traders and merchants from different parts of the Zulux Dynasty came to sell their goods. Later when the Zulux dynasty’s first king conquered this land, he made Luneburg city the heart and the capital of his dynasty.

The city was built on the bank of the Evershifting Stream. The city is older than the age of the Zulux dynasty and the Istarin Kingdom combined. The city had well over 1 million people living in it, making it the most populated and biggest city of the Istarin Kingdom.

“The area near the Evershifting Stream is densely populated. Most towns and villages were built on the bank of the river. The bank of the river provides fertile land which is necessary for agriculture. Being near the sea, the whole Zulux Dynasty and the surrounding Kingdoms received a fair amount of rainfall.” Aditya was currently flying above the Evershifting stream.

He already had flown past hundreds of small villages that were built on the bank of the Evershifting stream. “Rice is the most grown crop in the Zulux Dynasty.” Rice was a daily food that everyone in this part of the continent ate. Even some nobles and knights had rice daily. It was one of those foods that were not expensive and enjoyable with other dishes.

Aditya heard from Watson that rice wasn’t that popular in the other western part of the continent and was very rarely eaten by the people. “According to Watson, when Julia first came here she had kind of trouble having rice every day.” Julia was from one of the richest noble houses on the continent. To someone like her having rice three times, a day was very uncomfortable.

With the speed that Aditya was moving, it did not take him long to reach Luneburg City.

“So this is Luneburg City” From this height, he was able to see the shape and size of the whole city.

The city was surrounded by 11 meters high walls on three sides. From the west side, the city was connected with the Evershifting Stream through a port. The port had hundreds of big and small ships. The medieval period houses and the roads gave a unique form of charm to the city.

“Almost as if I have traveled into medieval Europe.” Having more than a million people, the city was almost 5 times bigger than Asharc city. The Azure city is like a baby in front of this city.

From the sky, Aditya can see his three Wyverns, each guarding three main entrances. Luneburg city had three main entrances. Each entrance was guarded and protected by at least a few hundred soldiers. The people had to wait in lines to get into the city.

As if sensing something the three Wyverns simultaneously raised their heads and looked up at the sky. Seeing that others also raised their heads only to find a man standing 500 meters above the sky with red pair of dragon wings on his back.

As the being with dragon wings kept descending, the 2nd-order cultivators who had better vision than 1st-order cultivators immediately recognized him after seeing his face. “His Majesty is here, hurry up and open the northern gate.” Scott who happen to be talking with the soldiers shouted after seeing his Majesty.

In the next few seconds, Josh, Henry, and Tyler also noticed Aditya. The people who previously were standing in long lines to enter the city moved away quickly and made space for the King.

Under Scott’s orders, the Northern gate which was half closed was now fully opened and all the people were made to stand aside. The soldiers stood before the people and formed a line to prevent anyone from reaching the King. All this happened before Aditya landed on the ground.

“Your Majesty” Scott, Henry, Tyler, and Josh all four of his generals come to welcome the arrival of their King.

“It looks like everything is under control. Good job.”

“Your Majesty, we had no idea when you were going to arrive so we did not prepare any carriage for you. But if you wait…There is no need for carriage.” Aditya interrupted Josh.

“I can just walk to the Palace. While walking, I can also take some time to check the whole city.” Aditya wished to explore this big city. This would give him a better understanding of what the city is lacking and what things he should improve.

“Move out of the way. His majesty is coming.” The people who were walking on the road were moved aside by a few hundred soldiers. Everyone stood on both sides of the roads and stared at the man with Crimson eyes who was being followed by at least hundreds of soldiers.

“Is he our new ruler?”

“He is so young. Even younger than my son.”

“I think I am in love.”

“He is prince charming.”

Wearing a brown leather tunic and holding a sword on his waist, Aditya walked on the streets of Luneburg city with his chest raised. Aditya’s dress was relatively simple and stylish.

Aditya was followed by Scott, Tyler, Josh, and Henry. The four of them looked very alert and were constantly looking here and there, fearing that someone might try to assassinate their King. However, Aditya wasn’t that worried. With his agility, even a 3rd-order assassin cannot kill him.

‘I heard the population of this city is a mix of different races. I guess those rumors are true then.’ On side of the street, he could see Beast-men, Elves, Dwarves, Succubus, and even mermaids.

‘If Sebastian had allowed other races to join the army or had allowed them to join the royal court, the condition of the Dynasty would have been much better.’ It was not just king Sebastian, Many kings on the continent did not let other races join the military. Discrimination between humans and other races still existed.

Soon the news of King Aditya spread throughout the whole city. Many people rushed out to see what their new King looked like. Everyone has heard of the brilliant deeds that Aditya has done but they never had the fortune or the luck to see the man named Aditya.

After about walking 20 minutes, Aditya had to stop seeing a golden carriage. The carriage stopped 10 meters away from Aditya. A figure quickly jumped out of the carriage and kneeled before Aditya, not caring about the public.

“Your Majesty, it’s not appropriate for the King to walk on the street. Please get in the royal carriage and let me escort you to the Palace.”


“My apologies for the late introduction, my name is Carlos Lieven. I used to be the governor of Renestrae city.”

“You may rise.”

‘If I remember correctly Renestrae City is located near the North-west part of the Kingdom; near the border of the Nyland Kingdom.’

“Move out of the way. Another royal carriage is coming.” In the next few minutes, 5 more royal carriages appeared and fully blocked the road. In the end, Aditya took one of the royal carriages.

“Your Majesty this way” Carlos was familiar with the Royal Palace. After Aditya exited the royal carriage, Amber, Nathan, and Eleonor had come to greet their King.

After a long walk, Aditya finally reached the throne hall.


Additional Information: – Evershifting Stream, a river that originates from the Nyland Kingdom. The river flows through the Zulux Dynasty to reach the Istarin Kingdom and then later joins the sea.

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