Dragon Monarch System

63 Chapter 63

63 Chapter 63

The Kingdom of Thera, one of the smallest Kingdoms that shares borders with the Nepoca Kingdom in the east. In the south, the Kingdom shared borders with the Zulux Dynasty which is now known as the Istarin Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Thera is a small Kingdom that recently became a 3-tier powerhouse. In the past, when the Nepoca Kingdom and the Zulux Dynasty clashed, most of the time, their battles would take place on the border of the Kingdom of Thera.

The Kingdom of Thera was ruled by a storm dragon. Charles Bell, the king of Thera Kingdom was a Peak 2-star dragon. During the chaotic times when everyone’s forces were fighting, Charles’s father, the previous Storm Dragon who was a 4th order powerhouse managed to push off the enemies and secure land for their Kingdom establishment.

It was because of the 4th-order guardian that other big Kingdoms did not look at the Thera Kingdom. Unfortunately, good days did not last long as their guardian was attacked by a powerful curse that killed him around 70 years ago.

By that time, the chaotic situation in the Eastern part of the continent had calmed down. Everyone’s kingdom became busy trying to rebuild its powers.

Thera Kingdom was currently the smallest Kingdom in the Eastern part of the continent. Before the Zulux Dynasty was conquered, after the Istarin Kingdom, the Kingdom of Thera was the second smallest Kingdom.

The Kingdom did not have a complex political structure. The King ruled everything and did not allow any corruption to exist in his Kingdom. Despite its small size, the Kingdom was richer than some bigger Kingdoms.

The Thera Kingdom was known as the land of cold irons. Cold irons are used to make 2-star or 3-star swords or armors. The Kingdom had over 4 cold iron mines. After learning this fact, Aditya wondered why the previous Zulux King and the Nepoca Kingdom had not attacked the Thera Kingdom. The answer was because of a contract..

In exchange for a certain amount, the Nuland Kingdom decided to offer its protection to the Thera Kingdom for 20 years. Neither Zulux King nor the Nepoca King wished to offend the Nyland Kingdom so they had to suppress their greediness and not look at the Thera Kingdom.

Another reason why the Nyland Kingdom decided to offer its protection to this small Kingdom was because of geopolitics. The Nyland King knew that without their intervention both Kingdoms would attack the Kingdom of Thera and inevitably start a war between the two neighboring Kingdoms. Once the sparks of war spread, other Kingdoms won’t simply stand still. They would also surely jump in and join. This whole situation might result in another chaotic situation for the Eastern continent, which the Nyland Kingdom wished to avoid.

The Kingdom of Thera had 4 cities in it. Each city was located near the border. Located in the southern part of the Kingdom, near the border of the current Istarin Kingdom, the capital and heart of the Thera Kingdom; Vragos city.

Unlike other days, today Vragos city was on high alert. The security of the whole city has tripled. Not only that King Charles also summoned his 3rd-order general Ren as a countermeasure in case something went wrong during the meeting. King Charles might have a small Kingdom but when push comes to shove, he is not afraid of fighting for his Kingdom.

Standing at the top of the wall, both King Charles and his general and the commander of Thera Kingdom’s army, Ren both looked into the distance in silence. “I only pray to Dragon God that everything goes well in the meeting.”

“Your Majesty, I apologize but I personally feel that the chances of the three kings starting a fight are very high. This is the first time in centuries that the Kings of three big Kingdoms are having a meeting, that is also in a foreign land. Another reason why I think that a fight will start is because of the Istarin King.”

“What made you concerned about the Istarin King? The storm dragon asked. But he already knew the answer deep in his heart.

“Among all the kings in this part of the continent, King Aditya is the most aggressive one. From the news I received, I also know a bit about his character. That dragon King is ruthless and very aggressive toward his enemies. The thing that I most admire about him is that he is not afraid of anyone. Knowing his personality, I wouldn’t be surprised if he challenged the Nyland Kingdom.”

“Now your Majesty might argue why would he challenge a 4th-tier Kingdom that is on the verge of becoming an Empire?”

“The answer is simple.” Ren looked at the black dot that was coming in their direction. “It’s his terrifying power to defeat a 3rd order general while still being a beginner 2nd-order. Give that man a few more months, I am sure he will become strong enough to butcher 4th-orders of Nyland Kingdom.”

“Hahaha!” King Charles looked at the black dot that now had starting to get bigger. After laughing for a while, he looked at the black bird that was flying in their direction.

“Man like are born in once every thousand years. Ren, remember this, we can offend the Nepoca and the Nyland Kingdom but we cannot pay the price of offending a man like the Dragon King.”

10 royal carriages which were surrounded by 1,000 knights approached in the direction of Vragos city from the west. “Your Majesty the Dragon King is also here.”

The old king glanced in the southern direction. He saw 4 Wyverns flying in the direction of Vragos city. With his enhanced vision, he was able to see the figure standing on the back of 3rd-order Wyvern. “He is so young yet he looks so mature.”

At the same time, from the east, 5 royal carriages were approaching Vragos city. Sitting inside the 3rd carriage, the Nepoca King also glanced in the southern direction where he saw King Aditya standing on a 3rd-order Wyvern.

“So this is the man who was responsible for Sebastian’s fall and also defeated Easton.” For a brief second, his eyes flashed in fear. Unlike other kings, Aditya was very aggressive. If today’s meeting does not satisfy the Istarin King, then he was sure Aditya would personally lead an army to attack his Kingdom.

“If the current Nepoca King and the Istarin King fought who do you think is going to win?” Hearing the king’s question, the Prime minister felt like rolling his eyes. Even without Aditya, at this point, the Istarin Kingdom has grown to the point where they can annihilate the Nepoca Kingdom in less than a week.

“Your Majesty, I believe you already know the answer in your heart. I admit that sending 50,000 troops and Duke Easton to attack the Istarin Kingdom was a mistake.”

“Yes, who was expecting Aditya to travel from the Zulux Dynasty to the Vrane city within a day?”

“Your Majesty, I suggest you make peace with the Istarin Kingdom for now. We had a total of 110,00 troops. Losing 50,000 troops was a huge blow to your military power.”


“I understand. As long as the Istarin King does not touch my bottom line, I will agree with anything he asks.” This is how the world worked. The strong always get to dominate the weak. There were no such things as right or wrong. Before the war started, the Istarin Kingdom was dependent on them but now the whole situation has been reversed. It is the Nepoca Kingdom that was surviving on the Istarin Kingdom’s mercy.

Nepoca King’s eyes flashed in hatred and anger as he looked at the Wyvern who was about to reach the Vragos city. “Aditya, I swear one day I will kill and your Kingdom. Just you wait.”

“They are here. Open the gates.” Under King Charles’s orders, the 3 gates of the Vragos city were opened up.

From the eastern gate, all five royal carriages entered the city after a small checking. Charles had sent his right-hand man, Lewis to receive the Nepoca King and lead him to the meeting room.

At the western gate, King Charles personally stood at the entrance to welcome their biggest ally the Nyland King.

Before the carriages could enter the city, the King ordered a thousand knights to wait outside the city. The carriages then stopped at the entrance.

“No need to do any checking.” Saying that the King went to greet the Nyland King.

“Charles, it has been a while. You look stressed today.”

“Your Majesty, this is an important event. As the King, I have to properly receive our three esteemed guests.” As if sensing Charles’s worries, the Nyland king smiled and assured him in a serious tone.

“Do not worry. The meeting will go peacefully. The Nyland kingdom is here to oversee the whole meeting. Our Kingdom shall not interfere with the conflict between two Kingdoms. If both Kings fight, I will stop them.”

“Majesty, your words relieve me of my worries.”

“Hahaha! I always keep my promise. I promise to protect your Kingdom. I shall do that until the contract expires.”

Charles looked a little hesitant before speaking. “Your Majesty about the contract…”

“Since I am here, I will discuss the new contract after the meeting ends.” Charles nodded feeling very relieved.


Bonus chapter is coming!!!josei

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