Dragon Monarch System

68 Chapter 68

68 Chapter 68

“Watson, how is this month’s total revenue?”

“I don’t know the exact amount since we invested all the money in our treasury in various fields. But if I had to give you an estimated amount, then I would say about 500,000 royal coins.”


“So I only have 10,000 royal golds in my treasury which were left for an emergency.” Aditya felt like crying.

“Why did you use all of your money?” Julia asked while applying a special cream on his face which would heal the biting marks on his cheeks.

“Princess we just had expanded our territory. There were many times that needed to be improved. Also, King Sebastian hardly left any money to his governors. So I had to give some nobles money to start their plans to develop their cities. Of course, this would also mean that by investing, aside from tax, I would receive half of the profit.”

“Why didn’t you just sell the pills I made?”

“I plan to use your pills on the army. This month, King Ethan has contacted some of the neighboring Kingdoms in secret. I am sure he is trying to plot something against me.”

“So you’re preparing for another war.”

“Yes and also no. If King Ethan violates any of the conditions written on the non-aggression pact, I will strike back and snatch his pathetic Kingdom from him. Even if he doesn’t invade our Kingdom, I will still need a strong army to protect this Kingdom. Using your pills, the cultivation speed of the soldiers will be increased and some may be able to reach 2nd-order.”

“But what if those soldiers decided to betray you or do not wants to work for you after reaching second-order?”

“For that reason, I only choose the 700 slaves that we bought about a month and a half ago. As for others, if they want your mana-gathering pills, they will have to form a contract with him. The contract forbids the soldier from leaving the army until the soldier has provided the Kingdom with 15 years of service. The contract also makes sure that they will never betray me.”

“You’re really using your rune knowledge to the max.”

“Haha! This is necessary to maintain this Kingdom. I don’t want anyone to backstab me. If the foundation of the Kingdom is solid, then it can withstand any storm.”.

“Yeah, Yeah, let’s not talk about work. I don’t understand politics. By the way, do you remember your promise?”

“How can I forget my promise to my dear lovely wife? Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, we shall set out for our trip.”

“Good” Julia nodded with a satisfied look. She did not deny it when Aditya called her his wife.

“Your Majesty, do you want me to come with you?”

“Unfortunately No. Currently, you’re my unofficial Prime Minister. But as the Kingdom grows, soon or later I will have to find a suitable person who can hold the position of Prime Minister. And So far we are yet to find a person with that kind of qualities.”

“No problem. I shall remain here and keep everything in running in his Majesty’s place.”

“Thank you, Watson.” It was because of Watson’s help that Aditya was able to finish his paperwork so quickly.

[Move out of the way. His Majesty is here]

The people moved out of the way as the royal carriage entered the High tide Harbor city.

“By the way, Julia you asked me to have a meeting with the Seeker of Impurity guild leader. I still haven’t met her. With all the paperwork in my hand, I kind of forgot about her.”

“No problem. You can just meet her here.”

“The guild leader is here?”

“Yes, she told me that she came here to overcome the construction of their branch office.”

“Finally we here” Aditya helped Julia get out of the carriage. They stood in front of the unfinished castle. Only 1/4th of the whole castle was constructed.

“Your majesty, I suggest that you two stay at the inn for the time being. This place is not suitable for the King to live in.”


“Alright,” Aditya would have no problem staying in this Mansion but Julia will not be comfortable staying here. As her husband, he has to think about his wife’s comfort before anything.

“I and the soldiers will just camp around the castle and stay here for the night. Why don’t the two of you go and walk around the city?” Watson was giving Aditya and Julia some time alone by not going with them.

Seeing Aditya still hesitating, Julia took his right arm and said. “Don’t worry so much. In this place, no one can recognize you or me. This is the perfect chance to enjoy and relax.”

“Alright.” Before leaving Aditya gave Watson a Crimson red orb that had some kind of runes drawn over it.

“What is this?” Julia curiously asked.

“If there is any emergency situation just crush this Crimson orb using mana. Crushing this Crimson orb will send me a message. The range of this thing is limited to only 15 km. I will have to do some research before I can extend the range.”

“I think 15 km is also a lot. I will keep this orb with me all the time. Have fun, your Majesty.” Watson then left them alone.

Aditya looked at Julia who was still holding his right hand without realizing it. “Princess if you wanted to hold my hand, you could have just told me about it.”

“Hmph! I don’t want to hold your hand. I just did it impulsively.” Saying that she began walking in a random direction.

Aditya looked at her back with a smile that was full of affection. ‘The more time I spend with this fierce kitten, the more I came to like her as my wife. Even if her parents oppose our relationship, I won’t leave her.’

“Hey! Are you coming?” Julia turned around and asked with a blush.


“But the way, do you have money with you?” Julia blushed while asking for money. When she was living with her parents, she never lacked pocket money but after coming here the money she received was limited to 1 gold which was her salary.

“I have enough money to buy you half of this city.” Aditya felt a little embarrassed. In this past month, he was so busy that he forgot about giving his wife pocket money.

“Hmph! You and your shamelessness mouth know no bound.” Julia rolled her eyes and continued to walk toward a jewelry shop.

Aditya caught up to her and began walking with her. It was evening time. The streets were crowded. The fishermen were returning after a full day of fishing. Everyone was preparing to go back to their houses.

Children were running here and there and playing on the street. Just like Aditya and Julia, there were many rich merchants who came to this city with their families. The merchants came here to see if they could find good money-making spots. While doing that they bought their families to tour around the city.

“Do you want to buy jewelry?” Aditya has never seen Julia wear any Jewelry before. He was sure that his wife had no interest in jewelry.

“Since we’re going to visit our parents, I thought I would buy some local jewelry for my mother.” Julia said as she entered the jewelry shop and was followed by Aditya.

“My mother has a huge collection of jewelry. She loves to collect jewelry from different regions and Kingdoms.” She then turned to look at Aditya. “If she ever her whole jewelry collection, then she would have enough money to buy the whole Thera Kingdom.josei

‘Wow to think my mother-in-law’s jewelry collection was this big. I can’t even begin to imagine how rich Julia’s family is.’

“Are you shocked? Hehehe!” Julia’s charming smile inevitably attracted the attention of the males in the shop.

“A little. But one day I will become the richest Emperor in the whole world.” Julia smiled and said nothing. She was the type of woman who was not fascinated by money or wealth.

She believed that Aditya could keep his words and become the richest Emperor in the whole world. 45 days ago, Aditya didn’t even have the money to pay salaries to his 100 soldiers. But now the situation has changed to the point where the Istarin Kingdom currently has nearly 110,000 troops and the number is still growing.

“Who is this girl?”

“She is so beautiful.”

“I think she is new to this city.”

Hearing the whispers of males around Aditya, the Dragon King became very jealous. The King went to hold his wife’s hand and then glared at the men who previously were looking at her.

Julia’s face blushed a little seeing Aditya publicly holding her hand. She didn’t say anything. She continued to look through different jewelry while holding his hand.

“Good evening Ma’am. How can I help you today?”

“Can you please pack this jewelry?”

The shopkeeper was a little surprised. Most of his customers bought silver or copper-made jewelry. But these beautiful customers wanted to buy a whole set of jewelry. “Ma’am, I mean no offense but all these jewelry are gold. It will cost up to 100 gold coins.”

“Do not worry about money. Just pack everything, brother.” The shop was a young man who looked a few years older than Aditya.

Under everyone’s shocked gaze, Without waved his hand and 110 gold coins appeared before the shopkeeper. “Keep the extra as a tip.”

“Thank you, big brother.” The shopkeeper bowed with a sincere smile.

“No worries. Can you tell me a little about the condition of this city? I am planning on moving to this city with my wife here.” Julia secretly pinched his waist to remain him that she was not his wife. But Aditya endured the pain and kept his face straight.

“Big brother, I am sure how I should put this but the whole city is growing. So far a few bandit groups have tried to attack the city luckily our King had sent 5,000 troops to guard the city.”

“This city is peaceful. The food prices are not as high as in other cities. We can get cheap fish from the fishermen. Not only that, but our King also has built a public school here. I think this city is the perfect place if you want to live here.” Aditya nodded his satisfaction. He wanted to see how the people viewed him and also know if they were satisfied with the current development of the city.

As for schools, Aditya had made it compulsory for kids to go to public schools where they will be taught to write, read, and basic mathematics.

“Come again, big brother. Next time I will give you a big discount.” Aditya and Julia walked out of the jewelry shop.

“What do my father-in-law likes?” Since they had bought something for Julia’s mother, Aditya wanted to buy something for his father-in-law as well.

“Even I am not sure about that. My father does only two things. He either works or spends time with my mother. For now, let’s buy some local street foods.” Like an excited child, Julia pulled Aditya around.

After touring the city for 3 hours, finally both of them came to meet the Guild leader of Seeker of impurity. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with me?”

“No. I will just wait in my room. When you’re done, call me for dinner.” Aditya and Julia booked two rooms in the same inn in which the guild leader was staying.

“Alright.” After Julia left, a maid with neck-length hair came to Aditya.

“Please come with me, milady is waiting.”


Can we get some power stones and golden tickets. I am planning on mass releasing on this Monday

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