Dragon Monarch System

72 Chapter 72

72 Chapter 72

“Bad wolf, are you not tired?”

“Princess even if I am tired, this is no place to stop. Just a little more and we should reach the nearest city.”

“You know if you’re concerned about me, you can always feed one or two mana recovery pills. And also maybe give me a kiss which would erase all of my exhaustion.”

“Pervert, I am not doing any of that. I don’t care if you drop dead.” Aditya smiled and continued flying above the clouds.

After leaving Watson, early in the morning, Aditya with Julia in his arms flew off above the sky. In this part of the continent, only the Nyland Kingdom had a teleportation array. Meaning that both Aditya and Julia had to travel all the way to the Nyland Kingdom to get access to the teleportation array.

Normally traveling to the Kingdom of Nyland would at least take 6 to 7 days. Instead of slowly, the dragon king just decided to carry his woman in his arms and the sky above the clouds so that no one would be able to see them.

Under the light of the moon, as the cold breeze brushed off against both of their skins, Aditya continued carrying Julia at a steady pace. His face right now looked pale as if his face has been drained of blood.

He has been carrying the princess for more than 11 hours. Though both of them stopped for 15 minutes to have lunch. Even with the monstrous amount of mana Aditya had, flying for 11 hours while carrying a person put a great strain on his body. Right now his mana was nearly exhausted. His dragon wings were starting to feel slightly heavy.

Whenever he flapped his wings, he felt a slight pain in his backbone. He long would have run out of mana, if he had not eaten mana recovery pills..

Aditya moved his left hand to tightly hold Julia’s waist while he took out a mana recovery pill from his storage ring. “Don’t eat anymore mana recovery pills.” Julia stopped him with a serious look on her face.

“Why?” If Aditya stopped then their speed would greatly slow down.

“Do you even remember how many pills you have consumed this entire day?”

Aditya didn’t know what to answer. Rather than saving his mana, he continuously used his mana to use his skills to increase his flight speed. Whenever he was near exhausting his mana, he would take a mana recovery pill that would recover his mana in 15 minutes. The artifact of the wind fairy to gave him the ability to increase his flight speed but that wasn’t enough.

Aditya used his dragon wings, then used the power of the Bracelet of Wind Fairy to slightly increase his speed, then occasionally he used lightning dash which gave him another [100+] boost in his flight speed. Using all these powers at once increased his speed up to [450+].

“I don’t remember how many pills I have consumed so far. But why are you stopping me?” Aditya in a tried tone which he tried to hide.

“Idiot. If you take too many mana recovery pills or any kind of pills, taking too many of them at once is not good for your health. You can end up developing Black plague cancer a special type of parasite that will start you from the inside.” Aditya forced a smile and looked at Julia. Hearing her words, he was feeling a little scared.

“Are you joking?”

“Do I look like I am joking?”

Julia took a deep breath to calm herself. When she was with Aditya, this bad villain would always find ways to irritate her and make her sure her tamper. “The pills we alchemists or pill masters make are not perfect. At the end of the day, they are just artificial products that cannot be compared with natural products. Taking too many pills has many sides affect. Such has developing cancer like the black plague. Dangerous diseases like the Flashing Cold, Skeleton Madness, Hex Fatigue, Transmutation Cramps, Aura Madness, and many more can.”

“I always thought that cultivators cannot get any diseases.” The term cultivation always has been associated with immortality.

“Of course not. As you keep progressing through higher orders, your body, your soul and everything about you keep getting stronger and stronger. But that does not mean that you’re immune to diseases. Look the diseases that I am talking about are not normal diseases. We cultivators will never be affected by normal diseases. But there are hundreds of diseases which are developed naturally or either were made by some mad evil people that can only infect cultivators.”

“Taking more than 5 mana recovery pills every day puts you at the risk of developing black plague. And today you have consumed more than 24 mana recovery pills. Even if you have the blood of the heavenly crimson dragon, the black plague won’t spare you.”

“So from next time don’t take more than 5 pills unless you’re in a life and death situation.”

“Alright, I promise, Your husband will be careful in the future.”

“How many times I will have to tell you, I am not your wife.”

Aditya’s suffering ended soon as he saw a medium-sized city in the distance. The city was built on the top of a 40 meters high mountain.

“Let’s spend the night in his city.” Given how fast Aditya traveled for 11 hours, he currently was only 300 km away from the Nyland Kingdom. Currently, they were in a small Kingdom that was located on the borders of the Istarin kingdom and the Nyland Kingdom.

In this region, there were more than 20 small Kingdoms. Each Kingdom regularly fought each other to gain more land and resources. But in front of the Nyland, Istarin, and the Nepoca kingdom, these Kingdoms were nothing.

Using fake identities that Aditya had made for Julia and himself, both of them quickly entered the city. The guards were half sleeping while drinking alcohol. Just from seeing the condition of the city, it was clear that the city was a hub of criminals. The guards were allowing any random person to enter the city as long as they paid one gold.

While walking on the streets, Julia held Aditya’s hand seeing so many men staring at her. “Don’t think much, this princess is only holding your hand to get not separated from you.”

Aditya cautiously looked around. He can see that Julia’s beauty even though they were in disguise had attracted the eyes of hundreds of men who looked more thugs and addicts.

Around 70% of the population was involved in some kind of criminal activity. The soldiers and the guards were considered dogs that can be bought with money. As for the rest 30%, they were the poor and the lowest class people that suffered from the bullying of the criminals. Even the governor of this city himself had multiple bandit groups that robbed travelers.

“Here wear this” Unable to handle the stares of other men at her, Aditya took out a black cloak and put it around her. He used the hood to hide her body face. Julia obediently wore the black cloak. But little did Aditya know that his little action had attracted the attention of some criminals.

“It looks like this man has a storage ring on him.” To normal people, a storage ring was very expensive. Even the cheapest ring cost more than 100 gold coins while the princes of the storage ring could go up to 100,000 gold coins which were 10,000 royal gold coins.

The ring that Aditya had was given by late King Ahmed. The ring had 25 meters of space in it which was more than enough.

“Boss, the woman beside him also looks hot. Should we attack them?”

“No. I can’t sense their cultivation rank. It means both of their cultivation should be in 2nd-order. Trying to attack them directly would only get us killed.”

“So what should we do?”

“For now let’s follow them. Since they are 2nd-order cultivators, I think both of them should have some good stuff.”


“Welcome Blue Raspberry inn. Are you here to stay?” The receptionist was a young man who had a vertical scar on his forehead. The young man was about Aditya’s age. He had short brown hair and tan skin.

“Yes, we need one room and also dinner.” The young man looked a little excited when looking at Julia. But seeing her average face, he soon lost interest.

“One room would cost 100 gold. As for dinner, it depends on what you two order.”

“100 gold coins for one night’s stay. Are you crazy? Just look at your inn. This place is old shabby, broken, cracked and spider webs are everywhere.” Julia couldn’t control her anger anymore. Just like she had described this inn was in very bad shape.

“Leave if you don’t have any money. I don’t care. But let me remind you, it’s already 1 o’clock, all the inns in the city are closed by now. If you want to stay you will have to pay 100 gold coins.”josei

“Aditya, let’s leave. I would rather stay in the wild.” Julia was also extremely stubborn. Watson would usually deal with these kinds of pests and would never allow this kind of person to even come into her sight.

Seeing both of them were about to leave, the young man’s face turned ugly as he stood up and shouted. “Who said you could leave?”

“What else do you want?” This time, Aditya leaked a little bit of his killing intent making the young men sweat as he felt like he was being preyed on by a wild dragon.

“The outside forest is filled with magical beasts. I heard there are even Peak 3rd-order magical beasts roaming in the forest. It wouldn’t be safe for you to live in the wild.”

Aditya coldly smiled as he looked at the young man. “Thank you for your kind words.” How can Aditya not see that this young man was just trying to scar them and make them stay at this inn?

“Let go” After exiting the inn, Aditya and Julia decided to first find a restaurant to have dinner.

“Why did you stop?” Julia asked seeing Aditya suddenly stop walking.

“Because someone has been following us.”

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