Dragon Monarch System

83 Chapter 83

83 Chapter 83


Opening the door to the underground training room, Aditya found an old man sitting on the floor and drinking tea. The old man was wearing a simple white shirt and pants. The most eye-catching thing about the old man was his dark red eyes which looked very similar to his eyes. With a glance, Aditya knew that this old man was a vampire. The old man looked like he was about 60 years old or above. He had a long white beard on his chin and short white hair. The old man had a katana placed on his thighs.

Hearing the door opening sound, he put the teacup on the floor and then raised his head to look at the young man with long blue hair and a handsome face. “You must be Aditya, princess Julia’s fiance.”

“Yes, I am Aditya. It’s nice to meet you.” Since this old man was going to be teaching him, Aditya slightly bowed his head in respect.

“My name is Tobias. You can call me grandpa.” Julia also called Tobias grandpa. Tobias was one of Adam’s most trusted generals and the only runemaster of the Onard family. Tobias has been serving the Onard family for 3 generations now. In the Onard family, Tobias is considered an elder. Even Adam has to give some respect to him.

“Come and sit here.” With a wave of his hand, a small table appeared before Tobias. Aditya nodded and sat on the other side of the table while facing Tobias.

“You want to learn advance rune spells right?” The Dragon king nodded his head in response.josei

“You’re currently someone who has mastered the basics and now will start learning the advanced rune spells. How much do you exactly know about runes?”

This question itself made him feel a little confused. But after several seconds of thinking, he decided to answer the question using the knowledge he had of runes. “Runes are like mathematics. Just like with mathematics runes also keeps getting difficult with each level. Runes are a unique language that is used to control different forces of this world.”

“Hmmmm…Anything else”

“At my current level, I can make mana gathering formation, 2-star defensive formation, 2-star attacking formation, paper explosions, basic weapon enchantment, soul contract, and also fire attribute rune spells.”

“Alright, what do you think of runes?” This question only further increased his confusion.

“I guess I have made you confused. Let’s rephrase my question. How do you use runes in battles? Do you think that runes are meant for support or for combat?”

“I always have used runes are supportive tools.” Aditya used his knowledge to give runic enhancement to all the 2-star weapons in his treasury.

“This is where you’re wrong.”

Seeing Aditya’s confused look, the old man smiled and said. “Let me explain. There are all kinds of runes. Runes can be used for attacking, defense, and supporting. Supporting runes are the easiest to learn. While formation runes are the hardest to learn.”

“If you want to reach make 3-star runes you will need to choose what kind of rune expert you want to become.”

“You got 3 paths, supportive runes, formation runes, and weapon enchantment runes. Supportive runes are the easiest but it gets very difficult to master supportive runes after a certain level. As for formation runes and weapon enchantment runes, these two paths are very difficult to master.”

After thinking for a while, Aditya couldn’t help but ask. “Why I can’t learn all 3 paths at the same time?”

“Hahaha!” Instead of answering his question, the old vampire started laughing as if he had heard the funniest joke of the year.

After laughing for 5 minutes, the old man finally stopped. At this point, Aditya was frowning. He was confident that with his instant learning and adaptation skill and Rune Monarch class title, he can master all 3 paths.

“Boy, it’s impossible. Every 3 paths are like trees. Each tree will open new branches and leaves. Forget about mastering all 3 paths. If you can master even one path, you would become one of the most powerful runemasters in the whole world. I never have heard of anyone who can master all 3 paths.”

‘But unlike others, I have Instant learning and adaptation innate skill and Rune Monarch class. I don’t think anyone in this world has even heard of Rune Monarch class before.’

“Grandpa Tobias, can you tell me the name of your class?”

“My class is Rune Master.”

“Have you ever heard of a class named Rune Monarch?” It was then Aditya enjoyed the change in Tobias’s facial expression. He looked like someone who has been struck by a bolt of lightning.

“Wh….What did you say?”

“I asked if you know about Rune Monarch’s class?”

For the next 5 minutes, Tobias did not say anything. Aditya observed the changes in his expression. In the end, he looked disappointed and sad.


“Boy, from where did you heard this name from?” Tobias old eyes suddenly looked very sharp. Almost as if he wouldn’t hesitate to kill Aditya if he lied.

“I heard the name from reading an old book.” Of course it was a big lie. There was no way he would smile like an idiot and tell him about his second class.

“Rune Monarch is a mythical class. In the history, one one person ever had this class. But before that person could reach the peak, he was betrayed and then killed. If he had reached the peak by mastering all the 3 paths, he would have become the most powerful being in the entire world. That time was also considered a golden period of runemasters. It is said that person taught thousands of people about runes. But with his death the golden period eventually came to end end.”

‘I never knew this Rune Monarch had such deep history.’ Aditya felt kind of weird. He already had a heavenly dragon bloodline which no one in the whole world has. He now had a class that had the potential to make him the strongest being in the entire world. The system was very generous with its rewards.

“Enough talking. Since you want to master all 3 paths, I won’t stop you. But aside from weapon enchantment, I don’t have much knowledge about the other 2 paths. I have collected some books on other paths which I have kept in the library. You can take a look at those books when you have time.”

“I will be teaching you about advance weapon enchantment.” With the wave of his several 3-star weapons appeared in front of Aditya.

“There are many kinds of enchantment. Today

Just like any other day, Apogale city was lively as always. People were busy with their lives. But today was a little different. Unlike other days the citizen of the city had awakened by a noise of a thunderous explosion.

In front of a fancy restaurant, several girls were waiting with their boyfriends. “Do you know anything about the explosion that was heard all over the city?”

“I heard that general Eddie fought with Lord Adam’s guest. The fight was so intense that almost 80% of the castle was destroyed. I even heard that General Eddie was strictly punished by Julia’s father.”

“Speaking of Julia, I have so many questions that I want to ask her.”

“Yeah me too.” 3 girls chatted with each other while their boyfriends stood together waiting for Julia.

Everyone stopped talking as they heard the sound of a carriage coming toward them. The golden carriage eventually stopped and a figure in a dark green dress came out of the carriage. For a moment everyone on the street forgot to speak as they were stunned by seeing just how beautiful she was.

After getting out of the carriage, Julia and the girls hugged each other. “How have you been?”

“It’s been a long time.”

“You suddenly left without informing us.”

While the girls talked with each other, the boyfriends of those girls looked at each other. They haven’t seen Julia for 2 years and now she has become even more beautiful. She deserves to be called the Goddess. Neither of their girlfriends could even come near Julia in terms of beauty.

“Julia, let me introduce you to our boyfriends.” –

Aditya under the guidance of Tobias practiced for hours before Sophie called them to have lunch. Since the old man Tobias was a vampire, he did not join Aditya for lunch. He instead went to drink fresh blood from his human slaves.

“It looks like Julia won’t be joining us from lunch.” This was the first time Aditya was having food with Julia’s parents alone. He was kind of nervous and also a little awkward.

“Where is Zak?” He curiously asked.

“He is having a training session” Adam replied while eating.

“Even though Zak is only 7 years old, we’re making sure he at least gets some basic training from a young age which would help him build a strong foundation” Sophie explained the reason.

“By the way, is it hard to learn runes?” Sophie asked.

“No, it’s actually easier. Since I can ask any doubt I have to Grandpa Tobias.”

“That’s good. I am sorry Aditya but these two weeks we will be a little busy. Since Julia’s birthday is coming up, we have to prepare everything.”

“There is no need to apologize for that.”

After having lunch, Aditya offered to help Sophie in washing the dishes. But she refused and told him to just focus on learning runes.

After lunch, Aditya trained under old man Tobias’ guidance for a few hours before Tobias left as he had some work. “You keep practicing. Your current speed is too slow. You should be able to finish enchanting a 3-star weapon in an hour.” The current Aditya was taking almost 2 and a half hours to do the same thing.

Before leaving the room, Tobias turned around and looked at Aditya. Even though he looked very calm outside, his heart was like a violent tornado. When he was young, Tobias was called a rune genius by everyone. But today, he finally met someone that made him realize that there are bigger geniuses out there. Compared to those heavenly geniuses, his talent in rune could be considered average.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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