Dragon Monarch System

86 Chapter 86

86 Chapter 86

The return of the alchemy Goddess who had disappeared 2 years ago spread all over the northwestern region of the continent. The news spread faster than wildfire. Every big faction was very happy with the return of the alchemy Goddess.

About 2 and half years ago, the princess of the Onard noble household, the woman known to be the Alchemy Goddess, suddenly disappeared. At first, everyone thought that the princess was only taking a break. But when that break lasted for more than 3 months, once by one everyone began asking Adam and Sophie about Julia.

For a brief period of time, the whole northwestern region of the continent was in turmoil. Many thoughts that the Goddess has been kidnapped by a foreign powerhouse. Many even went far as to say that the Goddess has lost her ability to make pills. Hundreds of bizarre rumors were going around the kingdom.

To stop all the rumors, Adam had to step up and make a fake lie. He told everyone that Julia has gone to travel to other continents and won’t return for the next few years. But even after Adam said those words, those rumors never stopped. Some even said that Adam had sent Julia to the beast continent, to his 2nd brother who also lived in the beast continent.

Some crazy men even went as far as to go to the beast continent in search of Julia. Meanwhile, Julia was in the eastern region of the continent. Compared to all other regions, the eastern region was the poorest region of all. The eastern region was also considered a wasteland as the resources found in that region is very low and also expensive.

No one would ever think that the goddess was in the eastern region. While people made baseless rumors about Julia, she on the other hand was working as a maid.

When everyone was starting to think that the goddess would never return to the Dying isle continent, suddenly the news of the goddess returning with a fiance spread in all directions.

Knock! Knock!

“What is it?”

“Lord Adam, viscount Ronan is requesting an audience with you.”

“Let me in.”


“Good Morning, Lord Adam, I hope I am not disturbing you with my sudden presence.” Viscount Ronan who looked like he was 50 years old but in reality, his actual age was above 150 years. The man was 6 feet 2 inches tall in height and had a muscular body. He had a bald head and a clean shaved face. He was wearing black armor and was carrying a Katana on his waist.

Adam took a deep breath while looking at Ronan. Ronan and the house of Onard had close ties. Adam’s father and viscount Ronan were like brothers from different mothers. Both families had a close relationship. Even after Adam’s father passed away, Adam made sure to keep close ties with Ronan and his family.

“Uncle Ronan, please take a sit.” Since Adam’s father and Viscount Ronan was so close, Adam also greatly respected this man. Even though Adam was the Duke here, he made sure to address Ronan as his uncle.

Viscount Ronan sat down opposite facing Adam. “Lord Adam, I heard that Lady Julia has recently returned.” Adam secretly frowned as he felt a little strange with Viscount Ronan’s behavior.

“Yes, Julia returned a day before yesterday. Does uncle need anything from Julia?” Big nobles, rich merchants, and genius cultivators, all wanted pills from Julia as her pills were more effective and powerful. Before Julia left, every day a huge line of crowd used to gather in front of the castle. Everyone wanted pills made by Julia.

Instead of answering, the beginner 4th-order viscount Ronan sharply glanced at Adam and asked in a deep and serious tone. “I heard that Lady Julia has been engaged to a man named Aditya.”

Adam instantly understood why the hell, Viscount Ronan rushed to meet him early in the morning. The old man was here to ask him if the rumor regarding his daughter’s engagement was true or not.

Adam certainly did not like the way Viscount Ronan spoke to me or looked at him. But he did not show any displeasure as he respected this man who was called his father’s stepbrother. “I will not deny your words. I am going to make an official announcement on Julia’s upcoming birthday.”

Ronan instantly understood that by not denying his words, Adam was hinting to him that his daughter has been engaged. Adam was going to officially announce his daughter’s engagement on her birthday.

Ronan’s face instantly turned dark. “Why did you suddenly decide to engage your daughter to some nobody?”

Adam frowned as his eyes started turning cold and sharp. “Uncle I found a great man. Both love each other and care about each other. I don’t see a reason to get in their way.”


Viscount Ronan shattered the wooden table with a punch. “Adam, have you lost your mind? You’re marrying your daughter to someone with no background and no name just because they love each other. I thought you wanted to forge close connections with our family. I have been preparing my son to marry your daughter for ages.”


The Wild Lion has heard enough. Adam no longer restrained his Peak 4th-order Aura.


Ronan’s face instantly turned pale. His old body started shivering in fright.


The walls of the meeting room started cracking from the horrifying pressure of Peak 4th-order. Ronan realized that in anger, he had messed with the wrong man. Adam was anything but calm. In anger, he forgot that the one he was talking to was the wild Lion.

“I called you uncle because I greatly respected you. For years, I turned blind to all the illegal criminal activities that you and your men kept doing. Because my father called you little brother from another mother, I always made sure to give you the respect of a real uncle. But that ends from this moment.”

Ronan felt his very soul shivering in fear looking at those savage cold eyes threatening to tear up. “Unlike you bastards, I will never sell my children for political power. I will never sacrifice my children’s happiness with political marriage.”

Adam took a step forward while Ronan took a few backs in fear and then fell on the couch and looked at Adam in fear. “Not even I once, I have ever said that I wanted to marry my daughter to that trash son of yours. Yes, he might be a genius when it comes to cultivation but I am not blind. I know all the things your son does. Your so-called son is a playboy who sleeps with hundreds of women.”

“You said something about preparing your son to marry my daughter, don’t bullshit with me. I am not as greedy as you. I choose my son-in-law. Do you think I give a shit about your opinion? Your son is nothing but a useless piece of trash that only knows how to sleep with women.” Adam stopped as he took a deep breath to calm himself. Right now his heart was screaming at him to tear this man apart.

“Do you think I don’t know that behind our back, you and your family have been using my name to have your way? Well, guess what, that ends today. From this moment onward, you’re no longer the viscount of the Kingdom of Echo Dominion.” Saying that Adam grabbed Ronan and landed a right fist on his jaw.


Adam loudly shouted Eddie’s name. In a minute, Eddie came and kneeled before Adam. Seeing how angry the wild lion was, Eddie had a bad feeling in his heart. However, what has made Adam this angry was f**ked up for sure.

“Take 10,000 Knight riders and go attack Ronan’s house. Before 24 hours pass, I want Ronan’s entire family executed.”

“But Sire, attacking a viscount without a proper reason might backfire on us.” The King of the Kingdom of Echo Dominion won’t sit still when one of his dukes attacks a viscount without a proper reason.

“I already have a reason and also evidence. Just do what I have ordered you. Don’t make me repeat myself.” Hearing the cold voice, Eddie also shivered as he wiped the sweat on his forehead. No one was more dangerous than Adam when it comes to his family matter. Everyone in the Kingdom knew that his family was his sensitive nerve. Anyone who even thinks of messing with his family should be prepared to take the full wrath of the savage lion.

“Understood” Eddie was about to leave the room but then he heard a bone-shattering sound. Lowering his head, he found unconscious Ronan lying before his feet. Adam had kicked Ronan which sent the former viscount flying at Eddie’s feet.

,ᴄ-ᴏm “Take this bastard with you and lock him in the cell. Make sure this bastard is properly treated as I am going to slaughter him in a few hours.” Eddie, a beginner 4th-order cultivator trembled seeing how cold Adam looked right now. His legs already had started shivering. He dare waste no time and dragged his old man out.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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