Dragon Monarch System

407 Chapter 407

407 Chapter 407

As whispers of Aditya's double engagement spread among the noble attendees, envy, jealousy, and sadness swept through their midst like a tempest. Conversations, laden with veiled emotions, echoed through the halls as nobles grappled with their unspoken desires.

Lady Margaret, her voice tinged with a mix of envy and resignation, confided in a close friend, "Can you believe it? His Majesty now has two goddesses as his fiancées. It seems his blessings know no bounds." She sighed, her gaze drifting towards Aditya and his ethereal companions.

Her friend, Lady Beatrice, nodded in agreement, her expression clouded with a hint of sadness. "Indeed, it is a remarkable feat. To be chosen by Aditya is an honor beyond measure. Yet, it fills my heart with a twinge of jealousy."

A group of noblemen huddled together, their faces betraying a mix of envy and disbelief. One of them, Lord William, voiced his fears, "His Majesty already has two goddesses as his fiancées. I am starting to fear that his third fiancée might also turn out to be a goddess. I hope that's not true."

Lord Thomas, his eyes widening with concern, replied, "I share your worries, my friend. If that were to be the case, it would be too much for our mortal hearts to bear. We would surely succumb to a heart attack."

In another corner of the room, Lady Isabella, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, engaged in a conversation with her sister. "To think that two goddesses have captured Aditya's heart," she whispered, her voice filled with longing. "I had hoped it could have been me. Alas, my dreams shall remain unfulfilled."

Her sister, Lady Amelia, reached out to comfort her, her own voice filled with empathy. "Oh, dear sister, it is a bitter pill to swallow. But remember, there is still beauty and love to be found in our own lives. We must find solace in the joys that are within our grasp."

As the conversations continued, a tapestry of envy, jealousy, and sadness unfolded among the noble figures. Their longing for the affections of Aditya, now shared with two goddesses, permeated the air, a bittersweet melody of unrequited desires. In the midst of their emotions, they clung to the hope that the Emperor's announcement would not result in yet another divine match, fearing the overwhelming strain it would place upon their fragile hearts.

With bated breath, the assembled nobility awaited the next revelation from their esteemed Emperor. Anticipation hung heavy in the air, mingling with a sense of trepidation and restless whispers. And then, in a resounding moment, Aditya's voice thundered through the hall, "I would like to introduce my third fiancée to everyone here. She is the revered Princess of The Celestial Terrain, Riya Tombrook, and she holds the divine mantle of the Goddess of Nature."



As the words reverberated, echoing through the hearts and minds of those in attendance, a collective gasp escaped the lips of the noblemen. The realization dawned upon them like a bolt of lightning, their deepest fears manifesting into reality. The Emperor, their beloved Aditya, had not one, not two, but three goddesses as his future wives. It was an unprecedented revelation that shattered the boundaries of their wildest dreams, leaving them in a state of disbelief.

The impact of the announcement was palpable, as some noblemen, overwhelmed by the weight of the revelation, teetered on the edge of collapse. In that critical moment, their partners swiftly moved to their aid, steadying them and averting the potential embarrassment of a public fall. The partners' quick thinking and support served as a shield, protecting their loved ones from further distress.

Meanwhile, a sense of incredulity and astonishment permeated the room, as nobles exchanged hushed conversations, their words laced with a mixture of awe and unease.

"Three goddesses... It's beyond comprehension," murmured Lord Arthur to his trusted advisor, his voice tinged with a blend of disbelief and admiration. "To think that His Majesty possesses such divine favor. It is a testament to his unparalleled greatness."

Lady Victoria, her eyes wide with astonishment, turned to her companion, Lady Catherine, and whispered, "The Emperor's affections know no bounds. He holds the hearts of three goddesses. It is a testament to his extraordinary charm and power."

The revelation had sent shockwaves through the noble assembly, leaving them grappling with a reality that exceeded their most extravagant fantasies. The sheer magnitude of Aditya's fortune was overwhelming, testing the limits of their comprehension. And yet, amidst the tumultuous mix of emotions, the noblemen found solace in the support of their partners, who stood by their sides, providing the much-needed stability and reassurance in the face of this astounding truth.

Lord Edmund: "Have you heard the latest revelation, Lord Harrington? The Emperor's third fiancée is none other than the Princess of the Celestial Terrain!"

Lord Harrington: "By the heavens! I can scarcely believe it, Lord Edmund. The pieces are falling into place now. It explains why The Celestial Terrain cautioned the outside of the Dying Isle Continent's members of the Oracle Alliance not to interfere in this war."

Lord Edmund: "Indeed, my dear friend. It all makes sense now. The Princess of the Celestial Terrain's engagement to our Emperor holds greater significance than we could have ever imagined."

Amidst the splendor of the Grand Banquet, a symphony of hushed whispers permeated the air, weaving through the opulent hall. Conversations swirled like clandestine currents, fueled by bitter emotions of envy and resentment. The prevailing sentiment among the noble attendees was that this grand occasion had transformed into a stage for the Emperor to flaunt his trio of radiant fiances. The nobles, once immersed in the spirit of the festivities, now found themselves consumed by a bitter cocktail of jealousy and discontent.

As they clutched their ornate goblets, the liquid within seemed to lose its luster, leaving an insipid taste upon their tongues. Each sip served as a poignant reminder of their own unfulfilled desires and the stark contrast between their own lives and the seemingly charmed existence of the Emperor and his illustrious consorts. The once-favored delicacies on their plates became mere decorations, lacking the power to appease their troubled hearts.

The whispers multiplied, as if amplifying the collective bitterness that pervaded the banquet hall. Concealed behind false smiles and cordial exchanges, nobles found solace in hushed conversations, seeking solace in the company of like-minded souls who shared their sentiments of longing and discontent.

"This grand display of his fiances has turned this banquet into a spectacle," Lady Rosalind confided in a trusted confidante, her voice dripping with a mix of bitterness and resentment. "It seems the Emperor is more focused on showcasing his romantic conquests than on the celebration itself."

Lord Percival, his gaze fixed upon the Emperor and his entourage, muttered under his breath, his words laced with envy. "It is as if we are mere spectators in a theatrical production, forced to witness the Emperor's opulence and bask in the glory of his enchanting companions. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth."

Lady Amelia, her eyes filled with a mixture of longing and disillusionment, confided in a sympathetic friend, her voice barely above a whisper. "Oh, how I yearn for love as splendid as the Emperor's. To witness the joy he shares with his fiances, it leaves my heart heavy with envy and a sense of longing unfulfilled."

And so, the Grand Banquet, intended as a celebration of opulence and camaraderie, became an arena of concealed bitterness and simmering jealousy. The nobles, their spirits soured by the prominence of the Emperor's fiances, found themselves trapped within an unyielding current of discontent, where even the finest delicacies and most exquisite libations failed to offer solace to their troubled souls.

The collective hopes of the noble attendees clung to a single thread of expectation, praying fervently that the Emperor's last fiance would not be revealed as yet another goddess. The mere thought of such a revelation was enough to push them to the brink of their endurance, with some even contemplating the possibility of fainting right then and there.

"And lastly," Aditya's voice resonated through the hall, capturing the undivided attention of the assembled nobility, "allow me to present my fourth fiance, the esteemed Princess of the Great Starry Sky, Lara Murphy." A palpable sense of relief washed over the attendees as they realized that this time, the Emperor's choice did not involve the divine. Yet, their curiosity remained piqued by the mention of an empire unknown to their collective knowledge.

Whispers flitted among the noble figures, their gazes filled with intrigue and a yearning for understanding. Conversations, veiled by a facade of formality, sought to decipher the origins of the Great Starry Sky Empire and its enigmatic princess.

"The absence of yet another goddess brings solace to my weary heart," Lord Archibald confided to a fellow nobleman, his voice carrying an undertone of relief. "One can only endure so much astonishment in a single evening."

Lady Beatrice, her eyes alight with curiosity, turned to her companion and inquired, her voice laced with restrained eagerness, "Have you ever heard of this Great Starry Sky Empire before? Its existence, though fleeting, seems to captivate the Emperor's attention."

Her companion, Lord Reginald, nodded in acknowledgment, a thoughtful expression gracing his features. "Indeed, my lady, the mention of such an empire raises questions of its history and significance. It seems we are witnessing a glimpse into a forgotten era, one that beckons us to unravel its mysteries."

Aditya, attuned to the inquisitive gazes and lingering curiosity, adorned his countenance with a warm smile. "For those of you who harbor curiosity about the Great Starry Sky Empire, I shall elucidate its origin. Long ago, on the Beast continent, this empire stood resolute, though it exists no longer in the present day." His words hung in the air, beckoning the assembled nobles to embark on a journey of forgotten lore and to quench their thirst for knowledge.

Thus, the noble figures, momentarily relieved by the absence of another divine fiance, found their attention redirected toward the enigma of the Great Starry Sky Empire. Their conversations, bound by the decorum befitting the occasion, revealed a collective intrigue and an eagerness to delve into the depths of a bygone era, embracing the allure of forgotten history.

With the formal introductions concluded, Aditya's resonant voice filled the hall, commanding the attention of all in attendance. "Now that I have presented my esteemed fiances, let us proceed without further delay and commence this splendid event." As his words hung in the air, Watson, ever the attentive aide, swiftly retrieved a round table and an array of chairs, arranging them meticulously for the Emperor and his four fiances to take their seats.

Aditya, the epitome of regal grace, guided his fiances to their designated positions, a visual display of their shared bond. As they settled into their seats, the nobles in attendance followed suit, each finding their place at their respective round tables.

Careful consideration had been given to the seating arrangements, reflecting the status and rank of each noble family. The positioning of the round tables was a testament to the hierarchy that governed their noble society. The tables nearest to Aditya's distinguished gathering were designated for Duke Zayne and Duke Marvin, both esteemed figures who held the highest ranks within the Empire.

Whispers of respect and admiration permeated the room as the nobles took their seats, their postures reflecting the grandeur of the occasion. Each noble family occupied their designated round table, the placement a tangible symbol of their standing within the Empire's aristocracy.

As the banquet unfolded, a magnificent feast of epic proportions came to life, orchestrated by the skilled hands of countless maids. With seamless precision, they presented a plethora of delectable dishes, each a culinary masterpiece hailing from various corners of the Continent. The tables, adorned with a cornucopia of gastronomic delights, became a tapestry of diverse flavors, celebrating the rich cultural tapestry of the realm.

Aditya's esteemed butler, Watson, impeccably oversaw every detail, ensuring that the presentation and arrangement of the food were nothing short of perfection. His meticulousness brought forth a symphony of colors and textures, enticing the senses and kindling the appetites of the assembled nobles.

The spread before them was a sight to behold, a visual feast that mirrored the opulence of the occasion. From savory delicacies that teased the palate to luscious desserts that promised sweet indulgence, the fare presented on the tables was a testament to the culinary expertise and craftsmanship of the Empire's finest chefs.

Amidst this culinary extravaganza, the air was filled with melodic strains as a group of talented singers took the stage, their voices soaring with enchanting melodies. Their harmonies danced through the hall, captivating the hearts of the nobles, who indulged in the sumptuous feast while being serenaded by the angelic voices.

A noble, caught in the mesmerizing ambiance, couldn't help but express his admiration for both the singers and the tantalizing fare. Turning to his companion, he remarked with genuine appreciation, "Truly, these singers possess a remarkable talent. Their voices transport us to realms of beauty and emotion. And the food! Oh, the food is a feast for both the eyes and the taste buds. Watson has outdone himself, curating a culinary experience that surpasses even our loftiest expectations."

His companion nodded in agreement, savoring a bite of the exquisitely prepared dish before responding, "Indeed, every morsel is a revelation, a testament to the Empire's rich culinary heritage. And the singers, their voices evoke such deep emotions. This grand banquet is a true celebration of the senses."josei

The noble leaned back in his chair, a contented smile gracing his lips, as he continued to relish the extraordinary culinary offerings and immerse himself in the enchanting melodies, fully embracing the magnificence of the occasion.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

And this is the last chapter for today. I hope you guys are enjoying this arc. The next arc will be even more amazing. I have been planning that arc for a long time.

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