Dragon Monarch System

410 Chapter 410

410 Chapter 410

Hours melded into moments, and Aditya found himself immersed in a realm where time ceased to exist. The walls of his chamber whispered stories of the devotion and dedication that he put into creating this artifact.

Aditya was working on making a Crescent-shaped pendant for himself. Aditya's mysterious crescent-shaped pendant, infused with ancient enchantments, radiated an aura of otherworldly power. The runic inscriptions embedded within the artifact bestowed it with four unique enchantments, each designed to aid Aditya without veering into the realm of overpowering abilities.josei

The pendant has been made from Draconium. Draconium was a metal forged from the scales or bones of dragons, known for its heat resistance and affinity for fire-based enchantments. Aditya found this metal when he destroyed the Dragon Slayer guild. This metal was perfect for the Twilight Embrace.

After hours of hard work, he was finally done. He held the Twilight Embrace in his hands and stared at its description.

『Name - Twilight Embrace』

『Rank Peak 4-star Pendant (☆☆☆☆)』

『Description - The Twilight Embrace

History - In the Empire of Eldoria, there exists a legendary pendant known as the Twilight Embrace. This exquisite artifact was crafted centuries ago by the renowned elven artisan, Elysia Starweaver, who was renowned for her mastery of enchantments and intricate jewelry.

The pendant was originally created as a symbol of harmony and balance, representing the delicate equilibrium between light and darkness in the world. Elysia poured her heart and soul into the pendant, infusing it with the essence of twilight itself, a shimmering blend of dusk and dawn.

For many years, the Twilight Embrace remained a cherished heirloom, passed down through generations of the Starweaver family. It became a symbol of wisdom, protection, and unity among the elven people. Stories were told of its ability to enhance one's magical abilities and provide guidance in times of uncertainty.

However, as time wore on, a great conflict erupted in Eldoria, plunging the land into chaos. During the chaos, the Twilight Embrace was caught in the crossfire of a fierce battle between rival factions. The pendant suffered severe damage, its delicate enchantments shattered and its once-glowing gemstone cracked.

Though the exact age of the Twilight Embrace is uncertain, it is believed to be over a thousand years old, with the damage inflicted upon it occurring several centuries ago. The pendant now carries the scars of its past, a testament to the trials and tribulations faced by the elven people.

Despite its damaged state, the Twilight Embrace still retains a glimmer of its former power. Legends whisper that those who carry the pendant can still tap into its residual magic, though its abilities are diminished compared to its original form.

Today, the Twilight Embrace is a relic of history, a symbol of resilience and the enduring spirit of the elven lineage. It is carefully preserved within the Starweaver family vault, a reminder of the sacrifices made and the strength found in the face of adversity. The elven elders ensure that the pendant's story is passed down, keeping alive the memory of Elysia Starweaver and the legacy of the Twilight Embrace for generations to come.』

『Function 1 - «Emberstorm» - Emberstorm is an enchantment that harnesses the elemental power of fire to create a swirling vortex of fiery embers. When activated, the enchantment forms a visible aura of dancing flames around the wielder or the object it is imbued upon. Emberstorm is a captivating enchantment that combines both offensive and defensive aspects, harnessing the fierce power of fire to create a mesmerizing display of swirling embers. It grants the wielder a versatile tool for combat, as well as a deterrent against adversaries who would dare to approach the blazing inferno it creates.

- ⸢Offensive Capabilities⸣: Emberstorm provides potent offensive capabilities. The swirling embers can be launched as projectiles toward enemies, striking them with searing heat and causing burn damage upon impact. The intensity and velocity of the projectiles can be controlled by the wielder, allowing for precise and targeted attacks.

- ⸢Defensive Shield⸣: The swirling vortex of embers also functions as a defensive shield, providing protection against incoming attacks. The flames act as a barrier, deflecting or neutralizing projectiles, and absorbing the energy of magical spells or elemental attacks. It offers a temporary layer of defense, buying the wielder time to plan their next move.

- ⸢Area Denial⸣: The Emberstorm enchantment creates a danger zone around the wielder, making it difficult for enemies to approach. The intense heat emitted by the swirling embers acts as a deterrent, forcing foes to keep their distance. Stepping into the range of the Emberstorm can result in immediate burns or ignite flammable objects in the vicinity.

- ⸢Duration and Activation⸣: The Emberstorm enchantment typically has a limited duration, as it requires a significant amount of Mana to sustain the swirling vortex of embers. It can be activated by a command word, gesture, or a specific trigger.

- ⸢Enhanced Fire Manipulation⸣: Emberstorm grants the wielder increased control over fire-related abilities. It amplifies existing fire-based spells or allows the wielder to manipulate flames with greater precision and finesse. This additional fire manipulation can further enhance the offensive and defensive capabilities of the wielder.』

As Aditya perused the description of the artifact, he couldn't help but feel that it might not hold much utility for him personally. After all, he possessed the ability to achieve similar effects using his Crimson Flames. However, he pondered the potential advantages it could offer to a Mage with a strong affinity for fire on the battlefield.

The thought of a Mage with exceptional fire skills immediately brought Alicia to Aditya's mind. She was a Fire Mage through and through, specializing in unleashing devastating Fire-type attacks. It seemed fitting to bestow this artifact upon her, as it aligned perfectly with her talents. Aditya had crafted the artifact with the primary purpose of exploring the possibilities of the Draconium metal he had acquired from the Dragon Slayer guild.

Just as Aditya wrapped up his work, Julia, clad in her comfortable pajamas, approached him from behind. While he had been engrossed in his tasks, she had been pampering herself with a relaxing full-body massage courtesy of her personal maids.

With a gentle smile, Aditya replied, "Yes, I'm finished." He stood up, stretching his limbs and glanced appreciatively at Julia. She looked absolutely stunning in her delicate pajamas, the fabric softly draping over her alluring curves. His gaze lingered, igniting a subtle warmth within him.

Julia, being the caring and considerate wife that she was, suggested, "Before retiring for the night, you should take a quick shower." Her words conveyed her affectionate concern.

However, before Julia could fully register what was happening, Aditya had enveloped her in his arms. "No need to shower just yet," he murmured mischievously, "since we're going to do that anyway. We can enjoy a shower together afterward." His words caused a gentle blush to grace Julia's cheeks, a telltale sign of her delight.

"Pervert," Julia playfully admonished him in a hushed tone, relishing the subtle spark of excitement his words ignited within her. Deep down, she cherished those intimate moments they shared and eagerly looked forward to each and every one of them.

Guiding her back to the comfort of their bedroom, the Emperor playfully tossed Julia onto the plush bed. The night held the promise of endless possibilities for the young couple. With an insatiable appetite, they engaged in their passionate endeavors, their bodies intertwining for a remarkable three and a half hours without pausing. Aditya, being a Dragon, possessed a stamina seemingly boundless when it came to such activities. Once ignited, his desires burned fiercely, making it challenging for him to find contentment. Though he would never utter the words aloud, Julia alone couldn't fully satisfy his appetite. Often, after hours of intimacy, his beloved wife would grow weary, seeking solace in his comforting embrace as slumber claimed her. In those moments, Aditya would dutifully tend to their needs, cleansing their bodies and refreshing the bedsheets and pillows. The palace servants had grown accustomed to the routine of laundering the linens almost every single day, well aware of the fervent love shared between their Emperor and Empress.

Gazing at Julia's serene countenance, Aditya's lips curled into a wistful smile. Lately, this particular predicament had become increasingly vexing. Sleep eluded him unless he could find a way to alleviate his current state of arousal. "Even being a Dragon comes with its drawbacks," he mused, his thoughts filled with both amusement and frustration. Seeking solace in the cool night air, he made his way to the balcony, yearning to find respite and tranquility.

After approximately ten minutes had passed, a semblance of calm washed over him. Donning a freshly laundered set of comfortable pajamas, Aditya swiftly teleported to Alicia's bedroom. The Goddess of Fire slumbered peacefully, her features radiating serenity. Unable to resist the urge, Aditya leaned in and pressed a tender kiss upon her forehead, an affectionate gesture that spoke volumes of his fondness for her. Placing the Twilight Embrace delicately on the nearby tea table, he left a note beside it, bearing the words, "This is a gift. Keep it close always."

He omitted his name from the message, as it seemed unnecessary. Alicia, being the sharp and perceptive soul she was, would instantly recognize the source of this precious offering. Within the vast expanse of the Dragon Palace, there existed only one individual capable of traversing its corridors with seamless teleportation, and that person was none other than Aditya himself. Furthermore, he alone possessed the extraordinary skill of crafting such exquisite artifacts, rendering his identity unmistakable.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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