Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 159

Chapter 159

After sunset, Aditya and Alicia left the White Lotus guild. Aditya has learned many things about the White Lotus guild from Sylvie.

The white Lotus guild originally was founded by Alicia. But to prevent anyone from suspecting that the Ethereal Empire is trying to form a intelligent network, Alicia made Sylvie the guild leader. Other Empires wouldn't have let the White Lotus guild operate in their Empires if they knew that the princess of the Ethereal Empire is running the White Lotus guild. Only a few people knew that it was the Goddess of wealth who run the White Lotus guild.

The purpose of the guild was not just to make money. The real purpose of the guild was to collect information. Through the White Lotus guild, the Ethereal empire was keeping an eye on every major powerful Kingdoms and Empires. It was a necessary step.

As for the earning that came from the White Lotus guild, the Emperor reduced tax that the White Lotus guild has to pay. Aside from taxes, Ronnie does not take any of his daughter's earning even though his daughter is the richest merchant in the whole world. The Ethereal Empire was already very rich because of the large quantity of natural resources that the Empire had.

Also even if the Empire wasn't that rich, Ronnie never would have used his daughter's income. A huge chunk of Alicia's earning goes to charity; to hundreds of orphanage that was set up all around the Ethereal Empire. While the rest of her earning was reinvested to other continents. Even without being present on other continents, the goddess of wealth was already had large amount of wealth in other continents.

After returning home, Aditya had dinner with every member of the Osburn family. After dinner, the whole family had another meeting where everyone talked about various topics. Whether it was political topic or other kinds of topic.

"Aditya, your bedroom is next to Alicia's which is on the second floor."

"Aditya come with me."

After having dinner, Noah and Ronnie had went back to the Castle as they had some important matter to handle. While others went back to their bedroom to sleep.

,m "Do you have any problem staying in this house? If you're feeling uncomfortable then both of us can head back to the castle and stay there." While Alicia's family was very traditional and lived a simple life even though her family could have a luxurious lifestyle just like other royalties and nobles, Alicia wasn't sure if Aditya is comfortable staying in a wooden house.

"Its' actually the opposite. I feel very comfortable. I don't have any problem staying here." Alicia's family made Aditya very comfortable. He did not feel like he was the outsider here.

Even though everything here was very simple, Aditya liked it. Aditya can feel that the whole Osburn family was very close. Maybe living a simple lifestyle and living in a small house has bought the whole family even closer.

"That's good to know." While talking, both of them had reached the second floor.

After that both Aditya and Alicia separated and entered their own rooms. Aditya was happy that he does not has to share room with Alicia. Aditya is sure Alicia is also feeling the same.



Scene change_____


"Why I am even working so hard? Instead of laying on my comfortable bed, I am being forced to work. It looks this will be another sleepless night for me." Sylvie looked a little tired. It was impossible for a beginner 5th-order to feel tired after a day of long work. What Sylvie was feeling was mental exhaustion.

It was not easy to become the guild leader. With power, she also got lots of paper works as bonus.

"I wish I can find someone to take my place. I have been doing this for almost 9 years now."


The dark elf sighed one again. 9 years ago when she became the guild leader, all of her freedom was unofficially taken away from her. Since then she has been spending 90% of her time in her office.

All the profits that the White Lotus guild earned was divided. Alicia took 50% while Sylvie get to keep the remaining 50%. The only reason Sylvie had agreed to become the guild leader 9 years ago is because Alicia had offered to give her 50% of the guild's total earning.

Sylvie still remembers the day when a 10 years old girl approached her and asked her to become the guild leader. At first Sylvie found the girl's words ridiculous. But after learning the girl's identity and her tempting offer, Sylvie eventually agreed to become the guild leader. At that time, Sylvie also needed money. But now Sylvie is rich enough to buy the Istarin Empire.

Knock! Knock!

"Who is it?" Sylvie felt a little annoyed.

"My lady, something terrible has happened."

"You can come in."


The door was opened by a 30 years old handsome man. The man was wearing black T-shirt and black pants. Despite looking weak and skinny, the man actually was Peak 4th-order cultivator.

Issei was the name of the vice leader of the White Lotus guild. Issei had long black hair and he was around 5 feet 5 inches tall.

"What happened Issei?" Sylvie was frowning. Deep down she was wondering what made the vice leader of the white Lotus guild came up to her at late night.

"My lady, in the north there is a city called Black Wood city. I am sure you must have heard of it." Sylvie nodded her. The black Wood city that Issei was speaking of was a city of the Ethereal Empire.

The Black wood city was located at the northern border of the Ethereal Empire. What lied beyond the Black Wood city was the Heavenly Hemlock Forest. The Heavenly Hemlock Forest was filled with countless magical animals. The Heavenly Hemlock Forest was divided into three regions. The core region which is also known as the central region of the Heavenly Hemlock Forest was home to some of the strongest magical animals on the Westnia continent.

The magical animals that lived in this part of the forest were so strong that even Sylvie who was a beginner 5th-order, didn't dare go there. In the past any 5th-order that had went to that region has never returned. The core region of the Heavenly Hemlock Forest was also known as the forbidden land.

"Did some of the Magical animals attack the Black Wood city again?" In every six months to one year, a few thousands of magical animals attacked the Black Wood city. Of course the Ethereal Empire easily dealt with the magical animal attacks.

Issei gave a bitter smile and said. "Actually, this time, the situation is even worse."

"What actually happened?"

"A few hours ago, just as the sun had down down and the darkness had enveloped the Black Wood city. More than 100,000 monsters attacked the Black Wood city. At first we all thought that this was another attack from the magical animals with a bigger number compared to the other times."

"However, we have underestimated the enemy. It would be more accurate to say that none of us had anticipated the magical animals or the monsters to be this strong. Previous times, whenever the monsters attacked the Black Wood city, the strength of the strongest monster wouldn't be higher than beginner 3rd-order. But this time, almost half of the monsters had 3rd-order power."

"We somehow managed to keep the monsters from breaking our defensive line. But this all changed when thousands of 4th-order monsters showed up."

"Does that mean...?" Sylvie felt her blood run cold as her throat got dry. Her entire body shook as she tried to keep herself from showing any strong reaction in front of Issei. She bit her lips so hard that blood started coming out.

"Yes, My lady. Unfortunately, the Black wood city has fallen. Subtracting the number of people that we managed to evacuate in time, my guess is more than 1.5 million people and soldiers have died." Sylvie tightly clenched her fists in anger. She never thought that in a few hours time more than 1.5 millions of people would die in the hands of monsters.

"What about the people that worked in the White Lotus guild branch?" Every city in Westnia had a white Lotus guild branch office. Each of the branch office had a teleportation array through which the white Lotus guild transported goods from one branch office to other branch city throughout the entire continent.

"Out of the 30 people, only 19 of them were able to leave the city. While other 11 choose to stay behind and to hold back the monsters." Compared to the damage that the Ethereal empire has taken from this incident, the damage that the white Lotus guild had taken was neglectable.


"Alright, you may leave."

"Before I leave, I have another thing to report." For some reason, hearing Issei's words, Sylvie had a bad feeling.

"The monsters that attacked the Black Wood city were Fire ants. Other than Fire ants, there were no other types of monsters in the horde." Issei's words had caused a big explosion to take place in Sylvie's mind.

"What? I thought Fire ants were weak monster with 1st-order strength." A normal Fire ant around 0.3 to 0.5 meters big. They normally had the strength of Mid 1st order. While the queen had Peak 1st-order strength.

Fire ants were very easy and common to kill as they were weak monsters. No one in the whole world has heard of Fire ants having the power of 3rd and 4th-orders.

"My lady, we haven't found any answer. The strongest Fire ant that the survivors has seen was a Peak 4th-order Fire ant. The Ant was said to be around 2 meters big in size and had terrifying strength."josei


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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