Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 234 234

Chapter 234 234:- Army Of Dragon Monarch

Knock! Knock!

"Come in."

A middle-aged man with a few wrinkles on his face and emitting the Aura of a Dragon entered the room. The middle age man hid his entire body with a black cloak.

"So you were sent by the Istarin Empire?" At the end of the room, beyond the two red couches and the wooden table, a handsome young man with a vertically 3 inches long scar on his right cheek sat on the chair.

The one who entered the room was Watson, the infamous butler and also the current acting Prime Minister of the Istarin Empire. Not that many people knew who Watson was. But the man sitting on the chair with his hands placed on the table knew who exactly Watson was.

"Watson, Prime minister of the Istarin Empire. What do you want?" Today, Jaime Cleveland, who was one of the youngest generals of the Southern fire Dragon Empire received a letter from the Istarin Empire. Without bothering to let the black dragon king know about this, Jaime read the letter and then burned it to ashes.

Jaime Cleveland was 43 years old. Jaime was a Peak 4th-order cultivator. At the age of 17, Jaime joined the army. From then because of his talent and because of his hard work, he rose in the ranks to become a general. However, even though Jaime held the title of a general, he always received the treatment of being a side character. When Jaime became 38 years old, he became a general. Ever since he became a general, the black Dragon emperor has never given him any command. While all other generals were given tasks from time to time, Jaime was ignored. Without completing Tasks, Jaime couldn't earn any resources or any merits. After 3 years of being ignored, in the end, he was ordered to become a watchdog of one of the border cities.

The general was clearly very dissatisfied with the Black Dragon Emperor. Thanks to Alicia, Aditya has managed to learn Jaime's and others' stories. Basically what the Black Dragon King did was promote any soldier who became Peak 4th-order cultivator to the rank of a general. But 99% time, the black dragon King gave tasks to the 5th-order generals while leaving the Peak 4th-order generals without any usage. Just like Jaime, others in his position were also sent to become border watchdogs.

To Aditya, this entire thing was like a golden opportunity. Aditya sent his most loyal and trusted men to people like Jaime before he attacked the Southern fire dragon Empire.

"Jaime Cleveland, 43 years old but still single. I won't beat around the bush. Jaime, today I have come here with a proposal directly from the Istarin Emperor. Are you interested in listening to what I have to say?"

Jaime was a beastmen belonging to the wolf race. He was neither skinny nor fat. He stood at 6 feet tall and had light green wolf ears and whiskers.

On hearing Watson's words, Jaime looked very interested. "What offer?"

Instead of replying, Watson took out a small glass tube with a cork on it. As soon as the small glass tube was bought out, Jaime's eyes shined in excitement. The entire glass tube was empty, at the bottom of the glass tube, there was a small drop of golden liquid. The golden liquid sparkling.

"What is this?" Without even realizing it, Jaime was breathing heavily. His eyes were filled with greed. As a beast, Jaime can sense enormous power in this golden liquid. He had a feeling that consuming this golden liquid will turn him into a Beginner 5th-order cultivator. He would be able to break through his current cultivator realm in one go.

Watson noticed this and just smiled. The plan has worked. The fish has taken the bait. Instead of replying, Watson smiled and slightly shook the glass tube. "You see, the Istarin Empire has a big secret. This golden liquid has turned me and thousands of others into powerful dragons."

"So this is....."

"Yup! You heard it right. This is the blood of a divine dragon. This is the blood of the Dragon Monarch who is our King."


At this moment Jaime was deeply shocked by this revelation. Who didn't know that not too long ago, a Divine Dragon was born? But what was this Dragon Monarch thing? As a beast, Jaime knew that Dragons stood at the very top of all other races. And a Divine Dragon was a figure that was considered a god for Dragons and beasts.

"By drinking this, you will become a Dragonian of the Dragon Monarch. However, before you take this golden blood, you must sign a contract with us. A contract of non-betrayal. Once you become a Dragonian, you will become a part of the Istarin Empire. There would be no going back." Currently, Watson was taking a big risk. But after knowing how badly Jaime was treated by the Dragon Empire, he was sure that no man in Jaime's place can refuse this big offer. Only an idiot would refuse such a massive offer. And Watson knew that Jaime wasn't a fool. The wolf was a smart beast.

For a moment Jaime did not reply. The Istarin Empire wanted him to betray the Southern Fire Dragon Empire. Jaime wasn't born into this land. He has lived here for his entire life but all the mistreatment and disrespect that he was given here made Jaime feel that he should just quit. IN fact, he has been wanting to quit for a while now. But his fear of being hunted by the black Dragon King prevented him.

If he becomes a part of the Istarin Empire, Jaime would get power, prestige, and respect, and most importantly, the Southern Fire Dragon Emperor won't be able to do a shit about this entire thing. "Alright I accept."


Watson did not lower his guard. Under beneath that black cloak he was wearing Peak 4-star full body armor. He also had bought a Peak 4-star sword with him. Even though the possibility of Jaime refusing their offer was next to nil if Jaime did refuse Istarin Empire's offer, Watson would have killed him right here.

In the past few months, Watson's strength has grown a lot. He now had reached Peak 3rd-order. Even if Watson can't kill Jaime then the Dragons that he has bought with him would have done their job.



At the same time, 33 km away from the coastline, on a deserted island, there were more than 100 dragons standing before a figure with dark blue hair and Crimson pupils. After planning plans, Aditya had come to this deserted island and made a big teleportation circle. Then he called the Dragons that pledged their loyalty to Aditya when he had visited the Silver Meadow grove a few months ago. As for the Wyverns, they were left to guard the Istarin Cities.

"Today, I have summoned you all here because I have an important task for you all."

"Sire just gives us your order and we will even destroy this world itself." To Dragons, the existence of the Divine Dragon was similar to the existence of a God. Divine Dragons only existed in myths but all Dragons deeply believed in a Divine Dragon and thought a Divine Dragon to be their god. Each Dragon on this island was willing to die for Aditya's sake.

"I will give you all a drop of my bloodline so that you all will officially become the army of the Dragon Monarch."

"Serving the Dragon Monarch is the highest grade of honor for any Dragon. We were deeply honored to become the Dragon Monarch's soldier." More than 100 dragons loudly said those words.

Aditya smiled in satisfaction. He waved his right arm causing more than 100 drops of golden drops of blood to appear. Each drop of golden blood then fell on the forehead of each dragon. As soon as this happened, all the Dragon's bodies started shining in golden Crimson color. Aditya could feel a connection forming. It is as if a red string has connected Aditya with all the Dragons.


When the golden light dimmed down and then finally disappeared, what was left was silence. All the Dragons checked their new forms. Even Aditya was shocked by what he was seeing right now. The height of all the Dragons has increased by at least 4 meters. Their bodies have grown slightly larger. The most noticeable thing about the Dragons was the Red Star-shaped symbol on top of their head.

"I assumed, you all now have obtained the powers to gain human transformation. Transform with into Human. But be sure to cover your bodies with your dragon scales." Obeying their Dragon Monarch's order, white light enveloped the bodies of all the dragons. Aditya can see the shape and size of all the Dragons changing once again.

A minute later, 100 dragons stood in front of Aditya in their human form. The dragon's human form was very beautiful. Each of their skin was very smooth and milky white. Their hair color depended on the type of dragon they were. A fire dragon had Crimson hair, a water dragon had light blue hair, a wind dragon had white hair, an earth dragon had brown or black hair and a lightning dragon had dark blue hair. However, all of the pupils were black. The scales on their bodies had a slight mix of Crimson in them.

"It looks like some of your has managed to reach beginner 5th-order after evolving." Aditya noticed 4 of the Dragons who previously were peak 4th-order now have managed to reach beginner 5th-order. As for others, their cultivation also has improved a lot. The blood of a Divine Dragon was filled with power.

"Our aim is the Southern fire dragon Empire. You four will come with me. As for others, you all will give the enemy two choices surrender or die. If they choose neither, then just kill. Do not harm the civilians or unnecessarily attack the cities or towns. After you're done, send a messenger and then move on to the next city." Conquering the entire Southern Fire Dragon Empire would take more than just having a few million armies. Which is why Aditya was going to use dragons this time. Aditya also wanted to see how good his Dragon soldiers would do on a battlefield.

"You four come with me." Taking the four 5th-order dragons, Aditya teleported somewhere near the Southern Fire Dragon Empire's capital.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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