Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 276 276

Chapter 276 276:- Floating Island [Ii]; Wild Lion

Both Adam and Aditya stared at their duplicate versions. It wasn't difficult for Aditya and Adam to see that both duplicate versions possesses their powers and also their skills. Both of the duplicates had the same power as Aditya and Adam.

"This will be a troublesome fight." Aditya was still yet to fully explore his maximum potential. He never faced anyone who could take one of his attacks while being at his full power and surviving. Aditya thought the black Dragon King would be able to survive his full-powered attack, but to his disappointment, even he couldn't survive.


The next second, the sky above the floating island began to darken. Dark clouds containing Crimson lightning bolts began to hover above the island. Aditya and his duplicate version both summoned a storm. Summoning the storm has activated both of their passive skill boosts.


Heavy rain began to fall all over the island. However, the four cultivators remained completely unaffected by the rain. Adam and his fake version also got ready to fight each other. The only main difference between the real and the fake was their expression. The duplicates didn't have any expression written on their faces. Their eyes were very cold and held no warmth in them. Their eyes were the same as the eyes of the dead people.

『Ding! The passive boost of the Storm Marshal class has been activated. The host's mana has been temporarily increased by 50%. The power of lightning and wind-type attacks has been increased by 50%. Your Agility has been increased by [300+].』

Inferno Overdrive!

Storm Flight!

Lightning Armor!

Crimson Lightning Dash!

『Ding! You have activated Inferno Overdrive. You have entered into a berserk state. All of your stats except for Mana have been increased by 70%.』

『Ding! You have activated Storm Flight. Due to the storm, the agility boost from the Storm Flight has been doubled. You have obtained [200+] Agility points.』

『Ding! You have activated the Lightning Armor. Your defense has been increased. You have obtained [100+] strength.』

『Ding! You have activated Crimson Lightning Dash. By consuming [20+] mana per second, you have obtained [200+] agility points.』

When Aditya activated all these passive skills, he messages from the system that he ignored and focused on his fake version who also had activated the same passive skills. Right now both Aditya's Aura had reached a terrifying level. Both of them had become so strong that they can easily take on Peak 5th-order cultivators. There is no doubt that Adam as well as his fake versions found it hard to stand near both the fake and the real Aditya because of their respective terrifying auras.

'Just how much did his powers grow over these last few months?' Aditya had no choice but to move away from Aditya as he couldn't stand Aditya's Aura even though he was a 4th-order cultivator. As Adam and everyone else remembers, Aditya left an imprint on Adam and in everyone else's minds when he fought to help them fight the globin invasion with his terrifying powers; he had kept breaking the boundaries of their imagination and doing things they thought would be impossible after time after time, which left a deep impression on everyone's mind and in everyone's mind.

Back then Aditya had just reached 3rd order, and at that time had managed to accomplish something that everyone thought to be impossible. By fortune, his dragon bloodline reached the divine rank. In the course of that battle, his powers grew so strong that he was almost able to kill the 5th-order Goblin King as well as annihilate all the millions of goblins that came out of the dungeon at the same time. Now that Aditya had reached Mid-3rd-order, Adam could only imagine just how much power would have grown.

"Father, you take of this, I will take care of him." Saying that Aditya and his fake self both disappeared at the same time.


Adam only saw Crimson lightning before Aditya disappeared into the forest. After Aditya left, Adam stared at his fake self. "This is going to take a while." Adam cracked his neck as he finally let his Aura and his killing intent ran wild. Adam was called the Wild Lion of the Echo Dominion for no apparent reason. It has been a while since Aditya had let his powers run wild. Since the goblin invasion, he has been busy trying to recover the damage that his territory took during the invasion.

The aftermath of the goblin Invasion left more than twenty thousand people jobless and also homeless. Though the Emperor sent him relief aid support, Adam still had to do a lot of work.

"A few months of not fighting has made my body rusted."


As if someone has removed the lid that was holding all the dark miasma. All the dark killing intent that has been suppressed in that bottle came out. The next second, a big part of the forest was covered in black miasma. Black fog from both Adam covered a big part of the forest. In spite of the fact that Adam was fighting the goblins at the goblin invasion, he never let his killing intent run wild since he knew that this would negatively affect his comrades and allies as well as himself. People with a weaker minds wouldn't be able to survive his killing intent.

It was with his favorite great sword that the wild lion rushed towards his fake version in an attempt to see whether his fake version could actually allow him to enjoy the battle without having to hold himself.

The fake Adam also rushed at Adam. The next second the sound of metal great swords colliding was heard.


As both of their attacks clashed, the earth beneath them cracked before forming a few inches deep crater. While the trees around them were blown away just from the impact of both swords clashing.

Adam had a wild savagery grin on his face as he stared at his fake self who showed no emotion at all. This was the Adam that didn't care about anyone or anything. Adam always hid this part of him even from his children as he didn't want to scare anyone in his family. After his marriage, only a few rare beings have seen this side of Adam. But strangely, his gentle-looking wife, Sophia fell for Adam after seeing him fight in a wild way.

"Interesting. Show me what else you can do." Adam was a man who loved challenges. Before he got married and Sophia managed to tame the wild lion, Adam was a person who couldn't be controlled by anything. He was truly wild. He wouldn't care if he was going to offend a noble or a rich merchant or the commander of the Empire or the Emperor himself if it meant that he could fight a strong opponent.

Adam tightened his hold on the great sword causing his muscles to bulge and his veins to appear all over his arms. To make his attack even more deadly, he even added his mana to the great sword causing the dark great sword to glow in a dark purple color.

Adam's Fake version also did the same. The next moment both of them diagonally swung their swords.


This time a powerful clanging sound was heard all over the area. The impact generated when both of their attacks clashed destroyed anything within 10 meters of range. Even the ground itself cracked like shattered glass before forming a 5 meters deep crater. The power behind both of their attacks was so strong that even both of them were forced to take a few steps back from the impact.

After the attack, Adam looked down and stared at his arms which were slightly trembling. The impact of the attack had left his arms numb for a few seconds. Seeing this another wild grin appeared on Adam's face.

"This is the true thrill of battle. The pain is just a spice that makes the whole thing even more exciting and thrilling. This is the type of battle I have always wanted. Bring me more." Adam loudly roared like a lion before once again charging at his fake self. The fake Adam also charged Adam.



Once again both of their great swords clashed, creaking sparks in the process. The impact of their attacks once again caused damage to this island and its land.





Over the next ten seconds, both of their great swords repeatedly clashed. After a certain point, Adam felt the bones of his arms begin to crack from the repeated impact. His hands were in great pain and sometimes he would even feel numb. However, this pain is exactly what that excited Adam even further.

"Let's take things to the next level, shall we?" Saying that Adam disappeared.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!josei

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